Barotrauma Server Doc
This is the complete list of members for Barotrauma.BackgroundSection, including all inherited members.
BackgroundSection(Rectangle rect, ushort index, ushort rowIndex) | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
BackgroundSection(Rectangle rect, ushort index, float colorStrength, Color color, ushort rowIndex) | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
Color | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
ColorStrength | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
DirtColor | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
GetStrengthAdjustedColor() | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
Index | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
LerpColor(Color to, float amount) | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
Noise | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
Rect | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
RowIndex | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
SetColor(Color color) | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection | |
SetColorStrength(float colorStrength) | Barotrauma.BackgroundSection |