Barotrauma Server Doc
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CBarotrauma.AIObjectiveLoop< Character >
 CBarotrauma.AIObjectiveLoop< Gap >
 CBarotrauma.AIObjectiveLoop< Hull >
 CBarotrauma.AIObjectiveLoop< Item >
 CBarotrauma.AIObjectiveLoop< PowerContainer >
 CBarotrauma.AIObjectiveLoop< Pump >
 CBarotrauma.AfflictionPrefab.Effect.AppliedStatValueStatType that will be applied to the affected character when the effect is active that is proportional to the effect's strength
 CAssemblyManagerProvides functionality for the loading, unloading and management of plugins implementing IAssemblyPlugin. All plugins are loaded into their own AssemblyLoadContext along with their dependencies
 CBarotrauma.ContentFileBase class for content file types, which are loaded from filelist.xml via reflection. PLEASE AVOID INHERITING FROM THIS CLASS DIRECTLY. Inheriting from GenericPrefabFile<T> is likely what you want
 CBarotrauma.AfflictionPrefab.DescriptionThe description element can be used to define descriptions for the affliction which are shown under specific conditions; for example a description that only shows to other players or only at certain strength levels
 CBarotrauma.DoSProtection.DoSActionA struct that executes an action when it's created and another one when it's disposed
 CBarotrauma.AfflictionPrefab.EffectEffects are the primary way to add functionality to afflictions
 CBarotrauma.Either< T, U >
 CBarotrauma.Either< Barotrauma.Identifier[], Barotrauma.EventPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.Either< Barotrauma.Networking.Address, Barotrauma.Networking.AccountId >
 CBarotrauma.Either< SubmarineClass, int >
 CBarotrauma.EventLogUsed to store logs of scripted events (a sort of "quest log")
 CBarotrauma.ExplosionExplosions are area of effect attacks that can damage characters, items and structures
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< BallastFloraPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< CaveGenerationParams >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< CorpsePrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< EventManagerSettings >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< FactionPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< ItemAssemblyPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< ItemPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< LevelObjectPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< LocationType >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< MissionPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< NPCPersonalityTrait >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< NPCSet >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< OutpostGenerationParams >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< RuinGenerationParams >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< SlideshowPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< StartItemSet >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< StructurePrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< TalentPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< TalentTree >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< TutorialPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< UpgradeContentPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.GenericPrefabFile< WreckAIConfig >
 CBarotrauma.StatusEffect.GiveSkillIncreases a character's skills when the effect executes. Only valid if the target is a character or a limb
 CBarotrauma.StatusEffect.GiveTalentInfoUnlocks a talent, or multiple talents when the effect executes. Only valid if the target is a character or a limb
 CBarotrauma.IImplementsVariants< T >
 CBarotrauma.IImplementsVariants< CharacterPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.IImplementsVariants< ItemPrefab >
 CBarotrauma.IMemorizable< T >
 CBarotrauma.IMemorizable< AnimationParams >
 CBarotrauma.IMemorizable< RagdollParams >
 CBarotrauma.ListDictionary< Barotrauma.Identifier, Barotrauma.LocalizedString >
 CBarotrauma.Memento< T >
 CBarotrauma.LuaCsSetup.LuaCsModStore.ModStore< T, TStore >
 CBarotrauma.LuaCsSetup.LuaCsModStore.ModStore< ACsMod, object >
 CBarotrauma.LuaCsSetup.LuaCsModStore.ModStore< string, DynValue >
 CBarotrauma.PrefabCollection< T >.InheritanceTreeCollection.Node
 CBarotrauma.Option< T >
 CBarotrauma.Option< Barotrauma.Character >
 CBarotrauma.Option< Barotrauma.ContentPackageId >
 CBarotrauma.Option< Barotrauma.ContentXElement >
 CBarotrauma.Option< Barotrauma.Item >
 CBarotrauma.Option< Barotrauma.Networking.AccountId >
 CBarotrauma.Option< Barotrauma.Networking.SteamId >
 CBarotrauma.Option< Barotrauma.SerializableDateTime >
 CBarotrauma.Option< byte[]>
 CBarotrauma.Option< int >
 CBarotrauma.Option< ushort >
 CBarotrauma.Pair< T1, T2 >
 CBarotrauma.AfflictionPrefab.PeriodicEffectPeriodicEffect applies StatusEffects to the character periodically
 CBarotrauma.PropertyConditionalConditionals are used by some in-game mechanics to require one or more conditions to be met for those mechanics to be active. For example, some StatusEffects use Conditionals to only trigger if the affected character is alive
 CBarotrauma.Range< T >An inclusive range, i.e. [Start, End] where Start <= End
 CBarotrauma.Range< int >
 CBarotrauma.RelatedItemUsed by various features to define different kinds of relations between items: for example, which item a character must have equipped to interact with some item in some way, which items can go inside a container, or which kind of item the target of a status effect must have for the effect to execute
 CBarotrauma.Result< T, TError >
 CSegmentTableReader< T >
 CSegmentTableWriter< T >
 CBarotrauma.Networking.SingleUIntUnionUtility struct for writing Singles
 CBarotrauma.StatusEffectStatusEffects can be used to execute various kinds of effects: modifying the state of some entity in some way, spawning things, playing sounds, emitting particles, creating fire and explosions, increasing a characters' skill. They are a crucial part of modding Barotrauma: all kinds of custom behaviors of an item or a creature for example are generally created using StatusEffects
 CBarotrauma.Option< T >.UnspecifiedNone
 CBarotrauma.UpgradeManagerThis class handles all upgrade logic. Storing, applying, checking and validation of upgrades
 CVoronoi2.VoronoiDescription of Voronoi