Barotrauma Server Doc
Barotrauma.CharacterInfo Class Reference


class  HeadInfo
class  HeadPreset

Public Member Functions

IEnumerable< IdentifierGetUnlockedTalentsInTree ()
 Endocrine boosters can unlock talents outside the user's talent tree. This method is used to cull them from the selection More...
IEnumerable< IdentifierGetUnlockedTalentsOutsideTree ()
 Returns unlocked talents that aren't part of the character's talent tree (which can be unlocked e.g. with an endocrine booster) More...
void CheckDisguiseStatus (bool handleBuff, IdCard idCard=null)
int GetManualOrderPriority (Order order)
IEnumerable< ContentXElementGetValidAttachmentElements (IEnumerable< ContentXElement > elements, HeadPreset headPreset, WearableType? wearableType=null)
int CountValidAttachmentsOfType (WearableType wearableType)
 CharacterInfo (Identifier speciesName, string name="", string originalName="", Either< Job, JobPrefab > jobOrJobPrefab=null, string ragdollFileName=null, int variant=0, Rand.RandSync randSync=Rand.RandSync.Unsynced, Identifier npcIdentifier=default)
string GetRandomName (Rand.RandSync randSync)
void CheckColors ()
 CharacterInfo (ContentXElement infoElement, Identifier npcIdentifier=default)
int GetIdentifier ()
 Returns a presumably (not guaranteed) unique hash using the (current) Name, appearence, and job. So unless there's another character with the exactly same name, job, and appearance, the hash should be unique. More...
int GetIdentifierUsingOriginalName ()
 Returns a presumably (not guaranteed) unique hash using the OriginalName, appearence, and job. So unless there's another character with the exactly same name, job, and appearance, the hash should be unique. More...
IEnumerable< ContentXElementFilterElements (IEnumerable< ContentXElement > elements, ImmutableHashSet< Identifier > tags, WearableType? targetType=null)
void RecreateHead (ImmutableHashSet< Identifier > tags, int hairIndex, int beardIndex, int moustacheIndex, int faceAttachmentIndex)
string ReplaceVars (string str)
void RecreateHead (HeadInfo headInfo)
void RefreshHead ()
 Reloads the head sprite and the attachment sprites. More...
void LoadHeadAttachments ()
ContentXElement GetRandomElement (IEnumerable< ContentXElement > elements)
int CalculateSalary ()
void ApplySkillGain (Identifier skillIdentifier, float baseGain, bool gainedFromAbility=false, float maxGain=2f)
 Increases the characters skill at a rate proportional to their current skill. If you want to increase the skill level by a specific amount instead, use IncreaseSkillLevel More...
void IncreaseSkillLevel (Identifier skillIdentifier, float increase, bool gainedFromAbility=false)
 Increase the skill by a specific amount. Talents may affect the actual, final skill increase. More...
void SetSkillLevel (Identifier skillIdentifier, float level)
void GiveExperience (int amount)
void SetExperience (int newExperience)
int GetTotalTalentPoints ()
int GetAvailableTalentPoints ()
float GetProgressTowardsNextLevel ()
int GetExperienceRequiredForCurrentLevel ()
int GetExperienceRequiredToLevelUp ()
int GetExperienceRequiredForLevel (int level)
 How much more experience does the character need to reach the specified level? More...
int GetCurrentLevel ()
void Rename (string newName)
void ResetName ()
XElement Save (XElement parentElement)
void SaveOrderData ()
 Save current orders to OrderData More...
void ApplyOrderData ()
void ReloadHeadAttachments ()
 Reloads the attachment xml elements according to the indices. Doesn't reload the sprites. More...
void ClearCurrentOrders ()
void Remove ()
void ClearSavedStatValues ()
void ClearSavedStatValues (StatTypes statType)
void RemoveSavedStatValuesOnDeath ()
void ResetSavedStatValue (Identifier statIdentifier)
float GetSavedStatValue (StatTypes statType)
float GetSavedStatValue (StatTypes statType, Identifier statIdentifier)
float GetSavedStatValueWithAll (StatTypes statType, Identifier statIdentifier)
 Get the combined stat value of the identifier "all" and the specified identifier. More...
float GetSavedStatValueWithBotsInMp (StatTypes statType, Identifier statIdentifier)
float GetSavedStatValueWithBotsInMp (StatTypes statType, Identifier statIdentifier, IReadOnlyCollection< Character > bots)
void ChangeSavedStatValue (StatTypes statType, float value, Identifier statIdentifier, bool removeOnDeath, float maxValue=float.MaxValue, bool setValue=false)
void ApplyDeathEffects ()
void ServerWrite (IWriteMessage msg)

Static Public Member Functions

static Color SelectRandomColor (in ImmutableArray<(Color Color, float Commonness)> array, Rand.RandSync randSync)
static List< ContentXElementAddEmpty (IEnumerable< ContentXElement > elements, WearableType type, float commonness=1)
static bool IsValidIndex (int index, List< ContentXElement > list)
static void SaveOrders (XElement parentElement, params Order[] orders)
static void SaveOrderData (CharacterInfo characterInfo, XElement parentElement)
 Save current orders to the parameter element More...
static void ApplyOrderData (Character character, XElement orderData)
static List< OrderLoadOrders (XElement ordersElement)
static void ApplyHealthData (Character character, XElement healthData, Func< AfflictionPrefab, bool > afflictionPredicate=null)

Public Attributes

XElement InventoryData
XElement HealthData
XElement OrderData
string Name
LocalizedString Title
Identifier NpcSetIdentifier
Character Character
 Note: Can be null. More...
Job Job
int Salary
Identifier factionId
bool OmitJobInMenus
 Can be used to disable displaying the job in any info panels More...
bool IsDisguised = false
bool IsDisguisedAsAnother = false
readonly string ragdollFileName = string.Empty
bool StartItemsGiven
bool IsNewHire
CauseOfDeath CauseOfDeath
CharacterTeamType TeamID
ushort ID
 Unique ID given to character infos in MP. Non-persistent. Used by clients to identify which infos are the same to prevent duplicate characters in round summary. More...
readonly bool HasSpecifierTags
readonly ImmutableArray<(Color Color, float Commonness)> HairColors
readonly ImmutableArray<(Color Color, float Commonness)> FacialHairColors
readonly ImmutableArray<(Color Color, float Commonness)> SkinColors
int MissionsCompletedSinceDeath = 0
readonly Dictionary< StatTypes, List< SavedStatValue > > SavedStatValues = new Dictionary<StatTypes, List<SavedStatValue>>()
bool Discarded
 The client opted to create a new character and discard this one More...

Static Public Attributes

const int MaxAdditionalTalentPoints = 100
const int MaxCurrentOrders = 3


HeadInfo Head [get, set]
bool????? IsMale [get]
bool????? IsFemale [get]
CharacterInfoPrefab Prefab [get]
bool HasNickname [get]
string OriginalName [get]
string???? DisplayName [get]
Identifier SpeciesName [get]
int ExperiencePoints [get]
HashSet< IdentifierUnlockedTalents = new HashSet<Identifier>() [get]
int AdditionalTalentPoints [get, set]
Sprite HeadSprite [get]
Sprite Portrait [get]
List< WearableSprite >? AttachmentSprites [get]
ContentXElement CharacterConfigElement [get, set]
NPCPersonalityTrait PersonalityTrait [get]
static int HighestManualOrderPriority [get]
List< OrderCurrentOrders = new List<Order>() [get]
List< IdentifierSpriteTags [get]
RagdollParamsRagdoll [get, set]
bool IsAttachmentsLoaded [get]
IReadOnlyList< ContentXElementHairs [get]
IReadOnlyList< ContentXElementBeards [get]
IReadOnlyList< ContentXElementMoustaches [get]
IReadOnlyList< ContentXElementFaceAttachments [get]
IEnumerable< ContentXElementWearables [get]

Detailed Description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CharacterInfo() [1/2]

Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.CharacterInfo ( Identifier  speciesName,
string  name = "",
string  originalName = "",
Either< Job, JobPrefab jobOrJobPrefab = null,
string  ragdollFileName = null,
int  variant = 0,
Rand.RandSync  randSync = Rand.RandSync.Unsynced,
Identifier  npcIdentifier = default 

◆ CharacterInfo() [2/2]

Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.CharacterInfo ( ContentXElement  infoElement,
Identifier  npcIdentifier = default 

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddEmpty()

static List<ContentXElement> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.AddEmpty ( IEnumerable< ContentXElement elements,
WearableType  type,
float  commonness = 1 

◆ ApplyDeathEffects()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ApplyDeathEffects ( )

◆ ApplyHealthData()

static void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ApplyHealthData ( Character  character,
XElement  healthData,
Func< AfflictionPrefab, bool >  afflictionPredicate = null 

◆ ApplyOrderData() [1/2]

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ApplyOrderData ( )

◆ ApplyOrderData() [2/2]

static void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ApplyOrderData ( Character  character,
XElement  orderData 

◆ ApplySkillGain()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ApplySkillGain ( Identifier  skillIdentifier,
float  baseGain,
bool  gainedFromAbility = false,
float  maxGain = 2f 

Increases the characters skill at a rate proportional to their current skill. If you want to increase the skill level by a specific amount instead, use IncreaseSkillLevel

Definition at line 1221 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ CalculateSalary()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.CalculateSalary ( )

◆ ChangeSavedStatValue()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ChangeSavedStatValue ( StatTypes  statType,
float  value,
Identifier  statIdentifier,
bool  removeOnDeath,
float  maxValue = float.MaxValue,
bool  setValue = false 

◆ CheckColors()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.CheckColors ( )

◆ CheckDisguiseStatus()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.CheckDisguiseStatus ( bool  handleBuff,
IdCard  idCard = null 

◆ ClearCurrentOrders()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ClearCurrentOrders ( )

◆ ClearSavedStatValues() [1/2]

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ClearSavedStatValues ( )

◆ ClearSavedStatValues() [2/2]

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ClearSavedStatValues ( StatTypes  statType)

◆ CountValidAttachmentsOfType()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.CountValidAttachmentsOfType ( WearableType  wearableType)

◆ FilterElements()

IEnumerable<ContentXElement> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.FilterElements ( IEnumerable< ContentXElement elements,
ImmutableHashSet< Identifier tags,
WearableType targetType = null 

◆ GetAvailableTalentPoints()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetAvailableTalentPoints ( )

◆ GetCurrentLevel()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetCurrentLevel ( )

◆ GetExperienceRequiredForCurrentLevel()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetExperienceRequiredForCurrentLevel ( )

◆ GetExperienceRequiredForLevel()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetExperienceRequiredForLevel ( int  level)

How much more experience does the character need to reach the specified level?

Definition at line 1361 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ GetExperienceRequiredToLevelUp()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetExperienceRequiredToLevelUp ( )

◆ GetIdentifier()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetIdentifier ( )

Returns a presumably (not guaranteed) unique hash using the (current) Name, appearence, and job. So unless there's another character with the exactly same name, job, and appearance, the hash should be unique.

Definition at line 966 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ GetIdentifierUsingOriginalName()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetIdentifierUsingOriginalName ( )

Returns a presumably (not guaranteed) unique hash using the OriginalName, appearence, and job. So unless there's another character with the exactly same name, job, and appearance, the hash should be unique.

Definition at line 975 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ GetManualOrderPriority()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetManualOrderPriority ( Order  order)

◆ GetProgressTowardsNextLevel()

float Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetProgressTowardsNextLevel ( )

◆ GetRandomElement()

ContentXElement Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetRandomElement ( IEnumerable< ContentXElement elements)

◆ GetRandomName()

string Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetRandomName ( Rand.RandSync  randSync)

◆ GetSavedStatValue() [1/2]

float Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetSavedStatValue ( StatTypes  statType)

◆ GetSavedStatValue() [2/2]

float Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetSavedStatValue ( StatTypes  statType,
Identifier  statIdentifier 

◆ GetSavedStatValueWithAll()

float Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetSavedStatValueWithAll ( StatTypes  statType,
Identifier  statIdentifier 

Get the combined stat value of the identifier "all" and the specified identifier.

The "all" identifier works like the "any" identifier in outpost modules where it doesn't literally mean everything but is an unique identifier that indicates that it should target everything. For example if we wanted to make a talent that increases the fabrication quality of every single item we could use something like: <CharacterAbilityGivePermanentStat stattype="IncreaseFabricationQuality" statidentifier="all" > (Granted IncreaseFabricationQuality doesn't support the "all" identifier so if we need this in vanilla it needs to be implemented in code)

◆ GetSavedStatValueWithBotsInMp() [1/2]

float Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetSavedStatValueWithBotsInMp ( StatTypes  statType,
Identifier  statIdentifier 

◆ GetSavedStatValueWithBotsInMp() [2/2]

float Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetSavedStatValueWithBotsInMp ( StatTypes  statType,
Identifier  statIdentifier,
IReadOnlyCollection< Character bots 

◆ GetTotalTalentPoints()

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetTotalTalentPoints ( )

◆ GetUnlockedTalentsInTree()

IEnumerable<Identifier> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetUnlockedTalentsInTree ( )

Endocrine boosters can unlock talents outside the user's talent tree. This method is used to cull them from the selection

Definition at line 349 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ GetUnlockedTalentsOutsideTree()

IEnumerable<Identifier> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetUnlockedTalentsOutsideTree ( )

Returns unlocked talents that aren't part of the character's talent tree (which can be unlocked e.g. with an endocrine booster)

Definition at line 359 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ GetValidAttachmentElements()

IEnumerable<ContentXElement> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GetValidAttachmentElements ( IEnumerable< ContentXElement elements,
HeadPreset  headPreset,
WearableType wearableType = null 

◆ GiveExperience()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.GiveExperience ( int  amount)

◆ IncreaseSkillLevel()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.IncreaseSkillLevel ( Identifier  skillIdentifier,
float  increase,
bool  gainedFromAbility = false 

Increase the skill by a specific amount. Talents may affect the actual, final skill increase.

Definition at line 1232 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ IsValidIndex()

static bool Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.IsValidIndex ( int  index,
List< ContentXElement list 

◆ LoadHeadAttachments()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.LoadHeadAttachments ( )

◆ LoadOrders()

static List<Order> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.LoadOrders ( XElement  ordersElement)

◆ RecreateHead() [1/2]

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.RecreateHead ( HeadInfo  headInfo)

◆ RecreateHead() [2/2]

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.RecreateHead ( ImmutableHashSet< Identifier tags,
int  hairIndex,
int  beardIndex,
int  moustacheIndex,
int  faceAttachmentIndex 

◆ RefreshHead()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.RefreshHead ( )

Reloads the head sprite and the attachment sprites.

Definition at line 1081 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ ReloadHeadAttachments()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ReloadHeadAttachments ( )

Reloads the attachment xml elements according to the indices. Doesn't reload the sprites.

Definition at line 1791 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ Remove()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Remove ( )

◆ RemoveSavedStatValuesOnDeath()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.RemoveSavedStatValuesOnDeath ( )

◆ Rename()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Rename ( string  newName)

◆ ReplaceVars()

string Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ReplaceVars ( string  str)

◆ ResetName()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ResetName ( )

◆ ResetSavedStatValue()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ResetSavedStatValue ( Identifier  statIdentifier)

◆ Save()

XElement Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Save ( XElement  parentElement)

◆ SaveOrderData() [1/2]

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.SaveOrderData ( )

Save current orders to OrderData

Definition at line 1632 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ SaveOrderData() [2/2]

static void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.SaveOrderData ( CharacterInfo  characterInfo,
XElement  parentElement 

Save current orders to the parameter element

Definition at line 1621 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ SaveOrders()

static void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.SaveOrders ( XElement  parentElement,
params Order[]  orders 

◆ SelectRandomColor()

static Color Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.SelectRandomColor ( in ImmutableArray<(Color Color, float Commonness)>  array,
Rand.RandSync  randSync 

◆ ServerWrite()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ServerWrite ( IWriteMessage  msg)

◆ SetExperience()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.SetExperience ( int  newExperience)

◆ SetSkillLevel()

void Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.SetSkillLevel ( Identifier  skillIdentifier,
float  level 

Member Data Documentation

◆ CauseOfDeath

CauseOfDeath Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.CauseOfDeath

◆ Character

Character Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Character

Note: Can be null.

Definition at line 334 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ Discarded

bool Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Discarded

The client opted to create a new character and discard this one

Definition at line 15 of file BarotraumaServer/ServerSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ FacialHairColors

readonly ImmutableArray<(Color Color, float Commonness)> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.FacialHairColors

◆ factionId

Identifier Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.factionId

◆ HairColors

readonly ImmutableArray<(Color Color, float Commonness)> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.HairColors

◆ HasSpecifierTags

readonly bool Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.HasSpecifierTags

◆ HealthData

XElement Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.HealthData

◆ ID

ushort Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ID

Unique ID given to character infos in MP. Non-persistent. Used by clients to identify which infos are the same to prevent duplicate characters in round summary.

Definition at line 539 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ InventoryData

XElement Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.InventoryData

◆ IsDisguised

bool Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.IsDisguised = false

◆ IsDisguisedAsAnother

bool Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.IsDisguisedAsAnother = false

◆ IsNewHire

bool Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.IsNewHire

◆ Job

Job Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Job

◆ MaxAdditionalTalentPoints

const int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.MaxAdditionalTalentPoints = 100

◆ MaxCurrentOrders

const int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.MaxCurrentOrders = 3

◆ MissionsCompletedSinceDeath

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.MissionsCompletedSinceDeath = 0

◆ Name

string Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Name

◆ NpcSetIdentifier

Identifier Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.NpcSetIdentifier

◆ OmitJobInMenus

bool Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.OmitJobInMenus

Can be used to disable displaying the job in any info panels

Definition at line 404 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/CharacterInfo.cs.

◆ OrderData

XElement Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.OrderData

◆ ragdollFileName

readonly string Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ragdollFileName = string.Empty

◆ Salary

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Salary

◆ SavedStatValues

readonly Dictionary<StatTypes, List<SavedStatValue> > Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.SavedStatValues = new Dictionary<StatTypes, List<SavedStatValue>>()

◆ SkinColors

readonly ImmutableArray<(Color Color, float Commonness)> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.SkinColors

◆ StartItemsGiven

bool Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.StartItemsGiven

◆ TeamID

CharacterTeamType Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.TeamID

◆ Title

LocalizedString Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Title

Property Documentation

◆ AdditionalTalentPoints

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.AdditionalTalentPoints

◆ AttachmentSprites

List<WearableSprite>? Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.AttachmentSprites

◆ Beards

IReadOnlyList<ContentXElement> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Beards

◆ CharacterConfigElement

ContentXElement Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.CharacterConfigElement

◆ CurrentOrders

List<Order> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.CurrentOrders = new List<Order>()

◆ DisplayName

string???? Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.DisplayName

◆ ExperiencePoints

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.ExperiencePoints

◆ FaceAttachments

IReadOnlyList<ContentXElement> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.FaceAttachments

◆ Hairs

IReadOnlyList<ContentXElement> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Hairs

◆ HasNickname

bool Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.HasNickname

◆ Head

HeadInfo Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Head

◆ HeadSprite

Sprite Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.HeadSprite

◆ HighestManualOrderPriority

int Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.HighestManualOrderPriority

◆ IsAttachmentsLoaded

bool Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.IsAttachmentsLoaded

◆ IsFemale

bool????? Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.IsFemale

◆ IsMale

bool????? Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.IsMale

◆ Moustaches

IReadOnlyList<ContentXElement> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Moustaches

◆ OriginalName

string Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.OriginalName

◆ PersonalityTrait

NPCPersonalityTrait Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.PersonalityTrait

◆ Portrait

Sprite Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Portrait

◆ Prefab

CharacterInfoPrefab Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Prefab

◆ Ragdoll

RagdollParams? Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Ragdoll

◆ SpeciesName

Identifier Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.SpeciesName

◆ SpriteTags

List<Identifier> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.SpriteTags

◆ UnlockedTalents

HashSet<Identifier> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.UnlockedTalents = new HashSet<Identifier>()

◆ Wearables

IEnumerable<ContentXElement> Barotrauma.CharacterInfo.Wearables