Barotrauma Server Doc
Barotrauma.Either< T, U > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Barotrauma.Either< T, U >, including all inherited members.

Equals(object? obj)Barotrauma.Either< T, U >pure virtual
GetHashCode()Barotrauma.Either< T, U >pure virtual
operator Either< T, U >(T t)Barotrauma.Either< T, U >static
operator Either< T, U >(U u)Barotrauma.Either< T, U >static
operator T(Either< T, U > e)Barotrauma.Either< T, U >explicitstatic
operator U(Either< T, U > e)Barotrauma.Either< T, U >explicitstatic
operator!=(Either< T, U >? a, Either< T, U >? b)Barotrauma.Either< T, U >static
operator==(Either< T, U >? a, Either< T, U >? b)Barotrauma.Either< T, U >static
ToString()Barotrauma.Either< T, U >pure virtual
TryCast< V >(out V v)Barotrauma.Either< T, U >pure virtual
TryGet(out T t)Barotrauma.Either< T, U >pure virtual
TryGet(out U u)Barotrauma.Either< T, U >pure virtual