Barotrauma Server Doc
Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk Class Reference

AfflictionPrefabHusk is a special type of affliction that has added functionality for husk infection. More...

Inheritance diagram for Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk:
Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefab Barotrauma.PrefabWithUintIdentifier Barotrauma.Prefab

Public Member Functions

 AfflictionPrefabHusk (ContentXElement element, AfflictionsFile file, Type type=null)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefab
override void Dispose ()
 AfflictionPrefab (ContentXElement element, AfflictionsFile file, Type type)
LocalizedString GetDescription (float strength, Description.TargetType targetType)
override string ToString ()
Affliction Instantiate (float strength, Character source=null)
Effect GetActiveEffect (float currentStrength)
float GetTreatmentSuitability (Item item)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.Prefab
 Prefab (ContentFile file, Identifier identifier)
 Prefab (ContentFile file, ContentXElement element)

Public Attributes

readonly int AttachLimbId
readonly string AttachLimbName
readonly LimbType AttachLimbType
readonly float DormantThreshold
 The minimum strength at which husk infection will be in the dormant stage. It must be less than or equal to ActiveThreshold. More...
readonly float ActiveThreshold
 The minimum strength at which husk infection will be in the active stage. It must be greater than or equal to DormantThreshold and less than or equal to TransitionThreshold. More...
readonly float TransitionThreshold
 The minimum strength at which husk infection will be in its final stage. It must be greater than or equal to ActiveThreshold. More...
readonly float TransformThresholdOnDeath
 The minimum strength the affliction must have for the affected character to transform into a husk upon death. More...
readonly Identifier HuskedSpeciesName
 The species of husk to convert the affected character to once husk infection reaches its final stage. More...
readonly bool TransferBuffs
 If set to true, all buffs are transferred to the converted character after husk transformation is complete. More...
readonly bool SendMessages
 If set to true, the affected player will see on-screen messages describing husk infection symptoms and affected bots will speak about their current husk infection stage. More...
readonly bool CauseSpeechImpediment
 If set to true, affected characters will have their speech impeded once the affliction reaches the dormant stage. More...
readonly bool NeedsAir
 If set to false, affected characters will no longer require air once the affliction reaches the active stage. More...
readonly bool ControlHusk
 If set to true, affected players will retain control of their character after transforming into a husk. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefab
readonly LocalizedString Name
readonly LocalizedString CauseOfDeathDescription
readonly ImmutableList< DescriptionDescriptions
readonly Identifier AfflictionType
 Arbitrary string that is used to identify the type of the affliction. More...
readonly bool LimbSpecific
 If set to true, the affliction affects individual limbs. Otherwise, it affects the whole character. More...
readonly LimbType IndicatorLimb
 If the affliction doesn't affect individual limbs, this attribute determines where the game will render the affliction's indicator when viewed in the in-game health UI. More...
readonly Identifier TranslationIdentifier
 Can be set to the identifier of another affliction to make this affliction reuse the same name and description. More...
readonly bool IsBuff
 If set to true, the game will recognize this affliction as a buff. This means, among other things, that bots won't attempt to treat it, and the health UI will render the affected limb in green rather than red. More...
readonly bool AffectMachines
 If set to true, this affliction can affect characters that are marked as machines, such as the Fractal Guardian. More...
readonly bool HealableInMedicalClinic
 If set to true, this affliction can be healed at the medical clinic. More...
readonly float HealCostMultiplier
 How much each unit of this affliction's strength will add to the cost of healing at the medical clinic. More...
readonly int BaseHealCost
 The minimum cost of healing this affliction at the medical clinic. More...
readonly bool ShowBarInHealthMenu
 If set to false, the health UI will not show the strength of the affliction as a bar under its indicator. More...
readonly bool HideIconAfterDelay
 If set to true, this affliction's icon will be hidden from the HUD after 5 seconds. More...
readonly float ActivationThreshold = 0.0f
 How high the strength has to be for the affliction to take effect More...
readonly float ShowIconThreshold = 0.05f
 How high the strength has to be for the affliction icon to be shown in the UI More...
readonly float ShowIconToOthersThreshold = 0.05f
 How high the strength has to be for the affliction icon to be shown to others with a health scanner or via the health interface More...
readonly float MaxStrength = 100.0f
 The maximum strength this affliction can have. More...
readonly float GrainBurst
 The strength of the radiation grain effect to apply when the strength of this affliction increases. More...
readonly float ShowInHealthScannerThreshold
 How high the strength has to be for the affliction icon to be shown with a health scanner More...
readonly float TreatmentThreshold
 How strong the affliction needs to be before bots attempt to treat it. Also effects when the affliction is shown in the suitable treatments list. More...
ImmutableHashSet< IdentifierIgnoreTreatmentIfAfflictedBy
 Bots will not try to treat the affliction if the character has any of these afflictions More...
readonly float Duration
 The duration of the affliction, in seconds. If set to 0, the affliction does not expire. More...
float KarmaChangeOnApplied
 How much karma changes when a player applies this affliction to someone (per strength of the affliction) More...
readonly float BurnOverlayAlpha
 Opacity of the burn effect (darker tint) on limbs affected by this affliction. 1 = full strength. More...
readonly float DamageOverlayAlpha
 Opacity of the bloody damage overlay on limbs affected by this affliction. 1 = full strength. More...
readonly Identifier AchievementOnReceived
readonly Identifier AchievementOnRemoved
 Steam achievement given when the affliction is removed from the controlled character. More...
readonly Color[] IconColors
 A gradient that defines which color to render this affliction's icon with, based on the affliction's current strength. More...
readonly bool AfflictionOverlayAlphaIsLinear
 If set to true and the affliction has an AfflictionOverlay element, the overlay's opacity will be strictly proportional to its strength. Otherwise, the overlay's opacity will be determined based on its activation threshold and effects. More...
readonly bool ResetBetweenRounds
 If set to true, this affliction will not persist between rounds. More...
readonly bool DamageParticles
 Should damage particles be emitted when a character receives this affliction? Only relevant if the affliction is of the type "bleeding" or "damage". More...
readonly float MedicalSkillGain
 An arbitrary modifier that affects how much medical skill is increased when you apply the affliction on a target. If the affliction causes damage or is of the 'poison' or 'paralysis' type, the skill is increased only when the target is hostile. If the affliction is of the 'buff' type, the skill is increased only when the target is friendly. More...
readonly float WeaponsSkillGain
 An arbitrary modifier that affects how much weapons skill is increased when you apply the affliction on a target. The skill is increased only when the target is hostile. More...
readonly Sprite Icon
 An icon that’s used in the UI to represent this affliction. More...
readonly Sprite AfflictionOverlay
 A sprite that covers the affected player's entire screen when this affliction is active. Its opacity is controlled by the active effect's MinAfflictionOverlayAlphaMultiplier and MaxAfflictionOverlayAlphaMultiplier More...
- Public Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.Prefab
readonly Identifier Identifier
readonly ContentFile ContentFile

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefab
static void LoadAllEffectsAndTreatmentSuitabilities ()
 Should be called before each round: loads all StatusEffects and refreshes treatment suitabilities. More...
static void ClearAllEffects ()
 Removes all the effects of the prefab (including the sounds and other assets defined in them). Note that you need to call LoadAllEffectsAndTreatmentSuitabilities before trying to use the affliction again! More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.Prefab
static void DisallowCallFromConstructor ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefab
static readonly Identifier DamageType = "damage".ToIdentifier()
static readonly Identifier BurnType = "burn".ToIdentifier()
static readonly Identifier BleedingType = "bleeding".ToIdentifier()
static readonly Identifier ParalysisType = "paralysis".ToIdentifier()
static readonly Identifier PoisonType = "poison".ToIdentifier()
static readonly Identifier StunType = "stun".ToIdentifier()
static readonly Identifier EMPType = "emp".ToIdentifier()
static readonly Identifier SpaceHerpesType = "spaceherpes".ToIdentifier()
static readonly Identifier AlienInfectedType = "alieninfected".ToIdentifier()
static readonly Identifier InvertControlsType = "invertcontrols".ToIdentifier()
static readonly PrefabCollection< AfflictionPrefabPrefabs = new PrefabCollection<AfflictionPrefab>()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.Prefab
static readonly ImmutableHashSet< Type > Types
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.PrefabWithUintIdentifier
 PrefabWithUintIdentifier (ContentFile file, Identifier identifier)
 PrefabWithUintIdentifier (ContentFile file, ContentXElement element)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.Prefab
virtual Identifier DetermineIdentifier (XElement element)
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefab
static AfflictionPrefab InternalDamage [get]
static AfflictionPrefab BiteWounds [get]
static AfflictionPrefab ImpactDamage [get]
static AfflictionPrefab Bleeding [get]
static AfflictionPrefab Burn [get]
static AfflictionPrefab OxygenLow [get]
static AfflictionPrefab Bloodloss [get]
static AfflictionPrefab Pressure [get]
static AfflictionPrefab OrganDamage [get]
static AfflictionPrefab Stun [get]
static AfflictionPrefab RadiationSickness [get]
static IEnumerable< AfflictionPrefabList [get]
Identifier[] TargetSpecies [get, protected set]
 A list of species this affliction is allowed to affect. More...
IEnumerable< EffectEffects [get]
IList< PeriodicEffectPeriodicEffects [get]
ImmutableDictionary< Identifier, float > TreatmentSuitabilities = new Dictionary<Identifier, float>().ToImmutableDictionary() [get]
bool HasTreatments [get]
 Can this affliction be treated with some item? More...
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.PrefabWithUintIdentifier
UInt32 UintIdentifier [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.Prefab
ContentPackageContentPackage [get]
ContentPath FilePath [get]

Detailed Description

AfflictionPrefabHusk is a special type of affliction that has added functionality for husk infection.

Definition at line 64 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AfflictionPrefabHusk()

Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.AfflictionPrefabHusk ( ContentXElement  element,
AfflictionsFile  file,
Type  type = null 

Definition at line 132 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ ActiveThreshold

readonly float Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.ActiveThreshold

The minimum strength at which husk infection will be in the active stage. It must be greater than or equal to DormantThreshold and less than or equal to TransitionThreshold.

Definition at line 82 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ AttachLimbId

readonly int Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.AttachLimbId

Definition at line 68 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ AttachLimbName

readonly string Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.AttachLimbName

Definition at line 69 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ AttachLimbType

readonly LimbType Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.AttachLimbType

Definition at line 70 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ CauseSpeechImpediment

readonly bool Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.CauseSpeechImpediment

If set to true, affected characters will have their speech impeded once the affliction reaches the dormant stage.

Definition at line 118 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ ControlHusk

readonly bool Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.ControlHusk

If set to true, affected players will retain control of their character after transforming into a husk.

Definition at line 130 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ DormantThreshold

readonly float Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.DormantThreshold

The minimum strength at which husk infection will be in the dormant stage. It must be less than or equal to ActiveThreshold.

Definition at line 76 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ HuskedSpeciesName

readonly Identifier Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.HuskedSpeciesName

The species of husk to convert the affected character to once husk infection reaches its final stage.

Definition at line 100 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ NeedsAir

readonly bool Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.NeedsAir

If set to false, affected characters will no longer require air once the affliction reaches the active stage.

Definition at line 124 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ SendMessages

readonly bool Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.SendMessages

If set to true, the affected player will see on-screen messages describing husk infection symptoms and affected bots will speak about their current husk infection stage.

Definition at line 112 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ TransferBuffs

readonly bool Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.TransferBuffs

If set to true, all buffs are transferred to the converted character after husk transformation is complete.

Definition at line 106 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ TransformThresholdOnDeath

readonly float Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.TransformThresholdOnDeath

The minimum strength the affliction must have for the affected character to transform into a husk upon death.

Definition at line 94 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.

◆ TransitionThreshold

readonly float Barotrauma.AfflictionPrefabHusk.TransitionThreshold

The minimum strength at which husk infection will be in its final stage. It must be greater than or equal to ActiveThreshold.

Definition at line 88 of file AfflictionPrefab.cs.