| HumanoidAnimController (Character character, string seed, HumanRagdollParams ragdollParams=null) |
override void | Recreate (RagdollParams ragdollParams=null) |
| Call this to create the ragdoll from the RagdollParams. More...
override void | UpdateAnim (float deltaTime) |
override void | DragCharacter (Character target, float deltaTime) |
override void | Flip () |
override float | GetSpeed (AnimationType type) |
| AnimController (Character character, string seed, RagdollParams ragdollParams=null) |
float | GetCurrentSpeed (bool useMaxSpeed) |
AnimationParams | GetAnimationParamsFromType (AnimationType type) |
float | GetHeightFromFloor () |
void | LockFlipping (float time=0.2f) |
void | UpdateUseItem (bool allowMovement, Vector2 handWorldPos) |
void | Grab (Vector2 rightHandPos, Vector2 leftHandPos) |
void | HoldItem (float deltaTime, Item item, Vector2[] handlePos, Vector2 holdPos, Vector2 aimPos, bool aim, float holdAngle, float itemAngleRelativeToHoldAngle=0.0f, bool aimMelee=false) |
void | HandIK (Limb hand, Vector2 pos, float armTorque=1.0f, float handTorque=1.0f, float maxAngularVelocity=float.PositiveInfinity) |
void | ApplyPose (Vector2 leftHandPos, Vector2 rightHandPos, Vector2 leftFootPos, Vector2 rightFootPos, float footMoveForce=10) |
void | ApplyTestPose () |
void | StartUsingItem () |
void | StartClimbing () |
void | StopUsingItem () |
void | StopClimbing () |
bool | TryGetCollider (int index, out PhysicsBody collider) |
void | SubtractMass (Limb limb) |
| Ragdoll (Character character, string seed, RagdollParams ragdollParams=null) |
void | SaveRagdoll (string fileNameWithoutExtension=null) |
| Saves all serializable data in the currently selected ragdoll params. This method should properly handle character flipping. More...
void | ResetRagdoll (bool forceReload=false) |
| Resets the serializable data to the currently selected ragdoll params. Force reloading always loads the xml stored on the disk. More...
void | ResetJoints () |
| Resets the current joint values to the serialized joint params. More...
void | ResetLimbs () |
| Resets the current limb values to the serialized limb params. More...
void | AddJoint (JointParams jointParams) |
void | AddLimb (Limb limb) |
void | RemoveLimb (Limb limb) |
bool | OnLimbCollision (Fixture f1, Fixture f2, Contact contact) |
float | GetImpactDamage (float impact, float? impactTolerance=null) |
bool | SeverLimbJoint (LimbJoint limbJoint) |
Vector2 | GetCenterOfMass () |
void | MoveLimb (Limb limb, Vector2 pos, float amount, bool pullFromCenter=false) |
| - Parameters
pullFromCenter | if false, force is applied to the position of pullJoint |
void | ResetPullJoints (Func< Limb, bool > condition=null) |
void | FindHull (Vector2? worldPosition=null, bool setSubmarine=true) |
void | Teleport (Vector2 moveAmount, Vector2 velocityChange, bool detachProjectiles=true) |
void | Update (float deltaTime, Camera cam) |
void | ForceRefreshFloorY () |
float | GetSurfaceY () |
| Get the position of the surface of water at the position of the character, in display units (taking into account connected hulls above the hull the character is in) More...
void | SetPosition (Vector2 simPosition, bool lerp=false, bool ignorePlatforms=true, bool forceMainLimbToCollider=false, bool detachProjectiles=true) |
void | Hang () |
Limb | GetLimb (LimbType limbType, bool excludeSevered=true) |
| Note that if there are multiple limbs of the same type, only the first (valid) limb is returned. More...
Vector2? | GetMouthPosition () |
Vector2 | GetColliderBottom () |
Limb | FindLowestLimb () |
void | ReleaseStuckLimbs () |
void | HideAndDisable (LimbType limbType, float duration=0, bool ignoreCollisions=true) |
void | RestoreTemporarilyDisabled () |
void | Remove () |
override RagdollParams | RagdollParams [get, protected set] |
HumanRagdollParams | HumanRagdollParams [get, protected set] |
HumanWalkParams | HumanWalkParams [get, set] |
HumanRunParams | HumanRunParams [get, set] |
HumanCrouchParams | HumanCrouchParams [get, set] |
HumanSwimSlowParams | HumanSwimSlowParams [get, set] |
HumanSwimFastParams | HumanSwimFastParams [get, set] |
new HumanGroundedParams | CurrentGroundedParams [get] |
new HumanSwimParams | CurrentSwimParams [get] |
IHumanAnimation | CurrentHumanAnimParams [get] |
override GroundedMovementParams | WalkParams [get, set] |
override GroundedMovementParams | RunParams [get, set] |
override SwimParams | SwimSlowParams [get, set] |
override SwimParams | SwimFastParams [get, set] |
bool | Crouching [get, set] |
float | HeadLeanAmount [get] |
float | TorsoLeanAmount [get] |
Vector2 | FootMoveOffset [get] |
float | LegBendTorque [get] |
Vector2 | HandMoveOffset [get] |
override Vector2 | AimSourceSimPos [get] |
Vector2 | RightHandIKPos [get, protected set] |
Vector2 | LeftHandIKPos [get, protected set] |
bool | IsAiming [get] |
bool | IsAimingMelee [get] |
bool | Aiming [get] |
float | ArmLength [get] |
abstract GroundedMovementParams | WalkParams [get, set] |
abstract GroundedMovementParams | RunParams [get, set] |
abstract SwimParams | SwimSlowParams [get, set] |
abstract SwimParams | SwimFastParams [get, set] |
AnimationParams? | CurrentAnimationParams [get] |
AnimationType | ForceSelectAnimationType [get, set] |
GroundedMovementParams? | CurrentGroundedParams [get] |
SwimParams? | CurrentSwimParams [get] |
bool | CanWalk [get] |
bool | IsMovingBackwards [get] |
bool | IsMovingFast [get] |
| Note: Presupposes that the slow speed is lower than the high speed. Otherwise will give invalid results. More...
List< AnimationParams > | AllAnimParams [get] |
| Note: creates a new list every time, because the params might have changed. If there is a need to access the property frequently, change the implementation to an array, where the slot is updated when the param is updated(?) Currently it's not simple to implement, since the properties are not implemented here, but in the derived classes. Would require to change the params virtual and to call the base property getter/setter or something. More...
bool | IsUsingItem [get] |
bool | IsClimbing [get] |
Vector2 | AimSourceWorldPos [get] |
Vector2 | AimSourcePos [get] |
virtual Vector2 | AimSourceSimPos [get] |
override? float | HeadPosition [get] |
override? float | TorsoPosition [get] |
override? float | HeadAngle [get] |
override? float | TorsoAngle [get] |
virtual ? Vector2 | StepSize [get] |
bool | AnimationTestPose [get, set] |
float | WalkPos [get, protected set] |
bool | IsAboveFloor [get] |
float | FlipLockTime [get] |
abstract RagdollParams | RagdollParams [get, protected set] |
Limb[] | Limbs [get] |
bool | HasMultipleLimbsOfSameType [get] |
bool?? | Frozen [get, set] |
Character | Character [get] |
bool | OnGround [get] |
float | ColliderHeightFromFloor [get] |
| In sim units. Joint scale applied. More...
bool | IsStuck [get] |
PhysicsBody? | Collider [get] |
int | ColliderIndex [get, set] |
float | FloorY [get] |
float | Mass [get] |
Limb?? | MainLimb [get] |
Vector2? | WorldPosition [get] |
bool? | SimplePhysicsEnabled [get, set] |
Vector2? | TargetMovement [get, set] |
abstract ? float | HeadPosition [get] |
abstract ? float | HeadAngle [get] |
abstract ? float | TorsoPosition [get] |
abstract ? float | TorsoAngle [get] |
float?? | ImpactTolerance [get] |
bool | Draggable [get] |
bool | CanEnterSubmarine [get] |
float | Dir [get] |
Direction | Direction [get] |
bool | InWater [get] |
bool | HeadInWater [get] |
Hull? | CurrentHull [get, set] |
bool | IgnorePlatforms [get, set] |
bool | IsFlipped [get] |
bool? | BodyInRest [get, set] |
bool | Invalid [get] |
bool | IsHanging [get, protected set] |
Definition at line 11 of file HumanoidAnimController.cs.