Client LuaCsForBarotrauma
2 using FarseerPhysics;
3 using FarseerPhysics.Dynamics;
4 using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
5 using System;
6 using System.Collections.Generic;
7 using System.Xml.Linq;
8 using LimbParams = Barotrauma.RagdollParams.LimbParams;
9 using ColliderParams = Barotrauma.RagdollParams.ColliderParams;
11 namespace Barotrauma
12 {
13  class PosInfo
14  {
15  public Vector2 Position
16  {
17  get;
18  private set;
19  }
21  public float? Rotation
22  {
23  get;
24  private set;
25  }
27  public Vector2 LinearVelocity
28  {
29  get;
30  private set;
31  }
33  public float? AngularVelocity
34  {
35  get;
36  private set;
37  }
39  public readonly float Timestamp;
40  public readonly UInt16 ID;
42  public PosInfo(Vector2 pos, float? rotation, Vector2 linearVelocity, float? angularVelocity, float time)
43  : this(pos, rotation, linearVelocity, angularVelocity, 0, time)
44  {
45  }
47  public PosInfo(Vector2 pos, float? rotation, Vector2 linearVelocity, float? angularVelocity, UInt16 ID)
48  : this(pos, rotation, linearVelocity, angularVelocity, ID, 0.0f)
49  {
50  }
52  protected PosInfo(Vector2 pos, float? rotation, Vector2 linearVelocity, float? angularVelocity, UInt16 ID, float time)
53  {
54  Position = pos;
55  Rotation = rotation;
56  LinearVelocity = linearVelocity;
57  AngularVelocity = angularVelocity;
59  this.ID = ID;
60  Timestamp = time;
61  }
63  public void TransformOutToInside(Submarine submarine)
64  {
65  //transform outside coordinates to in-sub coordinates
66  Position -= ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(submarine.Position);
67  }
69  public void TransformInToOutside()
70  {
71  var sub = Submarine.FindContainingInLocalCoordinates(ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(Position));
72  if (sub != null)
73  {
74  Position += ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(sub.Position);
75  }
76  }
78  public void Translate(Vector2 posAmount,float rotationAmount)
79  {
80  Position += posAmount; Rotation += rotationAmount;
81  }
82  }
84  partial class PhysicsBody
85  {
86  public enum Shape
87  {
88  Circle, Rectangle, Capsule, HorizontalCapsule
89  };
91  public const float MinDensity = 0.01f;
92  public const float DefaultAngularDamping = 5.0f;
94  private static readonly List<PhysicsBody> list = new List<PhysicsBody>();
95  public static List<PhysicsBody> List
96  {
97  get { return list; }
98  }
100  protected Vector2 prevPosition;
101  protected float prevRotation;
103  protected Vector2? targetPosition;
104  protected float? targetRotation;
106  private Vector2 drawPosition;
107  private float drawRotation;
109  public bool Removed
110  {
111  get;
112  private set;
113  }
115  public Vector2 LastSentPosition
116  {
117  get;
118  private set;
119  }
121  private Shape bodyShape;
122  public float Height { get; private set; }
123  public float Width { get; private set; }
124  public float Radius { get; private set; }
126  private readonly float density;
128  //the direction the item is facing (for example, a gun has to be
129  //flipped horizontally if the Character holding it turns around)
130  float dir = 1.0f;
132  private Vector2 drawOffset;
133  private float rotationOffset;
135  private float lastProcessedNetworkState;
137  public float? PositionSmoothingFactor;
140  {
141  get { return bodyShape; }
142  }
144  public Vector2? TargetPosition
145  {
146  get { return targetPosition; }
147  set
148  {
149  if (value == null)
150  {
151  targetPosition = null;
152  }
153  else
154  {
155  if (!IsValidValue(value.Value, "target position", -1e5f, 1e5f)) return;
156  targetPosition = new Vector2(
157  MathHelper.Clamp(((Vector2)value).X, -10000.0f, 10000.0f),
158  MathHelper.Clamp(((Vector2)value).Y, -10000.0f, 10000.0f));
159  }
160  }
161  }
163  public float? TargetRotation
164  {
165  get { return targetRotation; }
166  set
167  {
168  if (value == null)
169  {
170  targetRotation = null;
171  }
172  else
173  {
174  if (!IsValidValue(value.Value, "target rotation")) return;
175  targetRotation = value;
176  }
178  }
179  }
181  public Vector2 DrawPosition
182  {
183  get { return Submarine == null ? drawPosition : drawPosition + Submarine.DrawPosition; }
184  }
186  public float DrawRotation
187  {
188  get { return drawRotation; }
189  }
193  public float Dir
194  {
195  get { return dir; }
196  set { dir = value; }
197  }
199  private bool isEnabled = true;
200  private bool isPhysEnabled = true;
202  public bool Enabled
203  {
204  get { return isEnabled; }
205  set
206  {
207  isEnabled = value;
208  try
209  {
210  if (isEnabled) FarseerBody.Enabled = isPhysEnabled; else FarseerBody.Enabled = false;
211  }
212  catch (Exception e)
213  {
214  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Exception in PhysicsBody.Enabled = " + value + " (" + isPhysEnabled + ")", e);
215  if (UserData != null) DebugConsole.NewMessage("PhysicsBody UserData: " + UserData.GetType().ToString(), Color.Red);
216  if (GameMain.World.ContactManager == null) DebugConsole.NewMessage("ContactManager is null!", Color.Red);
217  else if (GameMain.World.ContactManager.BroadPhase == null) DebugConsole.NewMessage("Broadphase is null!", Color.Red);
218  if (FarseerBody.FixtureList == null) DebugConsole.NewMessage("FixtureList is null!", Color.Red);
220  if (UserData is Entity entity)
221  {
222  DebugConsole.NewMessage("Entity \"" + entity.ToString() + "\" removed!", Color.Red);
223  }
224  }
225  }
226  }
228  public bool PhysEnabled
229  {
230  get { return FarseerBody.Enabled; }
231  set
232  {
233  isPhysEnabled = value;
234  if (Enabled)
235  {
236  FarseerBody.Enabled = value;
237  }
238  }
239  }
241  public Vector2 SimPosition
242  {
243  get { return FarseerBody.Position; }
244  }
246  public Vector2 Position
247  {
248  get { return ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(FarseerBody.Position); }
249  }
256  public Vector2 PrevPosition
257  {
258  get { return prevPosition; }
259  }
261  public float Rotation
262  {
263  get { return FarseerBody.Rotation; }
264  }
271  public float TransformRotation(float rotation) => TransformRotation(rotation, dir);
273  public static float TransformRotation(float rot, float dir) => dir < 0 ? rot - MathHelper.Pi : rot;
275  public Vector2 LinearVelocity
276  {
277  get { return FarseerBody.LinearVelocity; }
278  set
279  {
280  if (!IsValidValue(value, "velocity", -1000.0f, 1000.0f)) return;
281  FarseerBody.LinearVelocity = value;
282  }
283  }
285  public float AngularVelocity
286  {
287  get { return FarseerBody.AngularVelocity; }
288  set
289  {
290  if (!IsValidValue(value, "angular velocity", -1000f, 1000f)) return;
291  FarseerBody.AngularVelocity = value;
292  }
293  }
295  public float Mass
296  {
297  get { return FarseerBody.Mass; }
298  }
300  public float Density
301  {
302  get { return density; }
303  }
305  public Body FarseerBody { get; private set; }
307  public object UserData
308  {
309  get { return FarseerBody.UserData; }
310  set { FarseerBody.UserData = value; }
311  }
313  public float Friction
314  {
315  set { FarseerBody.Friction = value; }
316  }
319  {
320  get { return FarseerBody.BodyType; }
321  set { FarseerBody.BodyType = value; }
322  }
324  private Category _collisionCategories;
326  public Category CollisionCategories
327  {
328  set
329  {
330  _collisionCategories = value;
331  FarseerBody.CollisionCategories = value;
332  }
333  get
334  {
335  return _collisionCategories;
336  }
337  }
339  private Category _collidesWith;
340  public Category CollidesWith
341  {
342  set
343  {
344  _collidesWith = value;
345  FarseerBody.CollidesWith = value;
346  }
347  get
348  {
349  return _collidesWith;
350  }
351  }
357  {
358  get => _suppressSmoothRotationCalls;
359  set
360  {
361  _suppressSmoothRotationCalls = value;
362  smoothRotationSuppressionCounter = 0;
363  }
364  }
366  private bool _suppressSmoothRotationCalls;
367  private int smoothRotationSuppressionCounter;
369  public PhysicsBody(XElement element, float scale = 1.0f, bool findNewContacts = true) : this(element, Vector2.Zero, scale, findNewContacts: findNewContacts) { }
370  public PhysicsBody(ColliderParams cParams, bool findNewContacts = true) : this(cParams, Vector2.Zero, findNewContacts) { }
371  public PhysicsBody(LimbParams lParams, bool findNewContacts = true) : this(lParams, Vector2.Zero, findNewContacts) { }
373  public PhysicsBody(float width, float height, float radius, float density, BodyType bodyType, Category collisionCategory, Category collidesWith, bool findNewContacts = true)
374  {
375  density = Math.Max(density, MinDensity);
376  CreateBody(width, height, radius, density, bodyType, collisionCategory, collidesWith, findNewContacts);
377  LastSentPosition = FarseerBody.Position;
378  list.Add(this);
379  }
381  public PhysicsBody(Body farseerBody)
382  {
383  FarseerBody = farseerBody;
384  if (FarseerBody.UserData == null) { FarseerBody.UserData = this; }
385  LastSentPosition = FarseerBody.Position;
386  list.Add(this);
387  }
389  public PhysicsBody(ColliderParams colliderParams, Vector2 position, bool findNewContacts = true)
390  {
391  float radius = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(colliderParams.Radius) * colliderParams.Ragdoll.LimbScale;
392  float height = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(colliderParams.Height) * colliderParams.Ragdoll.LimbScale;
393  float width = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(colliderParams.Width) * colliderParams.Ragdoll.LimbScale;
394  density = Physics.NeutralDensity;
395  CreateBody(width, height, radius, density, colliderParams.BodyType,
396  Physics.CollisionCharacter,
397  Physics.CollisionWall | Physics.CollisionLevel,
398  findNewContacts);
399  FarseerBody.AngularDamping = DefaultAngularDamping;
400  FarseerBody.FixedRotation = true;
401  FarseerBody.Friction = 0.05f;
402  FarseerBody.Restitution = 0.05f;
403  SetTransformIgnoreContacts(position, 0.0f);
404  LastSentPosition = position;
405  list.Add(this);
406  }
408  public PhysicsBody(LimbParams limbParams, Vector2 position, bool findNewContacts = true)
409  {
410  float radius = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(limbParams.Radius) * limbParams.Scale * limbParams.Ragdoll.LimbScale;
411  float height = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(limbParams.Height) * limbParams.Scale * limbParams.Ragdoll.LimbScale;
412  float width = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(limbParams.Width) * limbParams.Scale * limbParams.Ragdoll.LimbScale;
413  density = Math.Max(limbParams.Density, MinDensity);
415  Category collisionCategory = Physics.CollisionCharacter;
416  Category collidesWith = Physics.CollisionAll & ~Physics.CollisionCharacter & ~Physics.CollisionItem & ~Physics.CollisionItemBlocking;
417  if (limbParams.IgnoreCollisions)
418  {
419  collisionCategory = Category.None;
420  collidesWith = Category.None;
421  }
422  CreateBody(width, height, radius, density, BodyType.Dynamic,
423  collisionCategory: collisionCategory,
424  collidesWith: collidesWith,
425  findNewContacts: findNewContacts);
426  FarseerBody.Friction = limbParams.Friction;
427  FarseerBody.Restitution = limbParams.Restitution;
428  FarseerBody.AngularDamping = limbParams.AngularDamping;
429  FarseerBody.UserData = this;
430  _collisionCategories = collisionCategory;
431  _collidesWith = collidesWith;
432  SetTransformIgnoreContacts(position, 0.0f);
433  LastSentPosition = position;
434  list.Add(this);
435  }
437  public PhysicsBody(XElement element, Vector2 position, float scale = 1.0f, float? forceDensity = null, Category collisionCategory = Physics.CollisionItem, Category collidesWith = Physics.CollisionWall | Physics.CollisionLevel | Physics.CollisionPlatform, bool findNewContacts = true)
438  {
439  float radius = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(element.GetAttributeFloat("radius", 0.0f)) * scale;
440  float height = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(element.GetAttributeFloat("height", 0.0f)) * scale;
441  float width = ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(element.GetAttributeFloat("width", 0.0f)) * scale;
442  density = Math.Max(forceDensity ?? element.GetAttributeFloat("density", Physics.NeutralDensity), MinDensity);
443  Enum.TryParse(element.GetAttributeString("bodytype", "Dynamic"), out BodyType bodyType);
444  if (element.GetAttributeBool("ignorecollision", false))
445  {
446  _collisionCategories = Category.None;
447  _collidesWith = Category.None;
448  }
449  else
450  {
451  _collisionCategories = collisionCategory;
452  _collidesWith = collidesWith;
453  }
454  CreateBody(width, height, radius, density, bodyType, _collisionCategories, _collidesWith, findNewContacts);
455  FarseerBody.Friction = element.GetAttributeFloat("friction", 0.5f);
456  FarseerBody.Restitution = element.GetAttributeFloat("restitution", 0.05f);
457  FarseerBody.UserData = this;
458  SetTransformIgnoreContacts(position, 0.0f);
459  LastSentPosition = position;
460  list.Add(this);
461  }
463  private void CreateBody(float width, float height, float radius, float density, BodyType bodyType, Category collisionCategory, Category collidesWith, bool findNewContacts = true)
464  {
465  if (IsValidShape(radius, height, width))
466  {
467  bodyShape = DefineBodyShape(radius, width, height);
468  switch (bodyShape)
469  {
470  case Shape.Capsule:
471  FarseerBody = GameMain.World.CreateCapsule(height, radius, density, bodyType: bodyType, collisionCategory: collisionCategory, collidesWith: collidesWith, findNewContacts: findNewContacts); ;
472  break;
473  case Shape.HorizontalCapsule:
474  FarseerBody = GameMain.World.CreateCapsuleHorizontal(width, radius, density, bodyType: bodyType, collisionCategory: collisionCategory, collidesWith: collidesWith, findNewContacts: findNewContacts);
475  break;
476  case Shape.Circle:
477  FarseerBody = GameMain.World.CreateCircle(radius, density, bodyType: bodyType, collisionCategory: collisionCategory, collidesWith: collidesWith, findNewContacts: findNewContacts);
478  break;
479  case Shape.Rectangle:
480  FarseerBody = GameMain.World.CreateRectangle(width, height, density, bodyType: bodyType, collisionCategory: collisionCategory, collidesWith: collidesWith, findNewContacts: findNewContacts);
481  break;
482  default:
483  throw new NotImplementedException(bodyShape.ToString());
484  }
485  }
486  else
487  {
488  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Invalid physics body dimensions (width: " + width + ", height: " + height + ", radius: " + radius + ")");
489  }
490  Width = width;
491  Height = height;
492  Radius = radius;
493  _collisionCategories = collisionCategory;
494  _collidesWith = collidesWith;
495  }
504  public Vector2 GetLocalFront(float? spritesheetRotation = null)
505  {
506  Vector2 pos;
507  switch (bodyShape)
508  {
509  case Shape.Capsule:
510  pos = new Vector2(0.0f, Height / 2 + Radius);
511  break;
512  case Shape.HorizontalCapsule:
513  pos = new Vector2(Width / 2 + Radius, 0.0f);
514  break;
515  case Shape.Circle:
516  pos = new Vector2(0.0f, Radius);
517  break;
518  case Shape.Rectangle:
519  pos = Height > Width ? new Vector2(0, Height / 2) : new Vector2(Width / 2, 0);
520  break;
521  default:
522  throw new NotImplementedException();
523  }
524  return spritesheetRotation.HasValue ? Vector2.Transform(pos, Matrix.CreateRotationZ(-spritesheetRotation.Value)) : pos;
525  }
527  public float GetMaxExtent()
528  {
529  switch (bodyShape)
530  {
531  case Shape.Capsule:
532  return Height / 2 + Radius;
533  case Shape.HorizontalCapsule:
534  return Width / 2 + Radius;
535  case Shape.Circle:
536  return Radius;
537  case Shape.Rectangle:
538  return new Vector2(Width * 0.5f, Height * 0.5f).Length();
539  default:
540  throw new NotImplementedException();
541  }
542  }
544  public Vector2 GetSize()
545  {
546  switch (bodyShape)
547  {
548  case Shape.Capsule:
549  return new Vector2(Radius * 2, Height + Radius * 2);
550  case Shape.HorizontalCapsule:
551  return new Vector2(Width + Radius * 2, Radius * 2);
552  case Shape.Circle:
553  return new Vector2(Radius * 2);
554  case Shape.Rectangle:
555  return new Vector2(Width, Height);
556  default:
557  throw new NotImplementedException();
558  }
559  }
561  public void SetSize(Vector2 size)
562  {
563  switch (bodyShape)
564  {
565  case Shape.Capsule:
566  Radius = Math.Max(size.X / 2, 0);
567  Height = Math.Max(size.Y - size.X, 0);
568  Width = 0;
569  break;
570  case Shape.HorizontalCapsule:
571  Radius = Math.Max(size.Y / 2, 0);
572  Width = Math.Max(size.X - size.Y, 0);
573  Height = 0;
574  break;
575  case Shape.Circle:
576  Radius = Math.Max(Math.Min(size.X, size.Y) / 2, 0);
577  Width = 0;
578  Height = 0;
579  break;
580  case Shape.Rectangle:
581  Width = Math.Max(size.X, 0);
582  Height = Math.Max(size.Y, 0);
583  Radius = 0;
584  break;
585  default:
586  throw new NotImplementedException();
587  }
588 #if CLIENT
589  bodyShapeTexture = null;
590 #endif
591  }
593  public bool IsValidValue(float value, string valueName, float minValue = float.MinValue, float maxValue = float.MaxValue)
594  {
595  if (!MathUtils.IsValid(value) || value < minValue || value > maxValue)
596  {
597  string userData = UserData == null ? "null" : UserData.ToString();
598  string errorMsg =
599  "Attempted to apply invalid " + valueName +
600  " to a physics body (userdata: " + userData +
601  "), value: " + value;
602  if (GameMain.NetworkMember != null)
603  {
604  errorMsg += GameMain.NetworkMember.IsClient ? " Playing as a client." : " Hosting a server.";
605  }
606  errorMsg += "\n" + Environment.StackTrace.CleanupStackTrace();
608  if (GameSettings.CurrentConfig.VerboseLogging) DebugConsole.ThrowError(errorMsg);
609  GameAnalyticsManager.AddErrorEventOnce(
610  "PhysicsBody.SetPosition:InvalidPosition" + userData,
611  GameAnalyticsManager.ErrorSeverity.Error,
612  errorMsg);
613  return false;
614  }
615  return true;
616  }
618  private bool IsValidValue(Vector2 value, string valueName, float minValue = float.MinValue, float maxValue = float.MaxValue)
619  {
620  if (!MathUtils.IsValid(value) ||
621  (value.X < minValue || value.Y < minValue) ||
622  (value.X > maxValue || value.Y > maxValue))
623  {
624  string userData = UserData == null ? "null" : UserData.ToString();
625  string errorMsg =
626  "Attempted to apply invalid " + valueName +
627  " to a physics body (userdata: " + userData +
628  "), value: " + value;
629  if (GameMain.NetworkMember != null)
630  {
631  errorMsg += GameMain.NetworkMember.IsClient ? " Playing as a client." : " Hosting a server.";
632  }
633  errorMsg += "\n" + Environment.StackTrace.CleanupStackTrace();
635  if (GameSettings.CurrentConfig.VerboseLogging) DebugConsole.ThrowError(errorMsg);
636  GameAnalyticsManager.AddErrorEventOnce(
637  "PhysicsBody.SetPosition:InvalidPosition" + userData,
638  GameAnalyticsManager.ErrorSeverity.Error,
639  errorMsg);
640  return false;
641  }
642  return true;
643  }
645  public void ResetDynamics()
646  {
647  FarseerBody.ResetDynamics();
648  }
650  public void ApplyLinearImpulse(Vector2 impulse)
651  {
652  if (!IsValidValue(impulse / FarseerBody.Mass, "new velocity", -1000f, 1000f)) return;
653  if (!IsValidValue(impulse, "impulse", -1e10f, 1e10f)) return;
655  FarseerBody.ApplyLinearImpulse(impulse);
656  }
661  public void ApplyLinearImpulse(Vector2 impulse, float maxVelocity)
662  {
663  if (!IsValidValue(impulse, "impulse", -1e10f, 1e10f)) return;
664  if (!IsValidValue(maxVelocity, "max velocity")) return;
666  Vector2 velocityAddition = impulse / Mass;
667  Vector2 newVelocity = FarseerBody.LinearVelocity + velocityAddition;
668  float newSpeedSqr = newVelocity.LengthSquared();
669  if (newSpeedSqr > maxVelocity * maxVelocity)
670  {
671  newVelocity = newVelocity.ClampLength(maxVelocity);
672  }
674  if (!IsValidValue((newVelocity - FarseerBody.LinearVelocity), "new velocity", -1000.0f, 1000.0f)) return;
676  FarseerBody.ApplyLinearImpulse((newVelocity - FarseerBody.LinearVelocity) * Mass);
677  }
679  public void ApplyLinearImpulse(Vector2 impulse, Vector2 point)
680  {
681  if (!IsValidValue(impulse, "impulse", -1e10f, 1e10f)) return;
682  if (!IsValidValue(point, "point")) return;
683  if (!IsValidValue(impulse / FarseerBody.Mass, "new velocity", -1000.0f, 1000.0f)) return;
684  FarseerBody.ApplyLinearImpulse(impulse, point);
685  }
690  public void ApplyLinearImpulse(Vector2 impulse, Vector2 point, float maxVelocity)
691  {
692  if (!IsValidValue(impulse, "impulse", -1e10f, 1e10f)) return;
693  if (!IsValidValue(point, "point")) return;
694  if (!IsValidValue(maxVelocity, "max velocity")) return;
696  Vector2 velocityAddition = impulse / Mass;
697  Vector2 newVelocity = FarseerBody.LinearVelocity + velocityAddition;
698  float newSpeedSqr = newVelocity.LengthSquared();
699  if (newSpeedSqr > maxVelocity * maxVelocity)
700  {
701  newVelocity = newVelocity.ClampLength(maxVelocity);
702  }
704  if (!IsValidValue((newVelocity - FarseerBody.LinearVelocity), "new velocity", -1000.0f, 1000.0f)) return;
706  FarseerBody.ApplyLinearImpulse((newVelocity - FarseerBody.LinearVelocity) * Mass, point);
707  FarseerBody.AngularVelocity = MathHelper.Clamp(
708  FarseerBody.AngularVelocity,
709  -NetConfig.MaxPhysicsBodyAngularVelocity,
710  NetConfig.MaxPhysicsBodyAngularVelocity);
711  }
713  public void ApplyForce(Vector2 force, float maxVelocity = NetConfig.MaxPhysicsBodyVelocity)
714  {
715  if (!IsValidValue(maxVelocity, "max velocity")) { return; }
717  Vector2 velocityAddition = force / Mass * (float)Timing.Step;
718  Vector2 newVelocity = FarseerBody.LinearVelocity + velocityAddition;
720  float newSpeedSqr = newVelocity.LengthSquared();
721  if (newSpeedSqr > maxVelocity * maxVelocity && Vector2.Dot(FarseerBody.LinearVelocity, force) > 0.0f)
722  {
723  float newSpeed = (float)Math.Sqrt(newSpeedSqr);
724  float maxVelAddition = maxVelocity - newSpeed;
725  if (maxVelAddition <= 0.0f) { return; }
726  force = velocityAddition.ClampLength(maxVelAddition) * Mass / (float)Timing.Step;
727  }
729  if (!IsValidValue(force, "clamped force", -1e10f, 1e10f)) { return; }
730  FarseerBody.ApplyForce(force);
731  }
733  public void ApplyForce(Vector2 force, Vector2 point)
734  {
735  if (!IsValidValue(force, "force", -1e10f, 1e10f)) { return; }
736  if (!IsValidValue(point, "point")) { return; }
737  FarseerBody.ApplyForce(force, point);
738  }
740  public void ApplyTorque(float torque)
741  {
742  if (!IsValidValue(torque, "torque")) { return; }
743  FarseerBody.ApplyTorque(torque);
744  }
746  public bool SetTransform(Vector2 simPosition, float rotation, bool setPrevTransform = true)
747  {
748  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(MathUtils.IsValid(simPosition));
749  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(simPosition.X) < 1000000.0f);
750  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(simPosition.Y) < 1000000.0f);
752  if (!IsValidValue(simPosition, "position", -1e10f, 1e10f)) { return false; }
753  if (!IsValidValue(rotation, "rotation")) { return false; }
755  FarseerBody.SetTransform(simPosition, rotation);
756  if (setPrevTransform) { SetPrevTransform(simPosition, rotation); }
757  return true;
758  }
760  public bool SetTransformIgnoreContacts(Vector2 simPosition, float rotation, bool setPrevTransform = true)
761  {
762  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(MathUtils.IsValid(simPosition));
763  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(simPosition.X) < 1000000.0f);
764  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(simPosition.Y) < 1000000.0f);
766  if (!IsValidValue(simPosition, "position", -1e10f, 1e10f)) { return false; }
767  if (!IsValidValue(rotation, "rotation")) { return false; }
769  FarseerBody.SetTransformIgnoreContacts(ref simPosition, rotation);
770  if (setPrevTransform) { SetPrevTransform(simPosition, rotation); }
771  return true;
772  }
774  public void SetPrevTransform(Vector2 simPosition, float rotation)
775  {
776 #if DEBUG
777  if (!IsValidValue(simPosition, "position", -1e10f, 1e10f)) { return; }
778  if (!IsValidValue(rotation, "rotation")) { return; }
779 #endif
780  prevPosition = simPosition;
781  prevRotation = rotation;
782  }
784  public void MoveToTargetPosition(bool lerp = true)
785  {
786  if (targetPosition == null) { return; }
788  if (lerp)
789  {
790  if (Vector2.DistanceSquared((Vector2)targetPosition, FarseerBody.Position) < 10.0f * 10.0f)
791  {
792  drawOffset = -((Vector2)targetPosition - (FarseerBody.Position + drawOffset));
793  prevPosition = (Vector2)targetPosition;
794  }
795  else
796  {
797  drawOffset = Vector2.Zero;
798  }
799  if (targetRotation.HasValue)
800  {
801  rotationOffset = -MathUtils.GetShortestAngle(FarseerBody.Rotation + rotationOffset, targetRotation.Value);
802  }
803  }
806  targetPosition = null;
807  targetRotation = null;
808  }
810  public void MoveToPos(Vector2 simPosition, float force, Vector2? pullPos = null)
811  {
812  if (pullPos == null) { pullPos = FarseerBody.Position; }
814  if (!IsValidValue(simPosition, "position", -1e10f, 1e10f)) { return; }
815  if (!IsValidValue(force, "force")) { return; }
817  Vector2 vel = FarseerBody.LinearVelocity;
818  Vector2 deltaPos = simPosition - (Vector2)pullPos;
819  if (deltaPos.LengthSquared() > 100.0f * 100.0f)
820  {
821 #if DEBUG
822  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Attempted to move a physics body to an invalid position.\n" + Environment.StackTrace.CleanupStackTrace());
823 #endif
824  return;
825  }
826  deltaPos *= force;
827  ApplyLinearImpulse((deltaPos - vel * 0.5f) * FarseerBody.Mass, (Vector2)pullPos);
828  }
833  public void ApplyWaterForces()
834  {
835  //buoyancy
836  Vector2 buoyancy = new Vector2(0, Mass * 9.6f);
838  Vector2 dragForce = Vector2.Zero;
840  float speedSqr = LinearVelocity.LengthSquared();
841  if (speedSqr > 0.00001f)
842  {
843  //drag
844  float speed = (float)Math.Sqrt(speedSqr);
845  Vector2 velDir = LinearVelocity / speed;
847  float vel = speed * 2.0f;
848  float drag = vel * vel * Math.Max(Height + Radius * 2, Height);
849  dragForce = Math.Min(drag, Mass * 500.0f) * -velDir;
850  }
852  ApplyForce(dragForce + buoyancy);
853  ApplyTorque(FarseerBody.AngularVelocity * FarseerBody.Mass * -0.08f);
854  }
856  public void Update()
857  {
858  if (drawOffset.LengthSquared() < 0.01f)
859  {
861  }
862  drawOffset = NetConfig.InterpolateSimPositionError(drawOffset, PositionSmoothingFactor);
863  rotationOffset = NetConfig.InterpolateRotationError(rotationOffset);
865  {
866  if (smoothRotationSuppressionCounter > 0)
867  {
869  }
870  else
871  {
872  smoothRotationSuppressionCounter++;
873  }
874  }
875  }
877  public void UpdateDrawPosition(bool interpolate = true)
878  {
879  if (interpolate)
880  {
881  drawPosition = Timing.Interpolate(prevPosition, FarseerBody.Position);
882  drawPosition = ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(drawPosition + drawOffset);
883  drawRotation = Timing.InterpolateRotation(prevRotation, FarseerBody.Rotation) + rotationOffset;
884  }
885  else
886  {
887  drawPosition = prevPosition = ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(FarseerBody.Position);
888  drawRotation = prevRotation = FarseerBody.Rotation;
889  drawOffset = Vector2.Zero;
890  drawRotation = 0.0f;
891  }
892  }
894  public void CorrectPosition<T>(List<T> positionBuffer,
895  out Vector2 newPosition, out Vector2 newVelocity, out float newRotation, out float newAngularVelocity) where T : PosInfo
896  {
897  newVelocity = LinearVelocity;
898  newPosition = SimPosition;
899  newRotation = Rotation;
900  newAngularVelocity = AngularVelocity;
902  while (positionBuffer.Count > 0 && positionBuffer[0].Timestamp < lastProcessedNetworkState)
903  {
904  positionBuffer.RemoveAt(0);
905  }
907  if (positionBuffer.Count == 0) { return; }
909  lastProcessedNetworkState = positionBuffer[0].Timestamp;
911  newVelocity = positionBuffer[0].LinearVelocity;
912  newPosition = positionBuffer[0].Position;
913  newRotation = positionBuffer[0].Rotation ?? Rotation;
914  newAngularVelocity = positionBuffer[0].AngularVelocity ?? AngularVelocity;
916  positionBuffer.RemoveAt(0);
917  }
925  public void SmoothRotate(float targetRotation, float force = 10.0f, bool wrapAngle = true)
926  {
927  if (SuppressSmoothRotationCalls) { return; }
928  float nextAngle = FarseerBody.Rotation + FarseerBody.AngularVelocity * (float)Timing.Step;
929  float angle = wrapAngle ?
930  MathUtils.GetShortestAngle(nextAngle, targetRotation) :
931  MathHelper.Clamp(targetRotation - nextAngle, -MathHelper.Pi, MathHelper.Pi);
932  float torque = angle * 60.0f * (force / 100.0f);
934  if (FarseerBody.BodyType == BodyType.Kinematic)
935  {
936  if (!IsValidValue(torque, "torque")) { return; }
937  FarseerBody.AngularVelocity = torque;
938  }
939  else
940  {
941  ApplyTorque(FarseerBody.Mass * torque);
942  }
943  }
949  public float WrapAngleToSameNumberOfRevolutions(float angle)
950  {
951  if (float.IsInfinity(angle)) { return angle; }
952  while (Rotation - angle > MathHelper.TwoPi)
953  {
954  angle += MathHelper.TwoPi;
955  }
956  while (Rotation - angle < -MathHelper.TwoPi)
957  {
958  angle -= MathHelper.TwoPi;
959  }
960  return angle;
961  }
963  public void Remove()
964  {
965  list.Remove(this);
966  GameMain.World.Remove(FarseerBody);
968  Removed = true;
970  DisposeProjSpecific();
971  }
973  public static void RemoveAll()
974  {
975  for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
976  {
977  list[i].Remove();
978  }
979  System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(list.Count == 0);
980  }
982  public static bool IsValidShape(float radius, float height, float width) => radius > 0 || (height > 0 && width > 0);
984  public static Shape DefineBodyShape(float radius, float width, float height)
985  {
986  Shape bodyShape;
987  if (width <= 0 && height <= 0 && radius > 0)
988  {
989  bodyShape = Shape.Circle;
990  }
991  else if (radius > 0)
992  {
993  if (width > height)
994  {
995  bodyShape = Shape.HorizontalCapsule;
996  }
997  else
998  {
999  bodyShape = Shape.Capsule;
1000  }
1001  }
1002  else
1003  {
1004  bodyShape = Shape.Rectangle;
1005  }
1006  return bodyShape;
1007  }
1009  partial void DisposeProjSpecific();
1011  }
1012 }
static World World
Definition: GameMain.cs:105
static NetworkMember NetworkMember
Definition: GameMain.cs:190
PhysicsBody(XElement element, Vector2 position, float scale=1.0f, float? forceDensity=null, Category collisionCategory=Physics.CollisionItem, Category collidesWith=Physics.CollisionWall|Physics.CollisionLevel|Physics.CollisionPlatform, bool findNewContacts=true)
PhysicsBody(LimbParams lParams, bool findNewContacts=true)
static float TransformRotation(float rot, float dir)
static bool IsValidShape(float radius, float height, float width)
void ApplyLinearImpulse(Vector2 impulse, Vector2 point)
void CorrectPosition< T >(List< T > positionBuffer, out Vector2 newPosition, out Vector2 newVelocity, out float newRotation, out float newAngularVelocity)
void ApplyForce(Vector2 force, float maxVelocity=NetConfig.MaxPhysicsBodyVelocity)
PhysicsBody(ColliderParams colliderParams, Vector2 position, bool findNewContacts=true)
bool SuppressSmoothRotationCalls
Ignore rotation calls for the rest of this and the next update. Automatically disabled after that....
void ApplyLinearImpulse(Vector2 impulse, Vector2 point, float maxVelocity)
Apply an impulse to the body without increasing it's velocity above a specific limit.
PhysicsBody(LimbParams limbParams, Vector2 position, bool findNewContacts=true)
bool SetTransform(Vector2 simPosition, float rotation, bool setPrevTransform=true)
bool IsValidValue(float value, string valueName, float minValue=float.MinValue, float maxValue=float.MaxValue)
PhysicsBody(float width, float height, float radius, float density, BodyType bodyType, Category collisionCategory, Category collidesWith, bool findNewContacts=true)
Vector2 GetLocalFront(float? spritesheetRotation=null)
Returns the farthest point towards the forward of the body. For capsules and circles,...
float TransformRotation(float rotation)
void ApplyWaterForces()
Applies buoyancy, drag and angular drag caused by water
void MoveToPos(Vector2 simPosition, float force, Vector2? pullPos=null)
PhysicsBody(ColliderParams cParams, bool findNewContacts=true)
static Shape DefineBodyShape(float radius, float width, float height)
void ApplyLinearImpulse(Vector2 impulse, float maxVelocity)
Apply an impulse to the body without increasing it's velocity above a specific limit.
float TransformedRotation
Takes flipping (Dir) into account.
bool SetTransformIgnoreContacts(Vector2 simPosition, float rotation, bool setPrevTransform=true)
void SetPrevTransform(Vector2 simPosition, float rotation)
float WrapAngleToSameNumberOfRevolutions(float angle)
Wraps the angle so it has "has the same number of revolutions" as this body, i.e. that the angles are...
void SmoothRotate(float targetRotation, float force=10.0f, bool wrapAngle=true)
Rotate the body towards the target rotation in the "shortest direction", taking into account the curr...
Vector2 DrawPositionOffset
Offset of the DrawPosition from the Position (i.e. how much the interpolated draw position is offset ...
PhysicsBody(XElement element, float scale=1.0f, bool findNewContacts=true)
PosInfo(Vector2 pos, float? rotation, Vector2 linearVelocity, float? angularVelocity, UInt16 ID)
PosInfo(Vector2 pos, float? rotation, Vector2 linearVelocity, float? angularVelocity, UInt16 ID, float time)
PosInfo(Vector2 pos, float? rotation, Vector2 linearVelocity, float? angularVelocity, float time)
void Translate(Vector2 posAmount, float rotationAmount)
static Submarine FindContainingInLocalCoordinates(Vector2 position, float inflate=500.0f)
Finds the sub whose borders contain the position. Note that this method uses the "actual" position of...