Barotrauma Server Doc
Namespaces | |
namespace | Abilities |
namespace | Extensions |
namespace | IO |
namespace | Items |
namespace | MapCreatures |
namespace | Networking |
namespace | RuinGeneration |
namespace | Steam |
namespace | Threading |
Classes | |
class | CachedDistance |
class | AIController |
class | AITarget |
class | EnemyAIController |
class | AITargetMemory |
class | HumanAIController |
class | IndoorsSteeringManager |
interface | ISteerable |
class | LatchOntoAI |
class | MentalStateManager |
class | NPCConversationCollection |
class | NPCConversation |
class | AIObjective |
class | AIObjectiveChargeBatteries |
class | AIObjectiveCheckStolenItems |
class | AIObjectiveCleanupItem |
class | AIObjectiveCleanupItems |
class | AIObjectiveCombat |
class | AIObjectiveContainItem |
class | AIObjectiveDecontainItem |
class | AIObjectiveEscapeHandcuffs |
class | AIObjectiveExtinguishFire |
class | AIObjectiveExtinguishFires |
class | AIObjectiveFightIntruders |
class | AIObjectiveFindDivingGear |
class | AIObjectiveFindSafety |
class | AIObjectiveFindThieves |
class | AIObjectiveFixLeak |
class | AIObjectiveFixLeaks |
class | AIObjectiveGetItem |
class | AIObjectiveGetItems |
class | AIObjectiveGoTo |
class | AIObjectiveIdle |
class | AIObjectiveLoadItem |
class | AIObjectiveLoadItems |
class | AIObjectiveLoop |
class | AIObjectiveManager |
class | AIObjectiveOperateItem |
class | AIObjectivePrepare |
class | AIObjectivePumpWater |
class | AIObjectiveRepairItem |
class | AIObjectiveRepairItems |
class | AIObjectiveRescue |
class | AIObjectiveRescueAll |
class | AIObjectiveReturn |
class | OrderCategoryIcon |
class | OrderPrefab |
class | Order |
class | PathNode |
class | PathFinder |
class | PetBehavior |
class | ShipIssueWorker |
class | ShipGlobalIssueFixLeaks |
class | ShipIssueWorkerFixLeaks |
class | ShipGlobalIssue |
class | ShipIssueWorkerGlobal |
class | ShipIssueWorkerItem |
class | ShipIssueWorkerOperateWeapons |
class | ShipIssueWorkerPowerUpReactor |
class | ShipGlobalIssueRepairSystems |
class | ShipIssueWorkerRepairSystems |
class | ShipIssueWorkerSteer |
class | ShipCommandManager |
class | SteeringManager |
class | SteeringPath |
class | SwarmBehavior |
class | SubmarineTurretAI |
class | WreckAI |
class | WreckAIConfig |
class | AICharacter |
class | AIChatMessage |
class | AnimController |
class | FishAnimController |
class | HumanoidAnimController |
class | Ragdoll |
struct | AttackResult |
class | Attack |
Attacks are used to deal damage to characters, structures and items. They can be defined in the weapon components of the items or the limb definitions of the characters. The limb attacks can also be used by the player, when they control a monster or have some appendage, like a husk stinger. More... | |
class | CauseOfDeath |
class | Character |
class | ActiveTeamChange |
class | AbilityCharacterLoot |
class | AbilityCharacterKill |
class | AbilityAttackData |
class | AbilityAttackResult |
class | AbilityCharacterKiller |
class | AbilityOrderedCharacter |
class | AbilityItemSelected |
struct | CharacterInfoPrefab |
class | CharacterInfo |
class | SavedStatValue |
class | AbilitySkillGain |
class | AbilityExperienceGainMultiplier |
class | CharacterStateInfo |
class | CharacterPrefab |
class | CorpsePrefab |
class | Affliction |
class | AfflictionBleeding |
A special affliction type that increases the character's Bloodloss affliction with a rate relative to the strength of the bleeding. More... | |
class | AfflictionHusk |
A special affliction type that gradually makes the character turn into another type of character. See AfflictionPrefabHusk for more details. More... | |
class | CPRSettings |
class | AfflictionPrefabHusk |
AfflictionPrefabHusk is a special type of affliction that has added functionality for husk infection. More... | |
class | AfflictionPrefab |
AfflictionPrefab is a prefab that defines a type of affliction that can be applied to a character. There are multiple sub-types of afflictions such as AfflictionPrefabHusk, AfflictionPsychosis and AfflictionBleeding that can be used for additional functionality. More... | |
class | AfflictionPsychosis |
A special affliction type that makes the character see and hear things that aren't there. More... | |
class | AfflictionSpaceHerpes |
A special affliction type that periodically inverts the character's controls and stuns the character. The frequency and duration of the effects increases the higher the strength of the affliction is. More... | |
class | BuffDurationIncrease |
A special affliction type that increases the duration of buffs (afflictions of the type "buff"). The increase is defined using the AfflictionPrefab.Effect.MinBuffMultiplier and AfflictionPrefab.Effect.MaxBuffMultiplier attributes of the affliction effect. More... | |
class | CharacterHealth |
class | DamageModifier |
class | HumanPrefab |
class | Job |
class | AutonomousObjective |
class | ItemRepairPriority |
class | JobVariant |
class | JobPrefab |
class | Skill |
class | SkillPrefab |
class | LimbJoint |
class | Limb |
class | AbilityAfflictionCharacter |
class | NPCPersonalityTrait |
class | GroundedMovementParams |
class | SwimParams |
class | AnimationParams |
class | FishWalkParams |
class | FishRunParams |
class | FishSwimFastParams |
class | FishSwimSlowParams |
class | FishGroundedParams |
class | FishSwimParams |
interface | IFishAnimation |
class | HumanWalkParams |
class | HumanRunParams |
class | HumanCrouchParams |
class | HumanSwimFastParams |
class | HumanSwimSlowParams |
class | HumanSwimParams |
class | HumanGroundedParams |
interface | IHumanAnimation |
class | CharacterParams |
Contains character data that should be editable in the character editor. More... | |
class | EditableParams |
class | HumanRagdollParams |
class | FishRagdollParams |
class | RagdollParams |
class | SkillSettings |
class | CharacterTalent |
class | TalentMigration |
class | TalentMigrationAddStat |
Migration that adds a missing permanent stat to the character. | |
class | TalentMigrationUpdateStatIdentifier |
Migration that updates permanent stat identifiers. | |
class | TalentPrefab |
class | TalentTree |
class | TalentSubTree |
struct | TalentOption |
class | CircuitBoxComponent |
class | CircuitBoxInputConnection |
class | CircuitBoxOutputConnection |
class | CircuitBoxNodeConnection |
class | CircuitBoxConnection |
struct | CircuitBoxCursor |
class | CircuitBoxInputOutputNode |
class | CircuitBoxNode |
class | CircuitBoxSelectable |
class | CircuitBoxSizes |
class | CircuitBoxWire |
interface | ICircuitBoxIdentifiable |
class | Command |
Implementation of the Command pattern. | |
class | AfflictionsFile |
class | BackgroundCreaturePrefabsFile |
class | BallastFloraFile |
class | BeaconStationFile |
class | CaveGenerationParametersFile |
class | CharacterFile |
class | NotSyncedInMultiplayer |
class | ContentFile |
Base class for content file types, which are loaded from filelist.xml via reflection. PLEASE AVOID INHERITING FROM THIS CLASS DIRECTLY. Inheriting from GenericPrefabFile<T> is likely what you want. More... | |
class | CorpsesFile |
class | DecalsFile |
class | EnemySubmarineFile |
class | EventManagerSettingsFile |
class | FactionsFile |
class | GenericPrefabFile |
class | HashlessFile |
class | ItemAssemblyFile |
class | ItemFile |
class | JobsFile |
class | LevelGenerationParametersFile |
class | LevelObjectPrefabsFile |
class | LocationTypesFile |
class | MapGenerationParametersFile |
class | MissionsFile |
class | NPCConversationsFile |
class | NPCPersonalityTraitsFile |
class | NPCSetsFile |
class | OrdersFile |
class | OtherFile |
class | OutpostConfigFile |
class | OutpostFile |
class | OutpostModuleFile |
class | ParticlesFile |
class | RandomEventsFile |
class | RuinConfigFile |
class | ServerExecutableFile |
class | SkillSettingsFile |
class | SlideshowsFile |
class | SoundsFile |
class | StartItemsFile |
class | StructureFile |
class | BaseSubFile |
class | SubmarineFile |
class | TalentsFile |
class | TalentTreesFile |
class | TextFile |
class | TutorialsFile |
class | UIStyleFile |
class | UpgradeModulesFile |
class | WreckAIConfigFile |
class | WreckFile |
class | ContentPackage |
class | ContentPackageId |
class | SteamWorkshopId |
class | RequiredByCorePackage |
class | AlternativeContentTypeNames |
class | CorePackage |
class | RegularPackage |
class | ContentPackageManager |
class | ContentPath |
class | ContentXElement |
class | ContentXElementExtensions |
struct | Identifier |
class | IdentifierExtensions |
class | MissingContentPackageException |
class | CoroutineStatus |
class | EnumCoroutineStatus |
class | WaitForSeconds |
class | CoroutineHandle |
class | CoroutineManager |
struct | ColoredText |
class | DebugConsole |
class | Decal |
class | GrimeSprite |
class | DecalManager |
class | DecalPrefab |
class | ArtifactEvent |
class | Event |
class | AfflictionAction |
class | BinaryOptionAction |
class | CheckAfflictionAction |
class | CheckConditionalAction |
class | CheckDataAction |
class | CheckItemAction |
class | CheckMoneyAction |
class | CheckOrderAction |
class | CheckReputationAction |
class | CheckSelectedAction |
class | CheckTalentAction |
class | CheckTraitorEventStateAction |
class | CheckTraitorVoteAction |
Checks whether the specific target was voted as the traitor. More... | |
class | CheckVisibilityAction |
class | ClearTagAction |
class | CombatAction |
class | ConversationAction |
class | CountTargetsAction |
class | EventAction |
class | EventLogAction |
class | EventObjectiveAction |
class | FireAction |
class | GiveExpAction |
class | GiveSkillExpAction |
class | GodModeAction |
class | GoTo |
class | Label |
class | MessageBoxAction |
class | MissionAction |
class | MissionStateAction |
class | ModifyLocationAction |
class | MoneyAction |
class | NPCChangeTeamAction |
class | NPCFollowAction |
class | NPCOperateItemAction |
class | NPCWaitAction |
class | OnRoundEndAction |
class | RemoveItemAction |
class | ReputationAction |
class | RNGAction |
class | SetDataAction |
class | SetPriceMultiplierAction |
class | SetTraitorEventStateAction |
class | SkillCheckAction |
class | SpawnAction |
class | StatusEffectAction |
class | TagAction |
class | TriggerAction |
class | TriggerEventAction |
class | TutorialCompleteAction |
class | UnlockPathAction |
class | WaitAction |
class | WaitForItemFabricatedAction |
class | WaitForItemUsedAction |
class | EventLog |
Used to store logs of scripted events (a sort of "quest log") More... | |
class | EventManager |
class | EventManagerSettings |
class | EventPrefab |
class | EventSet |
Event sets are sets of random events that occur within a level (most commonly, monster spawns and scripted events). Event sets can also be nested: a "parent set" can choose from several "subsets", either randomly or by some kind of criteria. More... | |
class | MalfunctionEvent |
class | AbandonedOutpostMission |
class | AlienRuinMission |
class | BeaconMission |
class | CargoMission |
class | CombatMission |
class | EndMission |
class | EscortMission |
class | GoToMission |
class | MineralMission |
class | Mission |
class | AbilityMissionMoneyGainMultiplier |
class | AbilityMissionExperienceGainMultiplier |
class | MissionPrefab |
class | MonsterMission |
class | NestMission |
class | PirateMission |
class | SalvageMission |
class | ScanMission |
class | MonsterEvent |
class | ScriptedEvent |
class | StringExtensions |
class | StringFormatter |
class | ForbiddenWordFilter |
class | GameAnalyticsManager |
class | AutoItemPlacer |
class | PurchasedItem |
class | SoldItem |
class | CargoManager |
class | CrewManager |
class | CampaignMetadata |
class | Faction |
class | FactionPrefab |
class | Reputation |
struct | WalletChangedEvent |
struct | WalletInfo |
struct | NetWalletUpdate |
Network message for the server to update wallet values to clients | |
struct | NetWalletTransfer |
Network message for the client to transfer money between wallets | |
struct | NetWalletSetSalaryUpdate |
Network message for the client to set the salary of someone | |
struct | WalletChangedData |
Represents the difference in balance and salary when a wallet gets updated Not really used right now but could be used for notifications when receiving funds similar to how talents do it | |
struct | NetWalletTransaction |
Represents an update that changed the amount of money or salary of the wallet | |
class | InvalidWallet |
class | Wallet |
class | CampaignMode |
class | CampaignModePresets |
struct | CampaignSettingDefinitions |
class | CampaignSettings |
class | CharacterCampaignData |
class | CoOpMode |
class | GameMode |
class | GameModePreset |
class | MissionMode |
class | MultiPlayerCampaign |
class | PvPMode |
class | TutorialPrefab |
class | GameSession |
class | HireManager |
class | MedicalClinic |
class | ReadyCheck |
class | SlideshowPrefab |
class | PurchasedUpgrade |
class | PurchasedItemSwap |
class | UpgradeManager |
This class handles all upgrade logic. Storing, applying, checking and validation of upgrades. More... | |
class | CharacterInventory |
class | WearableSprite |
class | Inventory |
class | Item |
class | AbilityApplyTreatment |
class | ItemInventory |
struct | SkillRequirementHint |
struct | DeconstructItem |
class | FabricationRecipe |
class | PreferredContainer |
class | SwappableItem |
class | ItemPrefab |
class | RelatedItem |
Used by various features to define different kinds of relations between items: for example, which item a character must have equipped to interact with some item in some way, which items can go inside a container, or which kind of item the target of a status effect must have for the effect to execute. More... | |
class | StartItem |
class | StartItemSet |
Additive sets of items spawned only at the start of the game. | |
class | MapEntity |
class | LuaGame |
struct | LuaSByte |
struct | LuaByte |
struct | LuaInt16 |
struct | LuaUInt16 |
struct | LuaInt32 |
struct | LuaUInt32 |
struct | LuaInt64 |
struct | LuaUInt64 |
struct | LuaSingle |
struct | LuaDouble |
class | LuaUserData |
class | LuaCsSetup |
class | LuaPlatformAccessor |
class | LuaRequire |
class | LuaScriptLoader |
class | SigilExtensions |
class | LuaCsHook |
class | LuaCsInstaller |
class | LuaCsLogger |
class | LuaCsNetworking |
class | LuaCsPerformanceCounter |
class | LuaCsSetupConfig |
class | LuaCsSteam |
class | LuaCsTimer |
class | LuaCsFile |
class | LuaCsConfig |
class | ACsMod |
class | CoreEntityPrefab |
class | BallastFloraPrefab |
class | DummyFireSource |
class | Entity |
class | EntityGrid |
class | Explosion |
Explosions are area of effect attacks that can damage characters, items and structures. More... | |
class | FireSource |
class | Gap |
class | BackgroundSection |
class | Hull |
interface | IDamageable |
interface | ISpatialEntity |
interface | IIgnorable |
class | ItemAssemblyPrefab |
class | Biome |
class | CaveGenerationParams |
class | CaveGenerator |
class | DestructibleLevelWall |
class | Level |
class | LevelData |
class | LevelGenerationParams |
class | LevelObject |
class | LevelObjectManager |
class | LevelObjectPrefab |
class | LevelTrigger |
class | LevelWall |
class | LinkedSubmarinePrefab |
class | LinkedSubmarine |
class | Location |
class | LocationConnection |
class | LocationType |
class | LocationTypeChange |
class | Map |
class | MapGenerationParams |
class | Radiation |
class | RadiationParams |
class | MapEntityPrefab |
class | OrderTarget |
class | ExtraSubmarineInfo |
class | BeaconStationInfo |
class | WreckInfo |
class | NPCSet |
class | OutpostGenerationParams |
class | OutpostGenerator |
class | OutpostModuleInfo |
class | PriceInfo |
class | WallSection |
class | Structure |
class | AbilityAttackerSubmarine |
class | StructurePrefab |
class | Submarine |
class | SubmarineBody |
class | SubmarineInfo |
class | WayPoint |
interface | IMemorizable |
class | Memento |
class | WriteOnlyBitField |
class | ReadOnlyBitField |
class | EntitySpawner |
class | NetworkSerialize |
Marks fields and properties as to be serialized and deserialized by INetSerializableStruct. Also contains settings for some types like maximum and minimum values for numbers to reduce bits used. More... | |
class | NetSerializableProperties |
Static class that contains serialize and deserialize functions for different types used in INetSerializableStruct | |
interface | INetSerializableStruct |
Interface that allows the creation of automatically serializable and deserializable structs. | |
class | KarmaManager |
class | Voting |
class | PerformanceCounter |
class | Physics |
class | PosInfo |
class | PhysicsBody |
class | Key |
interface | IImplementsVariants |
class | VariantExtensions |
class | Prefab |
class | PrefabCollection |
class | PrefabSelector |
class | PrefabWithUintIdentifier |
Prefab that has a property serves as a deterministic hash of a prefab's identifier. This member is filled automatically by PrefabCollection.Add. Required for GetRandom to work on arbitrary Prefab enumerables, recommended for network synchronization. More... | |
class | PerlinNoise |
class | GameScreen |
class | NetLobbyScreen |
class | Screen |
interface | ISerializableEntity |
class | Serialize |
class | SerializableProperty |
class | StructSerialization |
class | XMLExtensions |
class | CreatureMetrics |
class | GameSettings |
class | ConditionalSprite |
class | DeformableSprite |
class | Sprite |
class | SpriteSheet |
class | DelayedListElement |
class | DelayedEffect |
class | PropertyConditional |
Conditionals are used by some in-game mechanics to require one or more conditions to be met for those mechanics to be active. For example, some StatusEffects use Conditionals to only trigger if the affected character is alive. More... | |
class | DurationListElement |
class | StatusEffect |
StatusEffects can be used to execute various kinds of effects: modifying the state of some entity in some way, spawning things, playing sounds, emitting particles, creating fire and explosions, increasing a characters' skill. They are a crucial part of modding Barotrauma: all kinds of custom behaviors of an item or a creature for example are generally created using StatusEffects. More... | |
class | SteamAchievementManager |
class | AddedPunctuationLString |
class | CapitalizeLString |
class | ConcatLString |
class | FallbackLString |
class | FormattedLString |
class | InputTypeLString |
class | JoinLString |
class | LocalizedString |
class | LowerLString |
class | RawLString |
class | ReplaceLString |
class | ServerMsgLString |
class | LStringSplitter |
class | SplitLString |
class | TagLString |
class | TrimLString |
class | UpperLString |
class | RichString |
class | StripRichTagsLString |
class | TextManager |
struct | LanguageIdentifier |
class | LanguageIdentifierExtensions |
class | TextPack |
class | Timing |
class | TraitorEvent |
class | TraitorEventPrefab |
class | TraitorManager |
class | PropertyReference |
class | Upgrade |
struct | UpgradePrice |
class | UpgradeContentPrefab |
class | UpgradeCategory |
struct | UpgradeMaxLevelMod |
struct | UpgradeResourceCost |
struct | ApplicableResourceCollection |
class | UpgradePrefab |
class | CollectionConcat |
class | ListConcat |
class | CrossThread |
class | Either |
class | EitherT |
class | EitherU |
class | Homoglyphs |
class | HttpUtility |
class | IdRemap |
class | LinkedPairSet |
class | ListDictionary |
class | MathUtils |
class | CompareCW |
class | CompareCCW |
class | Md5Hash |
class | MTRandom |
Mersenne Twister based random More... | |
class | NamedEvent |
class | Option |
class | Rand |
struct | Range |
An inclusive range, i.e. [Start, End] where Start <= End More... | |
class | ReadOnlyListExtensions |
class | ReflectionUtils |
class | Result |
class | Success |
class | Failure |
class | RichTextData |
class | SaveUtil |
struct | SerializableTimeZone |
struct | SerializableDateTime |
DateTime wrapper that tries to offer a reliable string representation that's also human-friendly More... | |
class | TaskExtensions |
class | TaskPool |
class | Pair |
class | ToolBox |
class | Camera |
class | HealingCooldown |
class | GameMain |
class | Program |
The main class. | |
class | UnimplementedScreen |
class | DoSProtection |
class | RateLimiter |
class | XnaToConsoleColor |
Functions | |
readonly record struct | TalentResistanceIdentifier (Identifier ResistanceIdentifier, Identifier TalentIdentifier) |
delegate void | LuaCsAction (params object[] args) |
delegate object | LuaCsFunc (params object[] args) |
delegate DynValue | LuaCsPatchFunc (object instance, LuaCsHook.ParameterTable ptable) |
delegate object | LuaCsPatch (object self, Dictionary< string, object > args) |
strong |
strong |
AbilityFlags are a set of toggleable flags that can be applied to characters.
Enumerator | |
None | Used to indicate an erroneous ability flag. Should not be used. |
MustWalk | Character will not be able to run. |
ImmuneToPressure | Character is immune to pressure. |
IgnoredByEnemyAI | Character won't be targeted by enemy AI. |
MoveNormallyWhileDragging | Character can drag corpses without a movement speed penalty. |
CanTinker | Character is able to tinker with items. |
CanTinkerFabricatorsAndDeconstructors | Character is able to tinker with fabricators and deconstructors. |
TinkeringPowersDevices | Allows items tinkered by the character to consume no power. |
GainSkillPastMaximum | Allows the character to gain skills past 100. |
RetainExperienceForNewCharacter | Allows the character to retain experience when respawning as a new character. |
AllowSecondOrderedTarget | Allows CharacterAbilityApplyStatusEffectsToLastOrderedCharacter to affect the last 2 characters ordered. |
AlwaysStayConscious | Character will stay conscious even if their vitality drops below 0. |
CanNotDieToAfflictions | Prevents afflictions on the character from dropping the characters vitality below the kill threshold. The character can still die from sources like getting crushed by pressure or if their head is severed. |
strong |
ActionTypes define when a StatusEffect is executed.
Enumerator | |
Always | Executes every frame regardless of the state of the entity. |
OnPicked | Executes when the item is picked up. Only valid for items. |
OnUse | Executes when the item is used. The meaning of "using" an item depends on the item, but generally it means the action that happens when holding the item and clicking LMB. Only valid for items. |
OnSecondaryUse | Executes when an item is held and the aim key is held. Only valid for items. |
OnWearing | Executes continuously while the item is being worn. Only valid for wearable items. |
OnContaining | Executes continuously when a specific Containable is inside an ItemContainer. Only valid for Containables defined in an ItemContainer component. |
OnContained | Executes continuously when the item is contained in some inventory. Only valid for items. |
OnNotContained | Executes continuously when the item is NOT contained in an inventory. Only valid for items. |
OnActive | Executes continuously when the item is active. The meaning of "active" depends on the item, but generally means the item is on, powered, and doing the thing it's intended for. Only valid for items. |
OnFailure | Executes when using the item fails due to a failed skill check. Only valid for items. |
OnBroken | Executes when using the item's condition drops to 0. Only valid for items. |
OnFire | Executes continuously when the entity is within the damage range of fire. Valid for items and characters. |
InWater | Executes continuously when the entity is submerged. Valid for items and characters. |
NotInWater | Executes continuously when the entity is NOT submerged. Valid for items and characters. |
OnImpact | Executes when the entity hits something hard enough. For items, the threshold is determined by ItemPrefab.ImpactTolerance, for characters by Ragdoll.ImpactTolerance. Valid for items and characters. |
OnEating | Executes continuously when the character is eating another character. Only valid for characters. |
OnDamaged | Executes when the entity receives damage from an external source (i.e. an affliction that increases in severity, or an item degrading by itself don't count). Valid for items and characters. |
OnSevered | Executes when the limb gets severed. Only valid for limbs. |
OnProduceSpawned | Executes when a Items.Components.Growable produces an item (e.g. when a plant grows a fruit). Only valid for Growable items. |
OnOpen | Executes when a Items.Components.Door is opened. Only valid for doors. |
OnClose | Executes when a Items.Components.Door is closed. Only valid for doors. |
OnSpawn | Executes when the entity spawns. Valid for items and characters. |
OnSuccess | Executes when using the item succeeds based on a skill check. Only valid for items. |
OnAbility | Executes when an Ability (an effect from a talent) triggers the status effect. Only valid in Abilities, the target can be either a character or an item depending on the type of Ability. |
OnDeath | Executes when the character dies. Only valid for characters. |
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
Idle | |
Attack | |
Escape | |
Eat | |
Flee | |
Avoid | |
Aggressive | |
PassiveAggressive | |
Protect | |
Observe | |
Freeze | |
Follow | |
FleeTo | |
Patrol |
Definition at line 14 of file EnemyAIController.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
CenterX | |
Left | |
Right | |
CenterY | |
Top | |
Bottom | |
TopLeft | |
TopCenter | |
TopRight | |
CenterLeft | |
Center | |
CenterRight | |
BottomLeft | |
BottomCenter | |
BottomRight | |
Any |
Definition at line 11 of file MathUtils.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
NotDefined | |
Walk | |
Run | |
SwimSlow | |
SwimFast | |
Crouch |
Definition at line 12 of file AnimationParams.cs.
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
Straight | |
Sweep | |
Circle |
Definition at line 16 of file EnemyAIController.cs.
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
Unknown | |
Pressure | |
Suffocation | |
Drowning | |
Affliction | |
Disconnected |
Definition at line 5 of file CauseOfDeath.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
None | |
Team1 | |
Team2 | |
FriendlyNPC |
Definition at line 21 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Characters/Character.cs.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
Start | |
CloseIn | |
FallBack | |
Advance | |
Strike |
Definition at line 18 of file EnemyAIController.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Error | |
Cursor | |
AddComponent | |
MoveComponent | |
AddWire | |
RemoveWire | |
SelectComponents | |
SelectWires | |
UpdateSelection | |
DeleteComponent | |
ServerInitialize |
Definition at line 11 of file CircuitBoxNetStructs.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
None | |
Left | |
Right |
Definition at line 17 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Map/Submarine.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
ShowAll | |
BossHealthBarsOnly | |
HideAll |
Definition at line 38 of file GameSettings.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Positive | |
Neutral | |
Negative |
Definition at line 8 of file Factions.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Yes | |
No |
Definition at line 16 of file TextManager.cs.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Definition at line 3 of file InputType.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
None | |
Any | |
RightHand | |
LeftHand | |
Head | |
InnerClothes | |
OuterClothes | |
Headset | |
Card | |
Bag | |
HealthInterface |
Definition at line 11 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Items/CharacterInventory.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Yes | |
No |
Definition at line 18 of file SerializableProperty.cs.
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
None | |
Transparent | |
Opaque |
Definition at line 24 of file GameSettings.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
None | |
Structure | |
Decorative | |
Machine | |
Medical | |
Weapon | |
Diving | |
Equipment | |
Fuel | |
Electrical | |
Material | |
Alien | |
Wrecked | |
ItemAssembly | |
Legacy | |
Misc |
Definition at line 10 of file MapEntityPrefab.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
None | |
Salvage | |
Monster | |
Cargo | |
Beacon | |
Nest | |
Mineral | |
Combat | |
AbandonedOutpost | |
Escort | |
Pirate | |
GoTo | |
ScanAlienRuins | |
ClearAlienRuins | |
End | |
All |
Definition at line 11 of file MissionPrefab.cs.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
Invalid | |
OnLimitReached | |
OnLimitDoubled |
Definition at line 10 of file RateLimiter.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
None | |
Announce | |
Kick | |
Ban |
Definition at line 17 of file RateLimiter.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Path | |
Human | |
Enemy | |
Cargo | |
Corpse | |
Submarine | |
ExitPoint |
Definition at line 14 of file WayPoint.cs.
strong |
strong |
StatTypes are used to alter several traits of a character. They are mostly used by talents.
A lot of StatTypes use a "percentage" value. The way this works is that the value is 0 by default and 1 is added to the value of the stat type to get the final multiplier. For example if the value is set to 0.2 then 1 is added to it making it 1.2 and that is used as a multiplier. This makes it so values between -100% and +100% can be easily represented as -1 and 1 respectively. For example 0.5 would translate to 1.5 for +50% and -0.2 would translate to 0.8 for -20% multiplier.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Undefined | |
Scout | |
Attack | |
Transport |
Definition at line 28 of file SubmarineInfo.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Shuttle | |
HideInMenus |
Definition at line 19 of file SubmarineInfo.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Player | |
Outpost | |
OutpostModule | |
Wreck | |
BeaconStation | |
EnemySubmarine | |
Ruin |
Definition at line 27 of file SubmarineInfo.cs.
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
Disabled | |
PushToTalk | |
Activity |
Definition at line 31 of file GameSettings.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Target | |
Heading | |
Steering |
Definition at line 20 of file EnemyAIController.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Item | |
Hair | |
Beard | |
Moustache | |
FaceAttachment | |
Husk | |
Herpes |
Definition at line 14 of file Wearable.cs.
strong |
Enumerator | |
Windowed | |
Fullscreen | |
BorderlessWindowed |
Definition at line 19 of file GameSettings.cs.
delegate void Barotrauma.LuaCsAction | ( | params object[] | args | ) |
delegate object Barotrauma.LuaCsFunc | ( | params object[] | args | ) |
delegate object Barotrauma.LuaCsPatch | ( | object | self, |
Dictionary< string, object > | args | ||
) |
delegate DynValue Barotrauma.LuaCsPatchFunc | ( | object | instance, |
LuaCsHook.ParameterTable | ptable | ||
) |
readonly record struct Barotrauma.TalentResistanceIdentifier | ( | Identifier | ResistanceIdentifier, |
Identifier | TalentIdentifier | ||
) |