Client LuaCsForBarotrauma
1 using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
2 using OpenAL;
3 using System;
4 using System.Threading;
6 namespace Barotrauma.Sounds
7 {
8  class SoundSourcePool : IDisposable
9  {
10  public uint[] ALSources
11  {
12  get;
13  private set;
14  }
16  public SoundSourcePool(int sourceCount = SoundManager.SOURCE_COUNT)
17  {
18  int alError;
20  ALSources = new uint[sourceCount];
21  for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; i++)
22  {
23  Al.GenSource(out ALSources[i]);
24  alError = Al.GetError();
25  if (alError != Al.NoError)
26  {
27  throw new Exception("Error generating alSource[" + i.ToString() + "]: " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
28  }
30  if (!Al.IsSource(ALSources[i]))
31  {
32  throw new Exception("Generated alSource[" + i.ToString() + "] is invalid!");
33  }
36  alError = Al.GetError();
37  if (alError != Al.NoError)
38  {
39  throw new Exception("Error stopping newly generated alSource[" + i.ToString() + "]: " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
40  }
42  Al.Sourcef(ALSources[i], Al.MinGain, 0.0f);
43  alError = Al.GetError();
44  if (alError != Al.NoError)
45  {
46  throw new Exception("Error setting min gain: " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
47  }
49  Al.Sourcef(ALSources[i], Al.MaxGain, 1.0f);
50  alError = Al.GetError();
51  if (alError != Al.NoError)
52  {
53  throw new Exception("Error setting max gain: " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
54  }
56  Al.Sourcef(ALSources[i], Al.RolloffFactor, 1.0f);
57  alError = Al.GetError();
58  if (alError != Al.NoError)
59  {
60  throw new Exception("Error setting rolloff factor: " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
61  }
62  }
63  }
65  public void Dispose()
66  {
67  if (ALSources == null) { return; }
68  for (int i = 0; i < ALSources.Length; i++)
69  {
71  int alError = Al.GetError();
72  if (alError != Al.NoError)
73  {
74  throw new Exception("Failed to delete ALSources[" + i.ToString() + "]: " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
75  }
76  }
77  ALSources = null;
78  }
79  }
81  class SoundChannel : IDisposable
82  {
83  private const int STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 8820;
84  private readonly short[] streamShortBuffer;
86  private string debugName = "SoundChannel";
88  private Vector3? position;
89  public Vector3? Position
90  {
91  get { return position; }
92  set
93  {
94  position = value;
96  if (ALSourceIndex < 0) { return; }
98  if (position != null)
99  {
100  if (float.IsNaN(position.Value.X))
101  {
102  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to set source's position: " + debugName + ", position.X is NaN", appendStackTrace: true);
103  return;
104  }
105  if (float.IsNaN(position.Value.Y))
106  {
107  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to set source's position: " + debugName + ", position.Y is NaN", appendStackTrace: true);
108  return;
109  }
110  if (float.IsNaN(position.Value.Z))
111  {
112  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to set source's position: " + debugName + ", position.Z is NaN", appendStackTrace: true);
113  return;
114  }
116  if (float.IsInfinity(position.Value.X))
117  {
118  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to set source's position: " + debugName + ", position.X is Infinity", appendStackTrace: true);
119  return;
120  }
121  if (float.IsInfinity(position.Value.Y))
122  {
123  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to set source's position: " + debugName + ", position.Y is Infinity", appendStackTrace: true);
124  return;
125  }
126  if (float.IsInfinity(position.Value.Z))
127  {
128  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to set source's position: " + debugName + ", position.Z is Infinity", appendStackTrace: true);
129  return;
130  }
133  Al.Sourcei(alSource, Al.SourceRelative, Al.False);
134  int alError = Al.GetError();
135  if (alError != Al.NoError)
136  {
137  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to enable source's relative flag: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
138  return;
139  }
141  Al.Source3f(alSource, Al.Position, position.Value.X, position.Value.Y, position.Value.Z);
142  alError = Al.GetError();
143  if (alError != Al.NoError)
144  {
145  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to set source's position: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
146  return;
147  }
148  }
149  else
150  {
152  Al.Sourcei(alSource, Al.SourceRelative, Al.True);
153  int alError = Al.GetError();
154  if (alError != Al.NoError)
155  {
156  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to disable source's relative flag: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
157  return;
158  }
160  Al.Source3f(alSource, Al.Position, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
161  alError = Al.GetError();
162  if (alError != Al.NoError)
163  {
164  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to reset source's position: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
165  return;
166  }
167  }
168  }
169  }
171  private float near;
172  public float Near
173  {
174  get { return near; }
175  set
176  {
177  near = value;
179  if (ALSourceIndex < 0) { return; }
182  Al.Sourcef(alSource, Al.ReferenceDistance, near);
184  int alError = Al.GetError();
185  if (alError != Al.NoError)
186  {
187  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to set source's reference distance: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
188  return;
189  }
190  }
191  }
193  private float far;
194  public float Far
195  {
196  get { return far; }
197  set
198  {
199  far = value;
201  if (ALSourceIndex < 0) { return; }
204  Al.Sourcef(alSource, Al.MaxDistance, far);
205  int alError = Al.GetError();
206  if (alError != Al.NoError)
207  {
208  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to set source's max distance: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
209  return;
210  }
211  }
212  }
214  private float gain;
215  public float Gain
216  {
217  get { return gain; }
218  set
219  {
220  if (!MathUtils.IsValid(value)) { return; }
222  gain = Math.Max(value, 0.0f);
224  if (ALSourceIndex < 0) { return; }
228  float effectiveGain = gain;
229  if (category != null) { effectiveGain *= Sound.Owner.GetCategoryGainMultiplier(category); }
231  Al.Sourcef(alSource, Al.Gain, effectiveGain);
232  int alError = Al.GetError();
233  if (alError != Al.NoError)
234  {
235  DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Failed to set source's gain to {gain} (effective gain {effectiveGain}): {debugName}, {Al.GetErrorString(alError)}", appendStackTrace: true);
236  return;
237  }
238  }
239  }
241  private bool looping;
242  public bool Looping
243  {
244  get { return looping; }
245  set
246  {
247  looping = value;
249  if (ALSourceIndex < 0) { return; }
251  if (!IsStream)
252  {
254  Al.Sourcei(alSource, Al.Looping, looping ? Al.True : Al.False);
255  int alError = Al.GetError();
256  if (alError != Al.NoError)
257  {
258  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to set source's looping state: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
259  return;
260  }
261  }
262  }
263  }
265  public const float MinFrequencyMultiplier = 0.25f;
266  public const float MaxFrequencyMultiplier = 4.0f;
268  public float frequencyMultiplier;
269  public float FrequencyMultiplier
270  {
271  get
272  {
273  return frequencyMultiplier;
274  }
275  set
276  {
277  if (value is < MinFrequencyMultiplier or > MaxFrequencyMultiplier)
278  {
279  DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Frequency multiplier out of range: {value}" + Environment.StackTrace.CleanupStackTrace());
280  }
283  if (ALSourceIndex < 0) { return; }
287  Al.Sourcef(alSource, Al.Pitch, frequencyMultiplier);
288  int alError = Al.GetError();
289  if (alError != Al.NoError)
290  {
291  throw new Exception("Failed to set source's frequency multiplier: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
292  }
293  }
294  }
296  public bool FilledByNetwork
297  {
298  get;
299  private set;
300  }
302  private int decayTimer;
304  private bool muffled;
305  public bool Muffled
306  {
307  get { return muffled; }
308  set
309  {
310  if (muffled == value) { return; }
312  muffled = value;
314  if (ALSourceIndex < 0) { return; }
316  if (!IsPlaying) { return; }
318  if (IsStream) { return; }
321  Al.GetSourcei(alSource, Al.SampleOffset, out int playbackPos);
322  int alError = Al.GetError();
323  if (alError != Al.NoError)
324  {
325  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to get source's playback position: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
326  return;
327  }
329  Al.SourceStop(alSource);
331  alError = Al.GetError();
332  if (alError != Al.NoError)
333  {
334  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to stop source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
335  return;
336  }
339  if (Sound.Buffers is not { AlBuffer: not 0, AlMuffledBuffer: not 0 }) { return; }
341  Al.Sourcei(alSource, Al.Buffer, muffled ? (int)Sound.Buffers.AlMuffledBuffer : (int)Sound.Buffers.AlBuffer);
343  alError = Al.GetError();
344  if (alError != Al.NoError)
345  {
346  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to bind buffer to source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
347  return;
348  }
350  Al.SourcePlay(alSource);
351  alError = Al.GetError();
352  if (alError != Al.NoError)
353  {
354  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to replay source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
355  return;
356  }
358  Al.Sourcei(alSource, Al.SampleOffset, playbackPos);
359  alError = Al.GetError();
360  if (alError != Al.NoError)
361  {
362  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to reset playback position: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
363  return;
364  }
365  }
366  }
368  private float streamAmplitude;
369  public float CurrentAmplitude
370  {
371  get
372  {
373  if (!IsPlaying) { return 0.0f; }
377  if (alSource == 0) { return 0.0f; }
379  if (!IsStream)
380  {
381  Al.GetSourcei(alSource, Al.SampleOffset, out int playbackPos);
382  int alError = Al.GetError();
383  if (alError != Al.NoError)
384  {
385  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to get source's playback position: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
386  return 0.0f;
387  }
388  return Sound.GetAmplitudeAtPlaybackPos(playbackPos);
389  }
390  else
391  {
392  float retVal;
393  Monitor.Enter(mutex);
394  retVal = streamAmplitude;
395  Monitor.Exit(mutex);
396  return retVal;
397  }
398  }
399  }
401  private string category;
402  public string Category
403  {
404  get { return category; }
405  set
406  {
407  category = value;
408  Gain = gain;
409  }
410  }
412  public Sound Sound
413  {
414  get;
415  private set;
416  }
418  public int ALSourceIndex
419  {
420  get;
421  private set;
422  } = -1;
424  public bool IsStream
425  {
426  get;
427  private set;
428  }
429  private int streamSeekPos;
430  private int buffersToRequeue;
431  private bool reachedEndSample;
432  private int queueStartIndex;
433  private readonly uint[] streamBuffers;
434  private readonly uint[] unqueuedBuffers;
435  private readonly float[] streamBufferAmplitudes;
437  public int StreamSeekPos
438  {
439  get { return streamSeekPos; }
440  set
441  {
442  if (!IsStream)
443  {
444  throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot set StreamSeekPos on a non-streaming sound channel.");
445  }
446  streamSeekPos = Math.Max(value, 0);
447  }
448  }
450  public long MaxStreamSeekPos
451  {
452  get
453  {
454  if (!IsStream || Sound is not OggSound oggSound)
455  {
456  return 0;
457  }
458  return oggSound.MaxStreamSamplePos;
459  }
460  }
462  private readonly object mutex;
464  public bool IsPlaying
465  {
466  get
467  {
468  if (ALSourceIndex < 0) { return false; }
469  if (IsStream && !reachedEndSample) { return true; }
471  if (!Al.IsSource(alSource)) { return false; }
472  Al.GetSourcei(alSource, Al.SourceState, out int state);
473  int alError = Al.GetError();
474  if (alError != Al.NoError)
475  {
476  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to determine playing state from source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError), appendStackTrace: true);
477  return false;
478  }
479  bool playing = state == Al.Playing;
480  return playing;
481  }
482  }
484  public SoundChannel(Sound sound, float gain, Vector3? position, float freqMult, float near, float far, string category, bool muffle = false)
485  {
486  Sound = sound;
488  debugName = sound == null ?
489  "SoundChannel (null)" :
490  $"SoundChannel ({(string.IsNullOrEmpty(sound.Filename) ? "filename empty" : sound.Filename) })";
492  IsStream = sound.Stream;
493  FilledByNetwork = sound is VoipSound;
494  decayTimer = 0;
495  streamSeekPos = 0; reachedEndSample = false;
496  buffersToRequeue = 4;
497  muffled = muffle;
499  if (IsStream)
500  {
501  mutex = new object();
502  }
504 #if !DEBUG
505  try
506  {
507 #endif
508  if (mutex != null) { Monitor.Enter(mutex); }
509  if (sound.Owner.CountPlayingInstances(sound) < sound.MaxSimultaneousInstances)
510  {
512  }
514  if (ALSourceIndex >= 0)
515  {
516  if (!IsStream)
517  {
519  int alError = Al.GetError();
520  if (alError != Al.NoError)
521  {
522  throw new Exception("Failed to reset source buffer: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
523  }
526  if (Sound.Buffers is not { AlBuffer: not 0, AlMuffledBuffer: not 0 }) { return; }
528  uint alBuffer = sound.Owner.GetCategoryMuffle(category) || muffled ? Sound.Buffers.AlMuffledBuffer : Sound.Buffers.AlBuffer;
530  alError = Al.GetError();
531  if (alError != Al.NoError)
532  {
533  throw new Exception("Failed to bind buffer to source (" + ALSourceIndex.ToString() + ":" + sound.Owner.GetSourceFromIndex(Sound.SourcePoolIndex, ALSourceIndex) + "," + alBuffer.ToString() + "): " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
534  }
536  SetProperties();
539  alError = Al.GetError();
540  if (alError != Al.NoError)
541  {
542  throw new Exception("Failed to play source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
543  }
544  }
545  else
546  {
547  uint alBuffer = 0;
549  int alError = Al.GetError();
550  if (alError != Al.NoError)
551  {
552  throw new Exception("Failed to reset source buffer: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
553  }
556  alError = Al.GetError();
557  if (alError != Al.NoError)
558  {
559  throw new Exception("Failed to set stream looping state: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
560  }
562  streamShortBuffer = new short[STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE];
564  streamBuffers = new uint[4];
565  unqueuedBuffers = new uint[4];
566  streamBufferAmplitudes = new float[4];
567  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
568  {
569  Al.GenBuffer(out streamBuffers[i]);
571  alError = Al.GetError();
572  if (alError != Al.NoError)
573  {
574  throw new Exception("Failed to generate stream buffers: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
575  }
577  if (!Al.IsBuffer(streamBuffers[i]))
578  {
579  throw new Exception("Generated streamBuffer[" + i.ToString() + "] is invalid! " + debugName);
580  }
581  }
583  SetProperties();
584  }
585  }
586 #if !DEBUG
587  }
588  catch
589  {
590  throw;
591  }
592  finally
593  {
594 #endif
595  if (mutex != null) { Monitor.Exit(mutex); }
596 #if !DEBUG
597  }
598 #endif
600  void SetProperties()
601  {
602  this.Position = position;
603  this.Gain = gain;
604  this.FrequencyMultiplier = freqMult;
605  this.Looping = false;
606  this.Near = near;
607  this.Far = far;
608  this.Category = category;
609  }
611  Sound.Owner.Update();
612  }
614  public override string ToString()
615  {
616  return debugName;
617  }
620  {
621  get;
622  private set;
623  }
624  public void FadeOutAndDispose()
625  {
626  FadingOutAndDisposing = true;
628  }
630  public void Dispose()
631  {
632  try
633  {
634  if (mutex != null) { Monitor.Enter(mutex); }
635  if (ALSourceIndex >= 0)
636  {
638  int alError = Al.GetError();
639  if (alError != Al.NoError)
640  {
641  throw new Exception("Failed to stop source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
642  }
644  if (IsStream)
645  {
648  Al.SourceStop(alSource);
649  alError = Al.GetError();
650  if (alError != Al.NoError)
651  {
652  throw new Exception("Failed to stop streamed source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
653  }
655  int buffersToRequeue = 0;
657  buffersToRequeue = 0;
658  Al.GetSourcei(alSource, Al.BuffersProcessed, out buffersToRequeue);
659  alError = Al.GetError();
660  if (alError != Al.NoError)
661  {
662  throw new Exception("Failed to determine processed buffers from streamed source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
663  }
665  Al.SourceUnqueueBuffers(alSource, buffersToRequeue, unqueuedBuffers);
666  alError = Al.GetError();
667  if (alError != Al.NoError)
668  {
669  throw new Exception("Failed to unqueue buffers from streamed source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
670  }
672  Al.Sourcei(alSource, Al.Buffer, 0);
673  alError = Al.GetError();
674  if (alError != Al.NoError)
675  {
676  throw new Exception("Failed to reset buffer for streamed source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
677  }
679  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
680  {
681  Al.DeleteBuffer(streamBuffers[i]);
682  alError = Al.GetError();
683  if (alError != Al.NoError)
684  {
685  throw new Exception("Failed to delete streamBuffers[" + i.ToString() + "] (" + streamBuffers[i].ToString() + "): " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
686  }
687  }
689  reachedEndSample = true;
690  }
691  else
692  {
694  alError = Al.GetError();
695  if (alError != Al.NoError)
696  {
697  throw new Exception("Failed to unbind buffer to non-streamed source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
698  }
699  }
701  ALSourceIndex = -1;
702  debugName += " [DISPOSED]";
703  }
704  }
705  finally
706  {
707  if (mutex != null) { Monitor.Exit(mutex); }
708  }
709  }
711  public void UpdateStream()
712  {
713  try
714  {
715  if (!IsStream) { throw new Exception("Called UpdateStream on a non-streamed sound channel!"); }
717  Monitor.Enter(mutex);
718  if (!reachedEndSample)
719  {
722  Al.GetSourcei(alSource, Al.SourceState, out int state);
723  bool playing = state == Al.Playing;
724  int alError = Al.GetError();
725  if (alError != Al.NoError)
726  {
727  throw new Exception("Failed to determine playing state from streamed source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
728  }
730  Al.GetSourcei(alSource, Al.BuffersProcessed, out int unqueuedBufferCount);
731  alError = Al.GetError();
732  if (alError != Al.NoError)
733  {
734  throw new Exception("Failed to determine processed buffers from streamed source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
735  }
737  Al.SourceUnqueueBuffers(alSource, unqueuedBufferCount, unqueuedBuffers);
738  alError = Al.GetError();
739  if (alError != Al.NoError)
740  {
741  throw new Exception("Failed to unqueue buffers from streamed source: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
742  }
744  buffersToRequeue += unqueuedBufferCount;
746  int iterCount = buffersToRequeue;
747  for (int k = 0; k < iterCount; k++)
748  {
749  int index = queueStartIndex;
750  short[] buffer = streamShortBuffer;
751  int readSamples = Sound.FillStreamBuffer(streamSeekPos, buffer);
752  float readAmplitude = 0.0f;
754  for (int i = 0; i < Math.Min(readSamples, buffer.Length); i++)
755  {
756  float sampleF = ((float)buffer[i]) / ((float)short.MaxValue);
757  readAmplitude = Math.Max(readAmplitude, Math.Abs(sampleF));
758  }
760  if (FilledByNetwork)
761  {
762  if (readSamples <= 0)
763  {
764  streamAmplitude *= 0.5f;
765  decayTimer++;
766  if (decayTimer > 120) //TODO: replace magic number
767  {
768  reachedEndSample = true;
769  }
770  }
771  else
772  {
773  if (Sound is VoipSound voipSound)
774  {
775  voipSound.ApplyFilters(buffer, readSamples);
776  }
778  decayTimer = 0;
779  }
780  }
781  else if (Sound.StreamsReliably)
782  {
783  streamSeekPos += readSamples * 2;
784  if (readSamples * 2 < STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE)
785  {
786  if (looping)
787  {
788  streamSeekPos = 0;
789  }
790  else
791  {
792  reachedEndSample = true;
793  }
794  }
795  }
797  if (readSamples > 0)
798  {
799  streamBufferAmplitudes[index] = readAmplitude;
801  Al.BufferData<short>(streamBuffers[index], Sound.ALFormat, buffer, readSamples * 2, Sound.SampleRate);
803  alError = Al.GetError();
804  if (alError != Al.NoError)
805  {
806  throw new Exception("Failed to assign data to stream buffer: " +
807  Al.GetErrorString(alError) + ": " + streamBuffers[index].ToString() + "/" + streamBuffers.Length + ", readSamples: " + readSamples + ", " + debugName);
808  }
810  Al.SourceQueueBuffer(alSource, streamBuffers[index]);
811  queueStartIndex = (queueStartIndex + 1) % 4;
813  alError = Al.GetError();
814  if (alError != Al.NoError)
815  {
816  throw new Exception("Failed to queue streamBuffer[" + index.ToString() + "] to stream: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
817  }
818  }
819  else
820  {
821  if (readSamples < 0)
822  {
823  reachedEndSample = true;
824  }
825  break;
826  }
827  buffersToRequeue--;
828  }
830  streamAmplitude = streamBufferAmplitudes[queueStartIndex];
832  Al.GetSourcei(alSource, Al.SourceState, out state);
833  alError = Al.GetError();
834  if (alError != Al.NoError)
835  {
836  throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve stream source state: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
837  }
839  if (state != Al.Playing)
840  {
841  Al.SourcePlay(alSource);
842  alError = Al.GetError();
843  if (alError != Al.NoError)
844  {
845  throw new Exception("Failed to start stream playback: " + debugName + ", " + Al.GetErrorString(alError));
846  }
847  }
848  }
850  if (reachedEndSample)
851  {
852  streamAmplitude = 0.0f;
853  }
854  }
855  catch (Exception e)
856  {
857  DebugConsole.ThrowError($"An exception was thrown when updating a sound stream ({debugName})", e);
858  }
859  finally
860  {
861  Monitor.Exit(mutex);
862  }
863  }
864  }
865 }
SoundChannel(Sound sound, float gain, Vector3? position, float freqMult, float near, float far, string category, bool muffle=false)
virtual SoundManager.SourcePoolIndex SourcePoolIndex
Definition: Sound.cs:31
int MaxSimultaneousInstances
How many instances of the same sound clip can be playing at the same time
Definition: Sound.cs:59
virtual void FillAlBuffers()
Definition: Sound.cs:150
abstract int FillStreamBuffer(int samplePos, short[] buffer)
readonly bool StreamsReliably
Definition: Sound.cs:25
readonly bool Stream
Definition: Sound.cs:23
SoundBuffers? Buffers
Definition: Sound.cs:40
abstract float GetAmplitudeAtPlaybackPos(int playbackPos)
readonly SoundManager Owner
Definition: Sound.cs:17
int CountPlayingInstances(Sound sound)
float GetCategoryGainMultiplier(string category, int index=-1)
bool GetCategoryMuffle(string category)
uint GetSourceFromIndex(SourcePoolIndex poolIndex, int srcInd)
void InitUpdateChannelThread()
Initializes the thread that handles streaming audio and fading out and disposing channels that are no...
int AssignFreeSourceToChannel(SoundChannel newChannel)
SoundSourcePool(int sourceCount=SoundManager.SOURCE_COUNT)
Definition: SoundChannel.cs:16
Definition: Al.cs:38
static void DeleteBuffer(uint buffer)
static void GetSourcei(uint sid, int param, out int value)
const int SourceRelative
Definition: Al.cs:56
const int SourceState
Definition: Al.cs:69
static bool IsSource(uint sid)
static bool IsBuffer(uint bid)
static void SourceQueueBuffer(uint sid, uint bid)
Definition: Al.cs:402
static void Sourcef(uint sid, int param, float value)
static void DeleteSource(uint source)
static void GenBuffer(out uint buffer)
Definition: Al.cs:423
const int False
Definition: Al.cs:54
static void SourcePlay(uint sid)
const int ReferenceDistance
Definition: Al.cs:87
const int MaxGain
Definition: Al.cs:67
const int BuffersProcessed
Definition: Al.cs:75
const int MaxDistance
Definition: Al.cs:90
static void SourceStop(uint sid)
static string GetErrorString(int error)
Definition: Al.cs:164
static int GetError()
const int RolloffFactor
Definition: Al.cs:88
const int True
Definition: Al.cs:55
static void GenSource(out uint source)
Definition: Al.cs:251
const int Pitch
Definition: Al.cs:59
static void Sourcei(uint sid, int param, int value)
const int Gain
Definition: Al.cs:65
static void BufferData(uint bid, int format, IntPtr data, int size, int freq)
static void Source3f(uint sid, int param, float value1, float value2, float value3)
const int MinGain
Definition: Al.cs:66
const int Position
Definition: Al.cs:60
const int SampleOffset
Definition: Al.cs:77
const int Playing
Definition: Al.cs:71
const int Looping
Definition: Al.cs:63
const int Buffer
Definition: Al.cs:64
const int NoError
Definition: Al.cs:98
static void SourceUnqueueBuffers(uint sid, int numEntries, uint[] bids)
Definition: Al.cs:36