Barotrauma Server Doc
Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle:

Public Types

enum class  BehaviorType { Patrol , Passive , StayInHull , Active }

Public Member Functions

 AIObjectiveIdle (Character character, AIObjectiveManager objectiveManager, float priorityModifier=1)
void CalculatePriority (float max=0)
override void Update (float deltaTime)
void Wander (float deltaTime)
void FaceTargetAndWait (ISpatialEntity target, float waitTime)
override void Reset ()
override void OnDeselected ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.AIObjective
IEnumerable< AIObjectiveGetSubObjectivesRecursive (bool includingSelf=false)
AIObjective GetActiveObjective ()
 AIObjective (Character character, AIObjectiveManager objectiveManager, float priorityModifier, Identifier option=default)
void TryComplete (float deltaTime)
 Makes the character act according to the objective, or according to any subobjectives that need to be completed before this one More...
void AddSubObjective (AIObjective objective, bool addFirst=false)
void RemoveSubObjective< T > (ref T objective)
void SortSubObjectives ()
bool IsIgnoredAtOutpost ()
 Returns true only when at a friendly outpost and when the order is set to be ignored there. Note that even if this returns false, the objective can be disallowed, because AllowInFriendlySubs is false. More...
float CalculatePriority ()
 Call this only when the priority needs to be recalculated. Use the cached Priority property when you don't need to recalculate. More...
virtual bool IsDuplicate< T > (T otherObjective)
virtual void OnSelected ()
virtual void SpeakAfterOrderReceived ()

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsForbidden (Hull hull)

Public Attributes

readonly HashSet< IdentifierPreferredOutpostModuleTypes = new HashSet<Identifier>()
- Public Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.AIObjective
readonly Character character
readonly AIObjectiveManager objectiveManager
readonly Identifier Option
Func< AIObjective, bool > AbortCondition
 Aborts the objective when this condition is true. More...

Protected Member Functions

override bool CheckObjectiveSpecific ()
override float GetPriority ()
override void Act (float deltaTime)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.AIObjective
void HandleNonAllowed ()
void SyncRemovedObjectives< T1, T2 > (Dictionary< T1, T2 > dictionary, IEnumerable< T1 > collection)
 Checks if the subobjectives in the given collection are removed from the subobjectives. And if so, removes it also from the dictionary. More...
bool TryAddSubObjective< T > (ref T objective, Func< T > constructor, Action onCompleted=null, Action onAbandon=null)
 Checks if the objective already is created and added in subobjectives. If not, creates it. Handles objectives that cannot be completed. If the objective has been removed form the subobjectives, a null value is assigned to the reference. Returns true if the objective was created and successfully added. More...
virtual void OnCompleted ()
virtual void OnAbandon ()
bool CanEquip (Item item, bool allowWearing)


override Identifier Identifier = "idle".ToIdentifier() [get, set]
override bool AllowAutomaticItemUnequipping [get]
override bool AllowInAnySub [get]
BehaviorType Behavior [get, set]
Hull TargetHull [get, set]
override bool CanBeCompleted [get]
override bool IsLoop [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.AIObjective
virtual float Devotion [get]
abstract Identifier Identifier [get, set]
virtual string DebugTag [get]
virtual bool ForceRun [get]
virtual bool IgnoreUnsafeHulls [get]
virtual bool AbandonWhenCannotCompleteSubjectives [get]
virtual bool AllowSubObjectiveSorting [get]
virtual bool PrioritizeIfSubObjectivesActive [get]
virtual bool AllowMultipleInstances [get]
 Can there be multiple objective instaces of the same type? More...
virtual bool ConcurrentObjectives [get]
 Run the main objective with all subobjectives concurrently? If false, the main objective will continue only when all the subobjectives have been removed (done). More...
virtual bool KeepDivingGearOn [get]
virtual bool KeepDivingGearOnAlsoWhenInactive [get]
virtual bool AllowAutomaticItemUnequipping [get]
 There's a separate property for diving suit and mask: KeepDivingGearOn. More...
virtual bool AllowOutsideSubmarine [get]
virtual bool AllowInFriendlySubs [get]
virtual bool AllowInAnySub [get]
virtual bool AllowWhileHandcuffed [get]
float CumulatedDevotion [get, set]
virtual float MaxDevotion [get]
float Priority [get, set]
 Final priority value after all calculations. More...
float BasePriority [get, set]
float PriorityModifier = 1 [get]
bool ForceHighestPriority [get, set]
bool ForceWalk [get, set]
bool IgnoreAtOutpost [get, set]
bool Abandon [get, set]
virtual bool CanBeCompleted [get]
virtual bool IsLoop [get, set]
 When true, the objective is never completed, unless CanBeCompleted returns false. More...
IEnumerable< AIObjectiveSubObjectives [get]
AIObjective CurrentSubObjective [get]
HumanAIController HumanAIController [get]
IndoorsSteeringManager PathSteering [get]
SteeringManager SteeringManager [get]
bool IsAllowed [get]
bool IsCompleted [get, protected set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.AIObjective
static bool CanEquip (Character character, Item item, bool allowWearing)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.AIObjective
readonly List< AIObjectivesubObjectives = new List<AIObjective>()
- Events inherited from Barotrauma.AIObjective
Action Completed
 A single shot event. Automatically cleared after launching. Use OnCompleted method for implementing (internal) persistent behavior. More...
Action Abandoned
 A single shot event. Automatically cleared after launching. Use OnAbandoned method for implementing (internal) persistent behavior. More...
Action Selected
 A single shot event. Automatically cleared after launching. Use OnSelected method for implementing (internal) persistent behavior. More...
Action Deselected
 A single shot event. Automatically cleared after launching. Use OnDeselected method for implementing (internal) persistent behavior. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ BehaviorType


Definition at line 56 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AIObjectiveIdle()

Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.AIObjectiveIdle ( Character  character,
AIObjectiveManager  objectiveManager,
float  priorityModifier = 1 

Definition at line 82 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Act()

override void Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.Act ( float  deltaTime)

Implements Barotrauma.AIObjective.

Definition at line 142 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ CalculatePriority()

void Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.CalculatePriority ( float  max = 0)

Definition at line 98 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ CheckObjectiveSpecific()

override bool Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.CheckObjectiveSpecific ( )

◆ FaceTargetAndWait()

void Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.FaceTargetAndWait ( ISpatialEntity  target,
float  waitTime 

Definition at line 405 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ GetPriority()

override float Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.GetPriority ( )

Reimplemented from Barotrauma.AIObjective.

◆ IsForbidden()

static bool Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.IsForbidden ( Hull  hull)

◆ OnDeselected()

override void Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.OnDeselected ( )

Reimplemented from Barotrauma.AIObjective.

Definition at line 539 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ Reset()

override void Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.Reset ( )

Reimplemented from Barotrauma.AIObjective.

Definition at line 525 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ Update()

override void Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.Update ( float  deltaTime)

Reimplemented from Barotrauma.AIObjective.

Definition at line 110 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ Wander()

void Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.Wander ( float  deltaTime)

Definition at line 312 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ PreferredOutpostModuleTypes

readonly HashSet<Identifier> Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.PreferredOutpostModuleTypes = new HashSet<Identifier>()

Definition at line 96 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ AllowAutomaticItemUnequipping

override bool Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.AllowAutomaticItemUnequipping

Definition at line 14 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ AllowInAnySub

override bool Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.AllowInAnySub

Definition at line 15 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ Behavior

BehaviorType Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.Behavior

Definition at line 18 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ CanBeCompleted

override bool Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.CanBeCompleted

Definition at line 92 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ Identifier

override Identifier Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.Identifier = "idle".ToIdentifier()

Definition at line 13 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ IsLoop

override bool Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.IsLoop

Definition at line 94 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.

◆ TargetHull

Hull Barotrauma.AIObjectiveIdle.TargetHull

Definition at line 63 of file AIObjectiveIdle.cs.