This is the complete list of members for Barotrauma.AIObjective, including all inherited members.
Abandon | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
Abandoned | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
AbandonWhenCannotCompleteSubjectives | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
AbortCondition | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
Act(float deltaTime) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protectedpure virtual |
AddSubObjective(AIObjective objective, bool addFirst=false) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
AIObjective(Character character, AIObjectiveManager objectiveManager, float priorityModifier, Identifier option=default) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
AllowAutomaticItemUnequipping | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
AllowInAnySub | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
AllowInFriendlySubs | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
AllowMultipleInstances | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
AllowOutsideSubmarine | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
AllowSubObjectiveSorting | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
AllowWhileHandcuffed | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
BasePriority | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
CalculatePriority() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
CanBeCompleted | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
CanEquip(Character character, Item item, bool allowWearing) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protectedstatic |
CanEquip(Item item, bool allowWearing) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protected |
character | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
CheckObjectiveSpecific() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protectedpure virtual |
Completed | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
ConcurrentObjectives | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
CumulatedDevotion | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protected |
CurrentSubObjective | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
DebugTag | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
Deselected | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
Devotion | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
ForceHighestPriority | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
ForceRun | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
ForceWalk | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
GetActiveObjective() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
GetPriority() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protectedvirtual |
GetSubObjectivesRecursive(bool includingSelf=false) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
HandleNonAllowed() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protected |
HumanAIController | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protected |
Identifier | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
IgnoreAtOutpost | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
IgnoreUnsafeHulls | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
IsAllowed | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
IsCompleted | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
IsDuplicate< T >(T otherObjective) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | virtual |
IsIgnoredAtOutpost() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
IsLoop | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
KeepDivingGearOn | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
KeepDivingGearOnAlsoWhenInactive | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
MaxDevotion | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protected |
objectiveManager | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
OnAbandon() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protectedvirtual |
OnCompleted() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protectedvirtual |
OnDeselected() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | virtual |
OnSelected() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | virtual |
Option | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
PathSteering | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protected |
PrioritizeIfSubObjectivesActive | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
Priority | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
PriorityModifier | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
RemoveSubObjective< T >(ref T objective) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
Reset() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | virtual |
Selected | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
SortSubObjectives() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
SpeakAfterOrderReceived() | Barotrauma.AIObjective | virtual |
SteeringManager | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protected |
SubObjectives | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
subObjectives | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protected |
SyncRemovedObjectives< T1, T2 >(Dictionary< T1, T2 > dictionary, IEnumerable< T1 > collection) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protected |
TryAddSubObjective< T >(ref T objective, Func< T > constructor, Action onCompleted=null, Action onAbandon=null) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | protected |
TryComplete(float deltaTime) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | |
Update(float deltaTime) | Barotrauma.AIObjective | virtual |