static Mission | LoadRandom (Location[] locations, string seed, bool requireCorrectLocationType, MissionType missionType, bool isSinglePlayer=false) |
static Mission | LoadRandom (Location[] locations, MTRandom rand, bool requireCorrectLocationType, MissionType missionType, bool isSinglePlayer=false) |
static int | GetRewardDistibutionSum (IEnumerable< Character > crew, int rewardDistribution=0) |
static int | DistributeRewardsToCrew (IEnumerable< Character > crew, int totalReward) |
readonly MissionPrefab | Prefab |
readonly ImmutableArray< LocalizedString > | Headers |
readonly ImmutableArray< LocalizedString > | Messages |
Location | OriginLocation |
| Where was this mission received from? Affects which faction we give reputation for if the mission is configured to give reputation for the faction that gave the mission. Defaults to Locations[0] More...
readonly Location[] | Locations |
Action< Mission > | OnMissionStateChanged |
static int | Amount |
static Character | CreateHuman (HumanPrefab humanPrefab, List< Character > characters, Dictionary< Character, List< Item >> characterItems, Submarine submarine, CharacterTeamType teamType, ISpatialEntity positionToStayIn=null, Rand.RandSync humanPrefabRandSync=Rand.RandSync.ServerAndClient) |
bool | failed |
Level | level |
int | state |
LocalizedString | description |
LocalizedString | descriptionWithoutReward |
virtual int?? | State [get, set] |
int | TimesAttempted [get, set] |
static bool | IsClient [get] |
virtual LocalizedString | Name [get] |
virtual LocalizedString | SuccessMessage [get] |
virtual LocalizedString | FailureMessage [get] |
virtual LocalizedString | Description [get] |
virtual bool | AllowUndocking [get] |
virtual int | Reward [get] |
ImmutableList< MissionPrefab.ReputationReward > | ReputationRewards [get] |
bool | Completed [get, set] |
bool | Failed [get] |
virtual bool | AllowRespawn [get] |
virtual int | TeamCount [get] |
virtual SubmarineInfo | EnemySubmarineInfo [get] |
virtual IEnumerable<(LocalizedString Label, Vector2 Position)> | SonarLabels [get] |
Identifier | SonarIconIdentifier [get] |
int? | Difficulty [get] |
Definition at line 5 of file GoToMission.cs.