Barotrauma Server Doc
Barotrauma.Character Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Barotrauma.Character:
Barotrauma.Entity Barotrauma.IDamageable Barotrauma.ISerializableEntity Barotrauma.Networking.IClientSerializable Barotrauma.Networking.IServerPositionSync Barotrauma.ISpatialEntity Barotrauma.Networking.INetSerializable Barotrauma.Networking.IServerSerializable Barotrauma.Networking.INetSerializable Barotrauma.AICharacter


struct  AddToCrewEventData
struct  AssignCampaignInteractionEventData
class  Attacker
struct  CharacterStatusEventData
struct  ControlEventData
struct  ExecuteAttackEventData
struct  InventoryStateEventData
struct  ObjectiveManagerStateEventData
struct  RemoveFromCrewEventData
struct  SetAttackTargetEventData
struct  TreatmentEventData
struct  UpdateExperienceEventData
struct  UpdatePermanentStatsEventData
struct  UpdateSkillsEventData
struct  UpdateTalentsEventData

Public Types

enum class  EventType {
  InventoryState = 0 , Control = 1 , Status = 2 , Treatment = 3 ,
  SetAttackTarget = 4 , ExecuteAttack = 5 , AssignCampaignInteraction = 6 , ObjectiveManagerState = 7 ,
  TeamChange = 8 , AddToCrew = 9 , UpdateExperience = 10 , UpdateTalents = 11 ,
  UpdateSkills = 12 , UpdateMoney = 13 , UpdatePermanentStats = 14 , RemoveFromCrew = 15 ,
  MinValue = 0 , MaxValue = 15

Public Member Functions

void SetOriginalTeam (CharacterTeamType newTeam)
bool HasTeamChange (string identifier)
bool TryAddNewTeamChange (string identifier, ActiveTeamChange newTeamChange)
bool TryRemoveTeamChange (string identifier)
void UpdateTeam ()
void ReleaseSecondaryItem ()
bool IsAnySelectedItem (Item item)
 Is the item either the primary or the secondary selected item? More...
bool HasSelectedAnotherSecondaryItem (Item item)
delegate void OnDeathHandler (Character character, CauseOfDeath causeOfDeath)
delegate void OnAttackedHandler (Character attacker, AttackResult attackResult)
void ReloadHead (int? headId=null, int hairIndex=-1, int beardIndex=-1, int moustacheIndex=-1, int faceAttachmentIndex=-1)
void LoadHeadAttachments ()
bool IsKeyHit (InputType inputType)
bool IsKeyDown (InputType inputType)
void SetInput (InputType inputType, bool hit, bool held)
void ClearInput (InputType inputType)
void ClearInputs ()
override string ToString ()
void GiveJobItems (WayPoint spawnPoint=null)
void GiveIdCardTags (WayPoint spawnPoint, bool createNetworkEvent=false)
float GetSkillLevel (string skillIdentifier)
float GetSkillLevel (Identifier skillIdentifier)
Vector2 GetTargetMovement ()
Vector2 ApplyMovementLimits (Vector2 targetMovement, float currentSpeed)
void StackSpeedMultiplier (float val)
void ResetSpeedMultiplier ()
void StackHealthMultiplier (float val)
float GetTemporarySpeedReduction ()
 Speed reduction from the current limb specific damage. Min 0, max 1. More...
float GetRightHandPenalty ()
float GetLeftHandPenalty ()
float GetLegPenalty (float startSum=0)
float ApplyTemporarySpeedLimits (float speed)
void Control (float deltaTime, Camera cam)
void SetAttackTarget (Limb attackLimb, IDamageable damageTarget, Vector2 attackPos)
bool CanSeeTarget (ISpatialEntity target, ISpatialEntity seeingEntity=null, bool seeThroughWindows=false, bool checkFacing=false)
bool IsFacing (Vector2 targetWorldPos)
 A simple check if the character Dir is towards the target or not. Uses the world coordinates. More...
bool HasItem (Item item, bool requireEquipped=false, InvSlotType? slotType=null)
bool HasEquippedItem (Item item, InvSlotType? slotType=null, Func< InvSlotType, bool > predicate=null)
bool HasEquippedItem (Identifier tagOrIdentifier, bool allowBroken=true, InvSlotType? slotType=null)
Item GetEquippedItem (Identifier? tagOrIdentifier=null, InvSlotType? slotType=null)
bool CanAccessInventory (Inventory inventory)
bool FindItem (ref int itemIndex, out Item targetItem, IEnumerable< Identifier > identifiers=null, bool ignoreBroken=true, IEnumerable< Item > ignoredItems=null, IEnumerable< Identifier > ignoredContainerIdentifiers=null, Func< Item, bool > customPredicate=null, Func< Item, float > customPriorityFunction=null, float maxItemDistance=10000, ISpatialEntity positionalReference=null)
 Finds the closest item seeking by identifiers or tags from the world. Ignores items that are outside or in another team's submarine or in a submarine that is not connected to this submarine. Also ignores non-interactable items and items that are taken by someone else. The method is run in steps for performance reasons. So you'll have to provide the reference to the itemIndex. Returns false while running and true when done. More...
bool IsItemTakenBySomeoneElse (Item item)
bool CanInteractWith (Character c, float maxDist=200.0f, bool checkVisibility=true, bool skipDistanceCheck=false)
bool CanInteractWith (Item item, bool checkLinked=true)
bool CanInteractWith (Item item, out float distanceToItem, bool checkLinked)
void SetCustomInteract (Action< Character, Character > onCustomInteract, LocalizedString hudText)
 Set an action that's invoked when another character interacts with this one. More...
void SelectCharacter (Character character)
void DeselectCharacter ()
void DoInteractionUpdate (float deltaTime, Vector2 mouseSimPos)
virtual void Update (float deltaTime, Camera cam)
void AddAttacker (Character character, float damage)
void ForgiveAttacker (Character character)
float GetDamageDoneByAttacker (Character otherCharacter)
float GetDistanceToClosestLimb (Vector2 simPos)
void DespawnNow (bool createNetworkEvents=true)
bool CanHearCharacter (Character speaker)
void SetOrder (Order order, bool isNewOrder, bool speak=true, bool force=false)
forceForce an order to be set for the character, bypassing hearing checks
Order GetCurrentOrderWithTopPriority ()
Order GetCurrentOrder (Order order)
void DisableLine (Identifier identifier)
void DisableLine (string identifier)
void Speak (string message, ChatMessageType? messageType=null, float delay=0.0f, Identifier identifier=default, float minDurationBetweenSimilar=0.0f)
void ShowSpeechBubble (float duration, Color color)
void SetAllDamage (float damageAmount, float bleedingDamageAmount, float burnDamageAmount)
AttackResult AddDamage (Character attacker, Vector2 worldPosition, Attack attack, Vector2 impulseDirection, float deltaTime, bool playSound=true)
AttackResult ApplyAttack (Character attacker, Vector2 worldPosition, Attack attack, float deltaTime, Vector2 impulseDirection, bool playSound=false, Limb targetLimb=null, float penetration=0f)
 Apply the specified attack to this character. If the targetLimb is not specified, the limb closest to worldPosition will receive the damage. More...
void TrySeverLimbJoints (Limb targetLimb, float severLimbsProbability, float damage, bool allowBeheading, bool ignoreSeveranceProbabilityModifier=false, Character attacker=null)
AttackResult AddDamage (Vector2 worldPosition, IEnumerable< Affliction > afflictions, float stun, bool playSound, Vector2? attackImpulse=null, Character attacker=null, float damageMultiplier=1f)
AttackResult AddDamage (Vector2 worldPosition, IEnumerable< Affliction > afflictions, float stun, bool playSound, Vector2 attackImpulse, out Limb hitLimb, Character attacker=null, float damageMultiplier=1)
void RecordKill (Character target)
AttackResult DamageLimb (Vector2 worldPosition, Limb hitLimb, IEnumerable< Affliction > afflictions, float stun, bool playSound, Vector2 attackImpulse, Character attacker=null, float damageMultiplier=1, bool allowStacking=true, float penetration=0f, bool shouldImplode=false)
void TryAdjustAttackerSkill (Character attacker, AttackResult attackResult)
void TryAdjustHealerSkill (Character healer, float healthChange=0, Affliction affliction=null)
void SetStun (float newStun, bool allowStunDecrease=false, bool isNetworkMessage=false)
void ApplyStatusEffects (ActionType actionType, float deltaTime)
void BreakJoints ()
void Kill (CauseOfDeathType causeOfDeath, Affliction causeOfDeathAffliction, bool isNetworkMessage=false, bool log=true)
void Revive (bool removeAfflictions=true, bool createNetworkEvent=false)
override void Remove ()
void TeleportTo (Vector2 worldPos)
void SaveInventory ()
 Calls SaveInventory(Barotrauma.Inventory, XElement) using 'Inventory' and 'Info.InventoryData' More...
void SpawnInventoryItems (Inventory inventory, ContentXElement itemData)
IEnumerable< AttackContextGetAttackContexts ()
List< HullGetVisibleHulls ()
 Returns hulls that are visible to the character, including the current hull. Note that this is not an accurate visibility check, it only checks for open gaps between the adjacent and linked hulls. Can be heavy if used every frame. More...
Vector2 GetRelativeSimPosition (ISpatialEntity target, Vector2? worldPos=null)
bool HasJob (string identifier)
bool HasJob (Identifier identifier)
void LoadTalents ()
bool GiveTalent (Identifier talentIdentifier, bool addingFirstTime=true)
bool GiveTalent (UInt32 talentIdentifier, bool addingFirstTime=true)
bool GiveTalent (TalentPrefab talentPrefab, bool addingFirstTime=true)
bool HasTalent (Identifier identifier)
bool HasUnlockedAllTalents ()
bool HasTalents ()
void CheckTalents (AbilityEffectType abilityEffectType, AbilityObject abilityObject)
void CheckTalents (AbilityEffectType abilityEffectType)
bool IsInSameRoomAs (Character character)
 Check if the character is in the same room Room and hull differ in that a room can consist of multiple linked hulls More...
bool HasRecipeForItem (Identifier recipeIdentifier)
bool HasStoreAccessForItem (ItemPrefab prefab)
void GiveMoney (int amount)
 Shows visual notification of money gained by the specific player. Useful for mid-mission monetary gains. More...
float GetStatValue (StatTypes statType, bool includeSaved=true)
void OnWearablesChanged ()
void ChangeStat (StatTypes statType, float value)
void AddAbilityFlag (AbilityFlags abilityFlag)
void RemoveAbilityFlag (AbilityFlags abilityFlag)
bool HasAbilityFlag (AbilityFlags abilityFlag)
float GetAbilityResistance (AfflictionPrefab affliction)
void ChangeAbilityResistance (TalentResistanceIdentifier identifier, float value)
void RemoveAbilityResistance (TalentResistanceIdentifier identifier)
bool IsFriendly (Character other)
bool IsOnFriendlyTeam (Character other)
bool IsOnFriendlyTeam (CharacterTeamType otherTeam)
bool IsSameSpeciesOrGroup (Character other)
void StopClimbing ()
void ResetNetState ()
void SetOwnerClient (Client client)
bool IsClientOwner (Client client)
float GetPositionUpdateInterval (Client recipient)
void ServerReadInput (IReadMessage msg, Client c)
virtual void ServerEventRead (IReadMessage msg, Client c)
void ServerWritePosition (ReadWriteMessage tempBuffer, Client c)
virtual void ServerEventWrite (IWriteMessage msg, Client c, NetEntityEvent.IData extraData=null)
void WriteSpawnData (IWriteMessage msg, UInt16 entityId, bool restrictMessageSize)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.Entity
 Entity (Submarine submarine, ushort id)
void FreeID ()
 Removes the entity from the entity dictionary and frees up the ID it was using. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Character Create (CharacterInfo characterInfo, Vector2 position, string seed, ushort id=Entity.NullEntityID, bool isRemotePlayer=false, bool hasAi=true, RagdollParams ragdoll=null, bool spawnInitialItems=true)
 Create a new character More...
static Character Create (string speciesName, Vector2 position, string seed, CharacterInfo characterInfo=null, ushort id=Entity.NullEntityID, bool isRemotePlayer=false, bool hasAi=true, bool createNetworkEvent=true, RagdollParams ragdoll=null, bool throwErrorIfNotFound=true, bool spawnInitialItems=true)
 Create a new character More...
static Character Create (Identifier speciesName, Vector2 position, string seed, CharacterInfo characterInfo=null, ushort id=Entity.NullEntityID, bool isRemotePlayer=false, bool hasAi=true, bool createNetworkEvent=true, RagdollParams ragdoll=null, bool throwErrorIfNotFound=true, bool spawnInitialItems=true)
static Character Create (CharacterPrefab prefab, Vector2 position, string seed, CharacterInfo characterInfo=null, ushort id=Entity.NullEntityID, bool isRemotePlayer=false, bool hasAi=true, bool createNetworkEvent=true, RagdollParams ragdoll=null, bool spawnInitialItems=true)
static bool IsTargetVisible (ISpatialEntity target, ISpatialEntity seeingEntity, bool seeThroughWindows=false, bool checkFacing=false)
static void UpdateAnimAll (float deltaTime)
static void UpdateAll (float deltaTime, Camera cam)
static void RemoveByPrefab (CharacterPrefab prefab)
static void SaveInventory (Inventory inventory, XElement parentElement)
static IEnumerable< CharacterGetFriendlyCrew (Character character)
static bool IsFriendly (Character me, Character other)
static bool IsOnFriendlyTeam (CharacterTeamType myTeam, CharacterTeamType otherTeam)
static bool IsOnFriendlyTeam (Character me, Character other)
static bool IsSameSpeciesOrGroup (Character me, Character other)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.Entity
static IReadOnlyCollection< EntityGetEntities ()
static int FindFreeIdBlock (int minBlockSize)
 Finds a contiguous block of free IDs of at least the given size More...
static Entity FindEntityByID (ushort ID)
 Find an entity based on the ID More...
static void RemoveAll ()
static void DumpIds (int count, string filename)

Public Attributes

Hull PreviousHull = null
Hull CurrentHull = null
readonly Dictionary< Identifier, SerializablePropertyProperties
readonly HashSet< LatchOntoAILatchers = new HashSet<LatchOntoAI>()
readonly HashSet< ProjectileAttachedProjectiles = new HashSet<Projectile>()
CombatAction CombatAction
readonly AnimController AnimController
readonly string Seed
Entity LastDamageSource
AttackResult LastDamage
readonly CharacterPrefab Prefab
readonly CharacterParams Params
LocalizedString TraitorCurrentObjective = ""
ConversationAction ActiveConversation
bool RequireConsciousnessForCustomInteract = true
float KnockbackCooldownTimer
bool IsRagdolled
bool IsForceRagdolled
bool dontFollowCursor
bool DisableHealthWindow
bool GodMode = false
 Godmoded characters cannot receive any afflictions whatsoever More...
CampaignMode.InteractionType CampaignInteractionType
Identifier MerchantIdentifier
HashSet< IdentifierMarkedAsLooted = new()
OnDeathHandler OnDeath
OnAttackedHandler OnAttacked
UInt16 LastNetworkUpdateID = 0
UInt16 LastProcessedID
 ID of the last inputs the server has processed More...
float healthUpdateTimer
bool isSynced = false
bool ClientDisconnected
float KillDisconnectedTimer
bool HealthUpdatePending
- Public Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.Entity
readonly ushort ID
 Unique, but non-persistent identifier. Stays the same if the entities are created in the exactly same order, but doesn't persist e.g. between the rounds. More...
readonly string CreationStackTrace
readonly UInt64 CreationIndex

Static Public Attributes

static readonly List< CharacterCharacterList = new List<Character>()
static int CharacterUpdateInterval = 1
const float MaxHighlightDistance = 150.0f
const float MaxDragDistance = 200.0f
const float KnockbackCooldown = 5.0f
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.Entity
const ushort NullEntityID = 0
const ushort EntitySpawnerID = ushort.MaxValue
const ushort RespawnManagerID = ushort.MaxValue - 1
const ushort DummyID = ushort.MaxValue - 2
const ushort ReservedIDStart = ushort.MaxValue - 3
const ushort MaxEntityCount = ushort.MaxValue - 4
static EntitySpawner Spawner

Protected Member Functions

 Character (CharacterPrefab prefab, Vector2 position, string seed, CharacterInfo characterInfo=null, ushort id=Entity.NullEntityID, bool isRemotePlayer=false, RagdollParams ragdollParams=null, bool spawnInitialItems=true)
float GetDistanceToClosestPlayer ()
 How far the character is from the closest human player (including spectators) More...
float GetDistanceSqrToClosestPlayer ()
 How far the character is from the closest human player (including spectators) More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.Entity
virtual ushort DetermineID (ushort id, Submarine submarine)

Protected Attributes

Key[] keys
readonly Dictionary< string, ActiveTeamChangeactiveTeamChanges = new Dictionary<string, ActiveTeamChange>()
ActiveTeamChange currentTeamChange
float oxygenAvailable
Item focusedItem
- Protected Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.Entity
AITarget aiTarget


bool Enabled [get, set]
bool DisabledByEvent [get, set]
 MonsterEvents disable monsters (which includes removing them from the character list, so they essentially "don't exist") until they're ready to spawn More...
bool IsRemotelyControlled [get]
 Is the character controlled remotely (either by another player, or a server-side AIController) More...
bool IsRemotePlayer [get, set]
 Is the character controlled by another human player (should always be false in single player) More...
bool IsLocalPlayer [get]
bool IsPlayer [get]
bool IsCommanding [get]
 Is the character player or does it have an active ship command manager (an AI controlled sub)? Bots in the player team are not treated as commanders. More...
bool IsBot [get]
bool IsEscorted [get, set]
Identifier JobIdentifier [get]
bool DoesBleed [get, set]
Dictionary< Identifier, SerializablePropertySerializableProperties [get]
Key[] Keys [get]
HumanPrefab HumanPrefab [get, set]
Identifier????? Faction [get, set]
CharacterTeamType TeamID [get, set]
CharacterTeamType?? OriginalTeamID [get]
Wallet Wallet [get, set]
bool IsOnPlayerTeam [get]
bool IsOriginallyOnPlayerTeam [get]
bool IsFriendlyNPCTurnedHostile [get]
bool IsInstigator [get]
IEnumerable< AttackerLastAttackers [get]
Character LastAttacker [get]
Character LastOrderedCharacter [get]
Character SecondLastOrderedCharacter [get]
Dictionary< ItemPrefab, double > ItemSelectedDurations [get]
float InvisibleTimer [get, set]
Identifier SpeciesName [get]
Identifier Group [get]
bool IsHumanoid [get]
bool IsMachine [get]
bool IsHusk [get]
bool IsDisguisedAsHusk [get]
bool IsHuskInfected [get]
bool IsMale [get]
bool IsFemale [get]
string BloodDecalName [get]
bool CanSpeak [get, set]
bool NeedsAir [get, set]
bool NeedsWater [get, set]
bool NeedsOxygen [get]
float Noise [get, set]
float Visibility [get, set]
bool IsTraitor [get, set]
bool IsHuman [get]
List< OrderCurrentOrders [get]
bool IsDismissed [get]
Entity ViewTarget [get, set]
Vector2 AimRefPosition [get]
CharacterInfo Info [get, set]
Identifier VariantOf [get]
string? Name [get]
string? DisplayName [get]
string?? LogName [get]
bool? HideFace [get, set]
string ConfigPath [get]
float Mass [get]
CharacterInventory Inventory [get]
bool DisableInteract [get, set]
 Prevents the character from interacting with items or characters More...
bool DisableFocusingOnEntities [get, set]
 Prevents the character from highlighting items or characters with the cursor, meaning it can't interact with anything but the things it has currently selected/equipped More...
LocalizedString CustomInteractHUDText [get]
bool AllowCustomInteract [get]
bool? LockHands [get, set]
bool AllowInput [get]
bool CanMove [get]
bool CanInteract [get]
bool CanEat [get]
Vector2 CursorPosition [get, set]
Vector2 SmoothedCursorPosition [get]
Vector2? CursorWorldPosition [get]
Character FocusedCharacter [get, set]
Character SelectedCharacter [get, set]
Character SelectedBy [get, set]
IEnumerable< Item >?? HeldItems [get]
 Items the character has in their hand slots. Doesn't return nulls and only returns items held in both hands once. More...
float LowPassMultiplier [get, set]
bool? ObstructVision [get, set]
float PressureProtection [get, set]
bool InPressure [get]
 Can be used by status effects to check whether the characters is in a high-pressure environment More...
AnimController.Animation??? Anim [get]
 Can be used by status effects More...
bool IsIncapacitated [get]
bool IsUnconscious [get]
bool IsArrested [get]
bool IsPet [get]
float Oxygen [get, set]
float OxygenAvailable [get, set]
float??? HullOxygenPercentage [get]
bool UseHullOxygen = true [get, set]
float? Stun [get, set]
CharacterHealth CharacterHealth [get]
float Vitality [get]
float Health [get]
float HealthPercentage [get]
float MaxVitality [get]
float MaxHealth [get]
bool WasFullHealth [get]
 Was the character in full health at the beginning of the frame? More...
AIState AIState [get]
bool IsLatched [get]
float EmpVulnerability [get]
float PoisonVulnerability [get]
bool IsFlipped [get]
float Bloodloss [get, set]
float Bleeding [get]
float SpeechImpediment [get, set]
float PressureTimer [get]
float DisableImpactDamageTimer [get, set]
bool IgnoreMeleeWeapons [get, set]
float???? CurrentSpeed [get]
 Current speed of the character's collider. Can be used by status effects to check if the character is moving. More...
ItemSelectedItem [get, set]
 The primary selected item. It can be any device that character interacts with. This excludes items like ladders and chairs which are assigned to SelectedSecondaryItem. More...
Item SelectedSecondaryItem [get, set]
 The secondary selected item. It's an item other than a device (see SelectedItem), e.g. a ladder or a chair. More...
bool HasSelectedAnyItem [get]
 Has the characters selected a primary or a secondary item? More...
Item FocusedItem [get, set]
Item PickingItem [get, set]
virtual AIController AIController [get]
bool IsDead [get, set]
bool EnableDespawn = true [get, set]
CauseOfDeath CauseOfDeath [get]
bool CanBeSelected [get]
bool CanBeDragged [get, set]
bool CanInventoryBeAccessed [get, set]
bool CanAim [get]
bool InWater [get]
bool IsLowInOxygen [get]
bool Unkillable [get, set]
bool UseHealthWindow [get, set]
 Is the health interface available on this character? Can be used by status effects More...
override Vector2? SimPosition [get]
override Vector2 Position [get]
override Vector2 DrawPosition [get]
bool IsInFriendlySub [get]
bool IsInPlayerSub [get]
float AITurretPriority [get]
Vector2? OverrideMovement [get, set]
bool ForceRun [get, set]
bool IsClimbing [get]
bool CanRun [get]
float SpeedMultiplier = 1 [get]
 Can be used to modify the character's speed via StatusEffects More...
float PropulsionSpeedMultiplier [get, set]
 Can be used to modify the speed at which Propulsion ItemComponents move the character via StatusEffects (e.g. heavy suit can slow down underwater scooters) More...
float HealthMultiplier = 1 [get]
 Can be used to modify the character's health via StatusEffects More...
float HumanPrefabHealthMultiplier = 1 [get]
 Health multiplier of the human prefab this character is an instance of (if any) More...
bool IsKnockedDown [get]
 Is the character knocked down regardless whether the technical state is dead, unconcious, paralyzed, or stunned. With stunning, the parameter uses an one second delay before the character is treated as knocked down. The purpose of this is to ignore minor stunning. If you don't want to to ignore any stun, use the Stun property. More...
bool IsCaptain [get]
bool IsEngineer [get]
bool IsMechanic [get]
bool IsMedic [get]
bool IsSecurity [get]
bool IsAssistant [get]
bool IsWatchman [get]
bool IsVip [get]
bool IsPrisoner [get]
bool IsKiller [get]
Color? UniqueNameColor = null [get, set]
bool IsProtectedFromPressure [get]
 Is the character currently protected from the pressure by immunity/ability or a status effect (e.g. from a diving suit). More...
bool IsImmuneToPressure [get]
IReadOnlyCollection< CharacterTalentCharacterTalents [get]
float? HealthUpdateInterval [get, set]
List< CharacterStateInfoMemState [get]
List< CharacterStateInfoMemLocalState [get]
static Character Controlled [get]
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.Entity
static int EntityCount [get]
bool Removed [get]
bool IdFreed [get]
virtual Vector2 SimPosition [get]
virtual Vector2 Position [get]
virtual Vector2 WorldPosition [get]
virtual Vector2 DrawPosition [get]
Submarine Submarine [get, set]
AITarget AiTarget [get]
bool InDetectable [get, set]
double SpawnTime [get]
string ErrorLine [get]
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.ISpatialEntity
Vector2 Position [get]
Vector2 WorldPosition [get]
Vector2 SimPosition [get]
Submarine Submarine [get]
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.IDamageable
Vector2 SimPosition [get]
Vector2 WorldPosition [get]
float Health [get]
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.ISerializableEntity
string Name [get]
Dictionary< Identifier, SerializablePropertySerializableProperties [get]

Detailed Description

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EventType


Definition at line 12 of file CharacterEventData.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Character()

Barotrauma.Character.Character ( CharacterPrefab  prefab,
Vector2  position,
string  seed,
CharacterInfo  characterInfo = null,
ushort  id = Entity.NullEntityID,
bool  isRemotePlayer = false,
RagdollParams  ragdollParams = null,
bool  spawnInitialItems = true 

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAbilityFlag()

void Barotrauma.Character.AddAbilityFlag ( AbilityFlags  abilityFlag)

◆ AddAttacker()

void Barotrauma.Character.AddAttacker ( Character  character,
float  damage 

◆ AddDamage() [1/3]

AttackResult Barotrauma.Character.AddDamage ( Character  attacker,
Vector2  worldPosition,
Attack  attack,
Vector2  impulseDirection,
float  deltaTime,
bool  playSound = true 

◆ AddDamage() [2/3]

AttackResult Barotrauma.Character.AddDamage ( Vector2  worldPosition,
IEnumerable< Affliction afflictions,
float  stun,
bool  playSound,
Vector2  attackImpulse,
out Limb  hitLimb,
Character  attacker = null,
float  damageMultiplier = 1 

◆ AddDamage() [3/3]

AttackResult Barotrauma.Character.AddDamage ( Vector2  worldPosition,
IEnumerable< Affliction afflictions,
float  stun,
bool  playSound,
Vector2?  attackImpulse = null,
Character  attacker = null,
float  damageMultiplier = 1f 

◆ ApplyAttack()

AttackResult Barotrauma.Character.ApplyAttack ( Character  attacker,
Vector2  worldPosition,
Attack  attack,
float  deltaTime,
Vector2  impulseDirection,
bool  playSound = false,
Limb  targetLimb = null,
float  penetration = 0f 

Apply the specified attack to this character. If the targetLimb is not specified, the limb closest to worldPosition will receive the damage.

Definition at line 4051 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ ApplyMovementLimits()

Vector2 Barotrauma.Character.ApplyMovementLimits ( Vector2  targetMovement,
float  currentSpeed 

◆ ApplyStatusEffects()

void Barotrauma.Character.ApplyStatusEffects ( ActionType  actionType,
float  deltaTime 

◆ ApplyTemporarySpeedLimits()

float Barotrauma.Character.ApplyTemporarySpeedLimits ( float  speed)

◆ BreakJoints()

void Barotrauma.Character.BreakJoints ( )

◆ CanAccessInventory()

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanAccessInventory ( Inventory  inventory)

◆ CanHearCharacter()

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanHearCharacter ( Character  speaker)

◆ CanInteractWith() [1/3]

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanInteractWith ( Character  c,
float  maxDist = 200.0f,
bool  checkVisibility = true,
bool  skipDistanceCheck = false 

◆ CanInteractWith() [2/3]

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanInteractWith ( Item  item,
bool  checkLinked = true 

◆ CanInteractWith() [3/3]

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanInteractWith ( Item  item,
out float  distanceToItem,
bool  checkLinked 

◆ CanSeeTarget()

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanSeeTarget ( ISpatialEntity  target,
ISpatialEntity  seeingEntity = null,
bool  seeThroughWindows = false,
bool  checkFacing = false 

◆ ChangeAbilityResistance()

void Barotrauma.Character.ChangeAbilityResistance ( TalentResistanceIdentifier  identifier,
float  value 

◆ ChangeStat()

void Barotrauma.Character.ChangeStat ( StatTypes  statType,
float  value 

◆ CheckTalents() [1/2]

void Barotrauma.Character.CheckTalents ( AbilityEffectType  abilityEffectType)

◆ CheckTalents() [2/2]

void Barotrauma.Character.CheckTalents ( AbilityEffectType  abilityEffectType,
AbilityObject  abilityObject 

◆ ClearInput()

void Barotrauma.Character.ClearInput ( InputType  inputType)

◆ ClearInputs()

void Barotrauma.Character.ClearInputs ( )

◆ Control()

void Barotrauma.Character.Control ( float  deltaTime,
Camera  cam 

◆ Create() [1/4]

static Character Barotrauma.Character.Create ( CharacterInfo  characterInfo,
Vector2  position,
string  seed,
ushort  id = Entity.NullEntityID,
bool  isRemotePlayer = false,
bool  hasAi = true,
RagdollParams  ragdoll = null,
bool  spawnInitialItems = true 

Create a new character

characterInfoThe name, gender, config file, etc of the character.
positionPosition in display units.
seedRNG seed to use if the character config has randomizable parameters.
isRemotePlayerIs the character controlled by a remote player.
hasAiIs the character controlled by AI.
ragdollRagdoll configuration file. If null, will select the default.

Definition at line 1203 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ Create() [2/4]

static Character Barotrauma.Character.Create ( CharacterPrefab  prefab,
Vector2  position,
string  seed,
CharacterInfo  characterInfo = null,
ushort  id = Entity.NullEntityID,
bool  isRemotePlayer = false,
bool  hasAi = true,
bool  createNetworkEvent = true,
RagdollParams  ragdoll = null,
bool  spawnInitialItems = true 

◆ Create() [3/4]

static Character Barotrauma.Character.Create ( Identifier  speciesName,
Vector2  position,
string  seed,
CharacterInfo  characterInfo = null,
ushort  id = Entity.NullEntityID,
bool  isRemotePlayer = false,
bool  hasAi = true,
bool  createNetworkEvent = true,
RagdollParams  ragdoll = null,
bool  throwErrorIfNotFound = true,
bool  spawnInitialItems = true 

◆ Create() [4/4]

static Character Barotrauma.Character.Create ( string  speciesName,
Vector2  position,
string  seed,
CharacterInfo  characterInfo = null,
ushort  id = Entity.NullEntityID,
bool  isRemotePlayer = false,
bool  hasAi = true,
bool  createNetworkEvent = true,
RagdollParams  ragdoll = null,
bool  throwErrorIfNotFound = true,
bool  spawnInitialItems = true 

Create a new character

speciesNameName of the species (or the path to the config file)
positionPosition in display units.
seedRNG seed to use if the character config has randomizable parameters.
characterInfoThe name, gender, etc of the character. Only used for humans, and if the parameter is not given, a random CharacterInfo is generated.
idID to assign to the character. If set to 0, automatically find an available ID.
isRemotePlayerIs the character controlled by a remote player.
hasAiIs the character controlled by AI.
createNetworkEventShould clients receive a network event about the creation of this character?
ragdollRagdoll configuration file. If null, will select the default.

Definition at line 1220 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ DamageLimb()

AttackResult Barotrauma.Character.DamageLimb ( Vector2  worldPosition,
Limb  hitLimb,
IEnumerable< Affliction afflictions,
float  stun,
bool  playSound,
Vector2  attackImpulse,
Character  attacker = null,
float  damageMultiplier = 1,
bool  allowStacking = true,
float  penetration = 0f,
bool  shouldImplode = false 

◆ DeselectCharacter()

void Barotrauma.Character.DeselectCharacter ( )

◆ DespawnNow()

void Barotrauma.Character.DespawnNow ( bool  createNetworkEvents = true)

◆ DisableLine() [1/2]

void Barotrauma.Character.DisableLine ( Identifier  identifier)

◆ DisableLine() [2/2]

void Barotrauma.Character.DisableLine ( string  identifier)

◆ DoInteractionUpdate()

void Barotrauma.Character.DoInteractionUpdate ( float  deltaTime,
Vector2  mouseSimPos 

◆ FindItem()

bool Barotrauma.Character.FindItem ( ref int  itemIndex,
out Item  targetItem,
IEnumerable< Identifier identifiers = null,
bool  ignoreBroken = true,
IEnumerable< Item ignoredItems = null,
IEnumerable< Identifier ignoredContainerIdentifiers = null,
Func< Item, bool >  customPredicate = null,
Func< Item, float >  customPriorityFunction = null,
float  maxItemDistance = 10000,
ISpatialEntity  positionalReference = null 

Finds the closest item seeking by identifiers or tags from the world. Ignores items that are outside or in another team's submarine or in a submarine that is not connected to this submarine. Also ignores non-interactable items and items that are taken by someone else. The method is run in steps for performance reasons. So you'll have to provide the reference to the itemIndex. Returns false while running and true when done.

Definition at line 2555 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ ForgiveAttacker()

void Barotrauma.Character.ForgiveAttacker ( Character  character)

◆ GetAbilityResistance()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetAbilityResistance ( AfflictionPrefab  affliction)

◆ GetAttackContexts()

IEnumerable<AttackContext> Barotrauma.Character.GetAttackContexts ( )

◆ GetCurrentOrder()

Order Barotrauma.Character.GetCurrentOrder ( Order  order)

◆ GetCurrentOrderWithTopPriority()

Order Barotrauma.Character.GetCurrentOrderWithTopPriority ( )

◆ GetDamageDoneByAttacker()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetDamageDoneByAttacker ( Character  otherCharacter)

◆ GetDistanceSqrToClosestPlayer()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetDistanceSqrToClosestPlayer ( )

How far the character is from the closest human player (including spectators)

Definition at line 3523 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ GetDistanceToClosestLimb()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetDistanceToClosestLimb ( Vector2  simPos)

◆ GetDistanceToClosestPlayer()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetDistanceToClosestPlayer ( )

How far the character is from the closest human player (including spectators)

Definition at line 3515 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ GetEquippedItem()

Item Barotrauma.Character.GetEquippedItem ( Identifier tagOrIdentifier = null,
InvSlotType slotType = null 

◆ GetFriendlyCrew()

static IEnumerable<Character> Barotrauma.Character.GetFriendlyCrew ( Character  character)

◆ GetLeftHandPenalty()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetLeftHandPenalty ( )

◆ GetLegPenalty()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetLegPenalty ( float  startSum = 0)

◆ GetPositionUpdateInterval()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetPositionUpdateInterval ( Client  recipient)

◆ GetRelativeSimPosition()

Vector2 Barotrauma.Character.GetRelativeSimPosition ( ISpatialEntity  target,
Vector2?  worldPos = null 

◆ GetRightHandPenalty()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetRightHandPenalty ( )

◆ GetSkillLevel() [1/2]

float Barotrauma.Character.GetSkillLevel ( Identifier  skillIdentifier)

◆ GetSkillLevel() [2/2]

float Barotrauma.Character.GetSkillLevel ( string  skillIdentifier)

◆ GetStatValue()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetStatValue ( StatTypes  statType,
bool  includeSaved = true 

◆ GetTargetMovement()

Vector2 Barotrauma.Character.GetTargetMovement ( )

◆ GetTemporarySpeedReduction()

float Barotrauma.Character.GetTemporarySpeedReduction ( )

Speed reduction from the current limb specific damage. Min 0, max 1.

Definition at line 1928 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ GetVisibleHulls()

List<Hull> Barotrauma.Character.GetVisibleHulls ( )

Returns hulls that are visible to the character, including the current hull. Note that this is not an accurate visibility check, it only checks for open gaps between the adjacent and linked hulls. Can be heavy if used every frame.

Definition at line 5048 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ GiveIdCardTags()

void Barotrauma.Character.GiveIdCardTags ( WayPoint  spawnPoint,
bool  createNetworkEvent = false 

◆ GiveJobItems()

void Barotrauma.Character.GiveJobItems ( WayPoint  spawnPoint = null)

◆ GiveMoney()

void Barotrauma.Character.GiveMoney ( int  amount)

Shows visual notification of money gained by the specific player. Useful for mid-mission monetary gains.

Definition at line 5298 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ GiveTalent() [1/3]

bool Barotrauma.Character.GiveTalent ( Identifier  talentIdentifier,
bool  addingFirstTime = true 

◆ GiveTalent() [2/3]

bool Barotrauma.Character.GiveTalent ( TalentPrefab  talentPrefab,
bool  addingFirstTime = true 

◆ GiveTalent() [3/3]

bool Barotrauma.Character.GiveTalent ( UInt32  talentIdentifier,
bool  addingFirstTime = true 

◆ HasAbilityFlag()

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasAbilityFlag ( AbilityFlags  abilityFlag)

◆ HasEquippedItem() [1/2]

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasEquippedItem ( Identifier  tagOrIdentifier,
bool  allowBroken = true,
InvSlotType slotType = null 

◆ HasEquippedItem() [2/2]

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasEquippedItem ( Item  item,
InvSlotType slotType = null,
Func< InvSlotType, bool >  predicate = null 

◆ HasItem()

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasItem ( Item  item,
bool  requireEquipped = false,
InvSlotType slotType = null 

◆ HasJob() [1/2]

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasJob ( Identifier  identifier)

◆ HasJob() [2/2]

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasJob ( string  identifier)

◆ HasRecipeForItem()

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasRecipeForItem ( Identifier  recipeIdentifier)

◆ HasSelectedAnotherSecondaryItem()

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasSelectedAnotherSecondaryItem ( Item  item)

◆ HasStoreAccessForItem()

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasStoreAccessForItem ( ItemPrefab  prefab)

◆ HasTalent()

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasTalent ( Identifier  identifier)

◆ HasTalents()

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasTalents ( )

◆ HasTeamChange()

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasTeamChange ( string  identifier)

◆ HasUnlockedAllTalents()

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasUnlockedAllTalents ( )

◆ IsAnySelectedItem()

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsAnySelectedItem ( Item  item)

Is the item either the primary or the secondary selected item?


◆ IsClientOwner()

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsClientOwner ( Client  client)

◆ IsFacing()

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsFacing ( Vector2  targetWorldPos)

A simple check if the character Dir is towards the target or not. Uses the world coordinates.

◆ IsFriendly() [1/2]

static bool Barotrauma.Character.IsFriendly ( Character  me,
Character  other 

◆ IsFriendly() [2/2]

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsFriendly ( Character  other)

◆ IsInSameRoomAs()

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsInSameRoomAs ( Character  character)

Check if the character is in the same room Room and hull differ in that a room can consist of multiple linked hulls

Definition at line 5248 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ IsItemTakenBySomeoneElse()

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsItemTakenBySomeoneElse ( Item  item)

◆ IsKeyDown()

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsKeyDown ( InputType  inputType)

◆ IsKeyHit()

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsKeyHit ( InputType  inputType)

◆ IsOnFriendlyTeam() [1/4]

static bool Barotrauma.Character.IsOnFriendlyTeam ( Character  me,
Character  other 

◆ IsOnFriendlyTeam() [2/4]

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsOnFriendlyTeam ( Character  other)

◆ IsOnFriendlyTeam() [3/4]

static bool Barotrauma.Character.IsOnFriendlyTeam ( CharacterTeamType  myTeam,
CharacterTeamType  otherTeam 

◆ IsOnFriendlyTeam() [4/4]

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsOnFriendlyTeam ( CharacterTeamType  otherTeam)

◆ IsSameSpeciesOrGroup() [1/2]

static bool Barotrauma.Character.IsSameSpeciesOrGroup ( Character  me,
Character  other 

◆ IsSameSpeciesOrGroup() [2/2]

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsSameSpeciesOrGroup ( Character  other)

◆ IsTargetVisible()

static bool Barotrauma.Character.IsTargetVisible ( ISpatialEntity  target,
ISpatialEntity  seeingEntity,
bool  seeThroughWindows = false,
bool  checkFacing = false 

◆ Kill()

void Barotrauma.Character.Kill ( CauseOfDeathType  causeOfDeath,
Affliction  causeOfDeathAffliction,
bool  isNetworkMessage = false,
bool  log = true 

◆ LoadHeadAttachments()

void Barotrauma.Character.LoadHeadAttachments ( )

◆ LoadTalents()

void Barotrauma.Character.LoadTalents ( )

◆ OnAttackedHandler()

delegate void Barotrauma.Character.OnAttackedHandler ( Character  attacker,
AttackResult  attackResult 

◆ OnDeathHandler()

delegate void Barotrauma.Character.OnDeathHandler ( Character  character,
CauseOfDeath  causeOfDeath 

◆ OnWearablesChanged()

void Barotrauma.Character.OnWearablesChanged ( )

◆ RecordKill()

void Barotrauma.Character.RecordKill ( Character  target)

◆ ReleaseSecondaryItem()

void Barotrauma.Character.ReleaseSecondaryItem ( )

◆ ReloadHead()

void Barotrauma.Character.ReloadHead ( int?  headId = null,
int  hairIndex = -1,
int  beardIndex = -1,
int  moustacheIndex = -1,
int  faceAttachmentIndex = -1 

◆ Remove()

override void Barotrauma.Character.Remove ( )

Reimplemented from Barotrauma.Entity.

Definition at line 4779 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ RemoveAbilityFlag()

void Barotrauma.Character.RemoveAbilityFlag ( AbilityFlags  abilityFlag)

◆ RemoveAbilityResistance()

void Barotrauma.Character.RemoveAbilityResistance ( TalentResistanceIdentifier  identifier)

◆ RemoveByPrefab()

static void Barotrauma.Character.RemoveByPrefab ( CharacterPrefab  prefab)

◆ ResetNetState()

void Barotrauma.Character.ResetNetState ( )

◆ ResetSpeedMultiplier()

void Barotrauma.Character.ResetSpeedMultiplier ( )

◆ Revive()

void Barotrauma.Character.Revive ( bool  removeAfflictions = true,
bool  createNetworkEvent = false 

◆ SaveInventory() [1/2]

void Barotrauma.Character.SaveInventory ( )

◆ SaveInventory() [2/2]

static void Barotrauma.Character.SaveInventory ( Inventory  inventory,
XElement  parentElement 

◆ SelectCharacter()

void Barotrauma.Character.SelectCharacter ( Character  character)

◆ ServerEventRead()

virtual void Barotrauma.Character.ServerEventRead ( IReadMessage  msg,
Client  c 

◆ ServerEventWrite()

virtual void Barotrauma.Character.ServerEventWrite ( IWriteMessage  msg,
Client  c,
NetEntityEvent.IData  extraData = null 

◆ ServerReadInput()

void Barotrauma.Character.ServerReadInput ( IReadMessage  msg,
Client  c 

◆ ServerWritePosition()

void Barotrauma.Character.ServerWritePosition ( ReadWriteMessage  tempBuffer,
Client  c 

◆ SetAllDamage()

void Barotrauma.Character.SetAllDamage ( float  damageAmount,
float  bleedingDamageAmount,
float  burnDamageAmount 

◆ SetAttackTarget()

void Barotrauma.Character.SetAttackTarget ( Limb  attackLimb,
IDamageable  damageTarget,
Vector2  attackPos 

◆ SetCustomInteract()

void Barotrauma.Character.SetCustomInteract ( Action< Character, Character onCustomInteract,
LocalizedString  hudText 

Set an action that's invoked when another character interacts with this one.

onCustomInteractAction invoked when another character interacts with this one. T1 = this character, T2 = the interacting character
hudTextDisplayed on the character when highlighted.

Definition at line 2826 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ SetInput()

void Barotrauma.Character.SetInput ( InputType  inputType,
bool  hit,
bool  held 

◆ SetOrder()

void Barotrauma.Character.SetOrder ( Order  order,
bool  isNewOrder,
bool  speak = true,
bool  force = false 

forceForce an order to be set for the character, bypassing hearing checks

Definition at line 3742 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ SetOriginalTeam()

void Barotrauma.Character.SetOriginalTeam ( CharacterTeamType  newTeam)

◆ SetOwnerClient()

void Barotrauma.Character.SetOwnerClient ( Client  client)

◆ SetStun()

void Barotrauma.Character.SetStun ( float  newStun,
bool  allowStunDecrease = false,
bool  isNetworkMessage = false 

◆ ShowSpeechBubble()

void Barotrauma.Character.ShowSpeechBubble ( float  duration,
Color  color 

◆ SpawnInventoryItems()

void Barotrauma.Character.SpawnInventoryItems ( Inventory  inventory,
ContentXElement  itemData 

◆ Speak()

void Barotrauma.Character.Speak ( string  message,
ChatMessageType messageType = null,
float  delay = 0.0f,
Identifier  identifier = default,
float  minDurationBetweenSimilar = 0.0f 

◆ StackHealthMultiplier()

void Barotrauma.Character.StackHealthMultiplier ( float  val)

◆ StackSpeedMultiplier()

void Barotrauma.Character.StackSpeedMultiplier ( float  val)

◆ StopClimbing()

void Barotrauma.Character.StopClimbing ( )

◆ TeleportTo()

void Barotrauma.Character.TeleportTo ( Vector2  worldPos)

◆ ToString()

override string Barotrauma.Character.ToString ( )

◆ TryAddNewTeamChange()

bool Barotrauma.Character.TryAddNewTeamChange ( string  identifier,
ActiveTeamChange  newTeamChange 

◆ TryAdjustAttackerSkill()

void Barotrauma.Character.TryAdjustAttackerSkill ( Character  attacker,
AttackResult  attackResult 

◆ TryAdjustHealerSkill()

void Barotrauma.Character.TryAdjustHealerSkill ( Character  healer,
float  healthChange = 0,
Affliction  affliction = null 

◆ TryRemoveTeamChange()

bool Barotrauma.Character.TryRemoveTeamChange ( string  identifier)

◆ TrySeverLimbJoints()

void Barotrauma.Character.TrySeverLimbJoints ( Limb  targetLimb,
float  severLimbsProbability,
float  damage,
bool  allowBeheading,
bool  ignoreSeveranceProbabilityModifier = false,
Character  attacker = null 

◆ Update()

virtual void Barotrauma.Character.Update ( float  deltaTime,
Camera  cam 

◆ UpdateAll()

static void Barotrauma.Character.UpdateAll ( float  deltaTime,
Camera  cam 

◆ UpdateAnimAll()

static void Barotrauma.Character.UpdateAnimAll ( float  deltaTime)

◆ UpdateTeam()

void Barotrauma.Character.UpdateTeam ( )

◆ WriteSpawnData()

void Barotrauma.Character.WriteSpawnData ( IWriteMessage  msg,
UInt16  entityId,
bool  restrictMessageSize 

Member Data Documentation

◆ ActiveConversation

ConversationAction Barotrauma.Character.ActiveConversation

◆ activeTeamChanges

readonly Dictionary<string, ActiveTeamChange> Barotrauma.Character.activeTeamChanges = new Dictionary<string, ActiveTeamChange>()

◆ AnimController

readonly AnimController Barotrauma.Character.AnimController

◆ AttachedProjectiles

readonly HashSet<Projectile> Barotrauma.Character.AttachedProjectiles = new HashSet<Projectile>()

◆ CampaignInteractionType

CampaignMode.InteractionType Barotrauma.Character.CampaignInteractionType

◆ CharacterList

readonly List<Character> Barotrauma.Character.CharacterList = new List<Character>()

◆ CharacterUpdateInterval

int Barotrauma.Character.CharacterUpdateInterval = 1

◆ ClientDisconnected

bool Barotrauma.Character.ClientDisconnected

◆ CombatAction

CombatAction Barotrauma.Character.CombatAction

◆ CurrentHull

Hull Barotrauma.Character.CurrentHull = null

◆ currentTeamChange

ActiveTeamChange Barotrauma.Character.currentTeamChange

◆ DisableHealthWindow

bool Barotrauma.Character.DisableHealthWindow

◆ dontFollowCursor

bool Barotrauma.Character.dontFollowCursor

◆ focusedItem

Item Barotrauma.Character.focusedItem

◆ GodMode

bool Barotrauma.Character.GodMode = false

Godmoded characters cannot receive any afflictions whatsoever

Definition at line 1110 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ HealthUpdatePending

bool Barotrauma.Character.HealthUpdatePending

◆ healthUpdateTimer

float Barotrauma.Character.healthUpdateTimer

◆ IsForceRagdolled

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsForceRagdolled

◆ IsRagdolled

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsRagdolled

◆ isSynced

bool Barotrauma.Character.isSynced = false

◆ keys

Key [] Barotrauma.Character.keys

◆ KillDisconnectedTimer

float Barotrauma.Character.KillDisconnectedTimer

◆ KnockbackCooldown

const float Barotrauma.Character.KnockbackCooldown = 5.0f

◆ KnockbackCooldownTimer

float Barotrauma.Character.KnockbackCooldownTimer

◆ LastDamage

AttackResult Barotrauma.Character.LastDamage

◆ LastDamageSource

Entity Barotrauma.Character.LastDamageSource

◆ LastNetworkUpdateID

UInt16 Barotrauma.Character.LastNetworkUpdateID = 0

◆ LastProcessedID

UInt16 Barotrauma.Character.LastProcessedID

ID of the last inputs the server has processed

Definition at line 74 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterNetworking.cs.

◆ Latchers

readonly HashSet<LatchOntoAI> Barotrauma.Character.Latchers = new HashSet<LatchOntoAI>()

◆ MarkedAsLooted

HashSet<Identifier> Barotrauma.Character.MarkedAsLooted = new()

◆ MaxDragDistance

const float Barotrauma.Character.MaxDragDistance = 200.0f

◆ MaxHighlightDistance

const float Barotrauma.Character.MaxHighlightDistance = 150.0f

◆ MerchantIdentifier

Identifier Barotrauma.Character.MerchantIdentifier

◆ OnAttacked

OnAttackedHandler Barotrauma.Character.OnAttacked

◆ OnDeath

OnDeathHandler Barotrauma.Character.OnDeath

◆ oxygenAvailable

float Barotrauma.Character.oxygenAvailable

◆ Params

readonly CharacterParams Barotrauma.Character.Params

◆ Prefab

readonly CharacterPrefab Barotrauma.Character.Prefab

◆ PreviousHull

Hull Barotrauma.Character.PreviousHull = null

◆ Properties

readonly Dictionary<Identifier, SerializableProperty> Barotrauma.Character.Properties

◆ RequireConsciousnessForCustomInteract

bool Barotrauma.Character.RequireConsciousnessForCustomInteract = true

◆ Seed

readonly string Barotrauma.Character.Seed

◆ TraitorCurrentObjective

LocalizedString Barotrauma.Character.TraitorCurrentObjective = ""

Property Documentation

◆ AIController

virtual AIController Barotrauma.Character.AIController

◆ AimRefPosition

Vector2 Barotrauma.Character.AimRefPosition

◆ AIState

AIState Barotrauma.Character.AIState

◆ AITurretPriority

float Barotrauma.Character.AITurretPriority

◆ AllowCustomInteract

bool Barotrauma.Character.AllowCustomInteract

◆ AllowInput

bool Barotrauma.Character.AllowInput

◆ Anim

AnimController.Animation??? Barotrauma.Character.Anim

Can be used by status effects

Definition at line 788 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ Bleeding

float Barotrauma.Character.Bleeding

◆ BloodDecalName

string Barotrauma.Character.BloodDecalName

◆ Bloodloss

float Barotrauma.Character.Bloodloss

◆ CanAim

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanAim

◆ CanBeDragged

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanBeDragged

◆ CanBeSelected

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanBeSelected

◆ CanEat

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanEat

◆ CanInteract

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanInteract

◆ CanInventoryBeAccessed

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanInventoryBeAccessed

◆ CanMove

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanMove

◆ CanRun

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanRun

◆ CanSpeak

bool Barotrauma.Character.CanSpeak

◆ CauseOfDeath

CauseOfDeath Barotrauma.Character.CauseOfDeath

◆ CharacterHealth

CharacterHealth Barotrauma.Character.CharacterHealth

◆ CharacterTalents

IReadOnlyCollection<CharacterTalent> Barotrauma.Character.CharacterTalents

◆ ConfigPath

string Barotrauma.Character.ConfigPath

◆ Controlled

Character Barotrauma.Character.Controlled

◆ CurrentOrders

List<Order> Barotrauma.Character.CurrentOrders

◆ CurrentSpeed

float???? Barotrauma.Character.CurrentSpeed

Current speed of the character's collider. Can be used by status effects to check if the character is moving.

Definition at line 934 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ CursorPosition

Vector2 Barotrauma.Character.CursorPosition

◆ CursorWorldPosition

Vector2? Barotrauma.Character.CursorWorldPosition

◆ CustomInteractHUDText

LocalizedString Barotrauma.Character.CustomInteractHUDText

◆ DisabledByEvent

bool Barotrauma.Character.DisabledByEvent

MonsterEvents disable monsters (which includes removing them from the character list, so they essentially "don't exist") until they're ready to spawn

Definition at line 95 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ DisableFocusingOnEntities

bool Barotrauma.Character.DisableFocusingOnEntities

Prevents the character from highlighting items or characters with the cursor, meaning it can't interact with anything but the things it has currently selected/equipped

Definition at line 601 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ DisableImpactDamageTimer

float Barotrauma.Character.DisableImpactDamageTimer

◆ DisableInteract

bool Barotrauma.Character.DisableInteract

Prevents the character from interacting with items or characters

Definition at line 595 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ DisplayName

string? Barotrauma.Character.DisplayName

◆ DoesBleed

bool Barotrauma.Character.DoesBleed

◆ DrawPosition

override Vector2 Barotrauma.Character.DrawPosition

◆ EmpVulnerability

float Barotrauma.Character.EmpVulnerability

◆ Enabled

bool Barotrauma.Character.Enabled

◆ EnableDespawn

bool Barotrauma.Character.EnableDespawn = true

◆ Faction

Identifier????? Barotrauma.Character.Faction

◆ FocusedCharacter

Character Barotrauma.Character.FocusedCharacter

◆ FocusedItem

Item Barotrauma.Character.FocusedItem

◆ ForceRun

bool Barotrauma.Character.ForceRun

◆ Group

Identifier Barotrauma.Character.Group

◆ HasSelectedAnyItem

bool Barotrauma.Character.HasSelectedAnyItem

Has the characters selected a primary or a secondary item?

Definition at line 1003 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ Health

float Barotrauma.Character.Health

◆ HealthMultiplier

float Barotrauma.Character.HealthMultiplier = 1

Can be used to modify the character's health via StatusEffects

Definition at line 1904 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ HealthPercentage

float Barotrauma.Character.HealthPercentage

◆ HealthUpdateInterval

float? Barotrauma.Character.HealthUpdateInterval

◆ HeldItems

IEnumerable<Item>?? Barotrauma.Character.HeldItems

Items the character has in their hand slots. Doesn't return nulls and only returns items held in both hands once.

Definition at line 734 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ HideFace

bool? Barotrauma.Character.HideFace

◆ HullOxygenPercentage

float??? Barotrauma.Character.HullOxygenPercentage

◆ HumanPrefab

HumanPrefab Barotrauma.Character.HumanPrefab

◆ HumanPrefabHealthMultiplier

float Barotrauma.Character.HumanPrefabHealthMultiplier = 1

Health multiplier of the human prefab this character is an instance of (if any)

Definition at line 1923 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ IgnoreMeleeWeapons

bool Barotrauma.Character.IgnoreMeleeWeapons

◆ Info

CharacterInfo Barotrauma.Character.Info

◆ InPressure

bool Barotrauma.Character.InPressure

Can be used by status effects to check whether the characters is in a high-pressure environment

Definition at line 780 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ Inventory

CharacterInventory Barotrauma.Character.Inventory

◆ InvisibleTimer

float Barotrauma.Character.InvisibleTimer

◆ InWater

bool Barotrauma.Character.InWater

◆ IsArrested

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsArrested

◆ IsAssistant

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsAssistant

◆ IsBot

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsBot

◆ IsCaptain

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsCaptain

◆ IsClimbing

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsClimbing

◆ IsCommanding

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsCommanding

Is the character player or does it have an active ship command manager (an AI controlled sub)? Bots in the player team are not treated as commanders.

Definition at line 153 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ IsDead

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsDead

◆ IsDisguisedAsHusk

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsDisguisedAsHusk

◆ IsDismissed

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsDismissed

◆ IsEngineer

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsEngineer

◆ IsEscorted

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsEscorted

◆ IsFemale

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsFemale

◆ IsFlipped

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsFlipped

◆ IsFriendlyNPCTurnedHostile

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsFriendlyNPCTurnedHostile

◆ IsHuman

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsHuman

◆ IsHumanoid

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsHumanoid

◆ IsHusk

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsHusk

◆ IsHuskInfected

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsHuskInfected

◆ IsImmuneToPressure

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsImmuneToPressure

◆ IsIncapacitated

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsIncapacitated

◆ IsInFriendlySub

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsInFriendlySub

◆ IsInPlayerSub

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsInPlayerSub

◆ IsInstigator

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsInstigator

◆ IsKiller

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsKiller

◆ IsKnockedDown

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsKnockedDown

Is the character knocked down regardless whether the technical state is dead, unconcious, paralyzed, or stunned. With stunning, the parameter uses an one second delay before the character is treated as knocked down. The purpose of this is to ignore minor stunning. If you don't want to to ignore any stun, use the Stun property.

Definition at line 4414 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ IsLatched

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsLatched

◆ IsLocalPlayer

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsLocalPlayer

◆ IsLowInOxygen

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsLowInOxygen

◆ IsMachine

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsMachine

◆ IsMale

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsMale

◆ IsMechanic

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsMechanic

◆ IsMedic

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsMedic

◆ IsOnPlayerTeam

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsOnPlayerTeam

◆ IsOriginallyOnPlayerTeam

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsOriginallyOnPlayerTeam

◆ IsPet

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsPet

◆ IsPlayer

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsPlayer

◆ IsPrisoner

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsPrisoner

◆ IsProtectedFromPressure

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsProtectedFromPressure

Is the character currently protected from the pressure by immunity/ability or a status effect (e.g. from a diving suit).

Definition at line 5118 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ IsRemotelyControlled

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsRemotelyControlled

Is the character controlled remotely (either by another player, or a server-side AIController)

Definition at line 122 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ IsRemotePlayer

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsRemotePlayer

Is the character controlled by another human player (should always be false in single player)

Definition at line 145 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ IsSecurity

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsSecurity

◆ IsTraitor

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsTraitor

◆ IsUnconscious

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsUnconscious

◆ IsVip

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsVip

◆ IsWatchman

bool Barotrauma.Character.IsWatchman

◆ ItemSelectedDurations

Dictionary<ItemPrefab, double> Barotrauma.Character.ItemSelectedDurations

◆ JobIdentifier

Identifier Barotrauma.Character.JobIdentifier

◆ Keys

Key [] Barotrauma.Character.Keys

◆ LastAttacker

Character Barotrauma.Character.LastAttacker

◆ LastAttackers

IEnumerable<Attacker> Barotrauma.Character.LastAttackers

◆ LastOrderedCharacter

Character Barotrauma.Character.LastOrderedCharacter

◆ LockHands

bool? Barotrauma.Character.LockHands

◆ LogName

string?? Barotrauma.Character.LogName

◆ LowPassMultiplier

float Barotrauma.Character.LowPassMultiplier

◆ Mass

float Barotrauma.Character.Mass

◆ MaxHealth

float Barotrauma.Character.MaxHealth

◆ MaxVitality

float Barotrauma.Character.MaxVitality

◆ MemLocalState

List<CharacterStateInfo> Barotrauma.Character.MemLocalState

◆ MemState

List<CharacterStateInfo> Barotrauma.Character.MemState

◆ Name

string? Barotrauma.Character.Name

◆ NeedsAir

bool Barotrauma.Character.NeedsAir

◆ NeedsOxygen

bool Barotrauma.Character.NeedsOxygen

◆ NeedsWater

bool Barotrauma.Character.NeedsWater

◆ Noise

float Barotrauma.Character.Noise

◆ ObstructVision

bool? Barotrauma.Character.ObstructVision

◆ OriginalTeamID

CharacterTeamType?? Barotrauma.Character.OriginalTeamID

◆ OverrideMovement

Vector2? Barotrauma.Character.OverrideMovement

◆ Oxygen

float Barotrauma.Character.Oxygen

◆ OxygenAvailable

float Barotrauma.Character.OxygenAvailable

◆ PickingItem

Item Barotrauma.Character.PickingItem

◆ PoisonVulnerability

float Barotrauma.Character.PoisonVulnerability

◆ Position

override Vector2 Barotrauma.Character.Position

◆ PressureProtection

float Barotrauma.Character.PressureProtection

◆ PressureTimer

float Barotrauma.Character.PressureTimer

◆ PropulsionSpeedMultiplier

float Barotrauma.Character.PropulsionSpeedMultiplier

Can be used to modify the speed at which Propulsion ItemComponents move the character via StatusEffects (e.g. heavy suit can slow down underwater scooters)

Definition at line 1872 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ SecondLastOrderedCharacter

Character Barotrauma.Character.SecondLastOrderedCharacter

◆ SelectedBy

Character Barotrauma.Character.SelectedBy

◆ SelectedCharacter

Character Barotrauma.Character.SelectedCharacter

◆ SelectedItem

Item? Barotrauma.Character.SelectedItem

The primary selected item. It can be any device that character interacts with. This excludes items like ladders and chairs which are assigned to SelectedSecondaryItem.

Definition at line 943 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ SelectedSecondaryItem

Item Barotrauma.Character.SelectedSecondaryItem

The secondary selected item. It's an item other than a device (see SelectedItem), e.g. a ladder or a chair.

Definition at line 998 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ SerializableProperties

Dictionary<Identifier, SerializableProperty> Barotrauma.Character.SerializableProperties

◆ SimPosition

override Vector2? Barotrauma.Character.SimPosition

◆ SmoothedCursorPosition

Vector2 Barotrauma.Character.SmoothedCursorPosition

◆ SpeciesName

Identifier Barotrauma.Character.SpeciesName

◆ SpeechImpediment

float Barotrauma.Character.SpeechImpediment

◆ SpeedMultiplier

float Barotrauma.Character.SpeedMultiplier = 1

Can be used to modify the character's speed via StatusEffects

Definition at line 1864 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ Stun

float? Barotrauma.Character.Stun

◆ TeamID

CharacterTeamType Barotrauma.Character.TeamID

◆ UniqueNameColor

Color? Barotrauma.Character.UniqueNameColor = null

◆ Unkillable

bool Barotrauma.Character.Unkillable

◆ UseHealthWindow

bool Barotrauma.Character.UseHealthWindow

Is the health interface available on this character? Can be used by status effects

Definition at line 1121 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.

◆ UseHullOxygen

bool Barotrauma.Character.UseHullOxygen = true

◆ VariantOf

Identifier Barotrauma.Character.VariantOf

◆ ViewTarget

Entity Barotrauma.Character.ViewTarget

◆ Visibility

float Barotrauma.Character.Visibility

◆ Vitality

float Barotrauma.Character.Vitality

◆ Wallet

Wallet Barotrauma.Character.Wallet

◆ WasFullHealth

bool Barotrauma.Character.WasFullHealth

Was the character in full health at the beginning of the frame?

Definition at line 872 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.