Barotrauma Client Doc
Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer:
Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent Barotrauma.Items.Components.IDrawableComponent Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent Barotrauma.Items.Components.IDrawableComponent Barotrauma.ISerializableEntity Barotrauma.ISerializableEntity Barotrauma.ISerializableEntity Barotrauma.ISerializableEntity

Public Member Functions

bool ShouldBeContained (string[] identifiersOrTags, out bool isRestrictionsDefined)
bool ShouldBeContained (Item item, out bool isRestrictionsDefined)
 ItemContainer (Item item, ContentXElement element)
void ReloadContainableRestrictions (ContentXElement element)
int GetMaxStackSize (int slotIndex)
void OnItemContained (Item containedItem)
override void Move (Vector2 amount, bool ignoreContacts=false)
void OnItemRemoved (Item containedItem)
bool CanBeContained (Item item)
bool CanBeContained (Item item, int index)
bool CanBeContained (ItemPrefab itemPrefab)
bool CanBeContained (ItemPrefab itemPrefab, int index)
bool ContainsItemsWithSameIdentifier (Item item)
override void FlipX (bool relativeToSub)
override void Update (float deltaTime, Camera cam)
override void UpdateBroken (float deltaTime, Camera cam)
override bool HasRequiredItems (Character character, bool addMessage, LocalizedString msg=null)
override bool Select (Character character)
override bool Pick (Character picker)
 a Character has picked the item More...
override bool Combine (Item item, Character user)
override void Drop (Character dropper, bool setTransform=true)
 a Character has dropped the item More...
override void Equip (Character character)
int? FindSuitableSubContainerIndex (Identifier itemTagOrIdentifier)
 Returns the index of the first slot whose restrictions match the specified tag or identifier More...
override void ReceiveSignal (Signal signal, Connection connection)
void SetContainedItemPositions ()
override void OnItemLoaded ()
 Called when all the components of the item have been loaded. Use to initialize connections between components and such. More...
override void OnMapLoaded ()
 Called when all items have been loaded. Use to initialize connections between items. More...
override void Load (ContentXElement componentElement, bool usePrefabValues, IdRemap idRemap)
override XElement Save (XElement parentElement)
LocalizedString GetUILabel ()
Sprite GetSlotIcon (int slotIndex)
bool KeepOpenWhenEquippedBy (Character character)
float GetContainedIndicatorState ()
void Draw (SpriteBatch spriteBatch, bool editing=false, float itemDepth=-1, Color? overrideColor=null)
void DrawContainedItems (SpriteBatch spriteBatch, float itemDepth, Color? overrideColor=null)
override void UpdateHUDComponentSpecific (Character character, float deltaTime, Camera cam)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent
readonly record struct ItemUseInfo (Item Item, Character User)
 ItemComponent (Item item, ContentXElement element)
void SetRequiredItems (ContentXElement element, bool allowEmpty=false)
virtual bool CrewAIOperate (float deltaTime, Character character, AIObjectiveOperateItem objective)
true if the operation was completed
virtual bool Use (float deltaTime, Character character=null)
virtual bool SecondaryUse (float deltaTime, Character character=null)
virtual void Unequip (Character character)
void Remove ()
void ShallowRemove ()
 Remove the component so that it doesn't appear to exist in the game world (stop sounds, remove bodies etc) but don't reset anything that's required for cloning the item More...
bool HasRequiredSkills (Character character)
bool HasRequiredSkills (Character character, out Skill insufficientSkill)
virtual float GetSkillMultiplier ()
float DegreeOfSuccess (Character character)
 Returns 0.0f-1.0f based on how well the Character can use the itemcomponent More...
float DegreeOfSuccess (Character character, List< Skill > requiredSkills)
 Returns 0.0f-1.0f based on how well the Character can use the itemcomponent More...
virtual void FlipY (bool relativeToSub)
bool IsEmpty (Character user)
 Shorthand for !HasRequiredContainedItems() More...
bool HasRequiredContainedItems (Character user, bool addMessage, LocalizedString msg=null)
virtual bool HasAccess (Character character)
 Only checks if any of the Picked requirements are matched (used for checking id card(s)). Much simpler and a bit different than HasRequiredItems. More...
void ApplyStatusEffects (ActionType type, float deltaTime, Character character=null, Limb targetLimb=null, Entity useTarget=null, Character user=null, Vector2? worldPosition=null, float afflictionMultiplier=1.0f)
virtual void OnScaleChanged ()
virtual void OnInventoryChanged ()
 Called when the item has an ItemContainer and the contents inside of it changed. More...
virtual void Reset ()
virtual void ParseMsg ()
virtual bool ValidateEventData (NetEntityEvent.IData data)
ItemComponent GetReplacementOrThis ()
bool NeedsSoundUpdate ()
void UpdateSounds ()
void PlaySound (ActionType type, Character user=null)
void StopLoopingSound ()
void StopSounds (ActionType type)
virtual bool ShouldDrawHUD (Character character)
ItemComponent GetLinkUIToComponent ()
virtual void DrawHUD (SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Character character)
virtual void AddToGUIUpdateList (int order=0)
void UpdateHUD (Character character, float deltaTime, Camera cam)
virtual void UpdateEditing (float deltaTime)
virtual void CreateEditingHUD (SerializableEntityEditor editor)
virtual void OnPlayerSkillsChanged ()
virtual void AddTooltipInfo (ref LocalizedString name, ref LocalizedString description)

Public Attributes

readonly NamedEvent< ItemContainerOnContainedItemsChanged = new NamedEvent<ItemContainer>()
readonly ItemInventory Inventory
readonly bool HasSubContainers
- Public Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent
bool WasUsed
readonly Dictionary< ActionType, List< StatusEffect > > statusEffectLists
Dictionary< RelatedItem.RelationType, List< RelatedItem > > requiredItems
readonly List< RelatedItemDisabledRequiredItems = new List<RelatedItem>()
List< SkillrequiredSkills
readonly ContentXElement originalElement
Action< bool > OnActiveStateChanged
List< PropertyConditionalIsActiveConditionals
readonly NamedEvent< ItemUseInfoOnUsed = new()
readonly bool InheritStatusEffects
float IsActiveTimer
ItemComponent ReplacedBy

Protected Member Functions

override void ShallowRemoveComponentSpecific ()
override void RemoveComponentSpecific ()
override void CreateGUI ()
 Overload this method and implement. The method is automatically called when the resolution changes. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent
string GetTextureDirectory (ContentXElement subElement)
ExtractEventData< T > (NetEntityEvent.IData data)
bool TryExtractEventData< T > (NetEntityEvent.IData data, out T componentData)
AIObjectiveContainItem AIContainItems< T > (ItemContainer container, Character character, AIObjective currentObjective, int itemCount, bool equip, bool removeEmpty, bool spawnItemIfNotFound=false, bool dropItemOnDeselected=false)
void ReleaseGuiFrame ()
void ReloadGuiFrame ()
void TryCreateDragHandle ()
void StartDelayedCorrection (IReadMessage buffer, float sendingTime, bool waitForMidRoundSync=false)
void OnGUIParentChanged (RectTransform newParent)
 Launches when the parent of the GuiFrame is changed. More...
virtual void OnResolutionChanged ()


int Capacity [get]
int MainContainerCapacity [get]
 The capacity of the main container without taking the sub containers into account. Only differs when there's a sub container defined for the component. More...
int MaxStackSize [get, set]
bool HideItems [get, set]
Vector2 ItemPos [get, set]
Vector2 ItemInterval [get, set]
int ItemsPerRow [get, set]
bool DrawInventory [get, set]
bool AllowDragAndDrop [get, set]
bool AllowSwappingContainedItems [get, set]
bool QuickUseMovesItemsInside [get, set]
bool AutoInteractWithContained [get, set]
bool AllowAccess [get, set]
bool AccessOnlyWhenBroken [get, set]
bool AllowAccessWhenDropped [get, set]
int SlotsPerRow [get, set]
string ContainableRestrictions [get, set]
bool AutoFill [get, set]
float ItemRotation [get, set]
string SpawnWithId [get, set]
bool SpawnWithIdWhenBroken [get, set]
bool AutoInject [get, set]
float AutoInjectThreshold [get, set]
bool RemoveContainedItemsOnDeconstruct [get, set]
bool Locked [get, set]
 Can be used by status effects to lock the inventory More...
int ContainedItemCount [get]
 Can be used by status effects More...
int ContainedNonBrokenItemCount [get]
 Can be used by status effects More...
int ExtraStackSize [get, set]
ImmutableHashSet< IdentifierContainableItemIdentifiers [get]
List< RelatedItemContainableItems [get]
List< RelatedItemAllSubContainableItems [get]
Sprite InventoryTopSprite [get]
Sprite InventoryBackSprite [get]
Sprite InventoryBottomSprite [get]
Sprite ContainedStateIndicator [get]
Sprite ContainedStateIndicatorEmpty [get]
override bool RecreateGUIOnResolutionChange [get]
float ContainedSpriteDepth [get, set]
 Depth at which the contained sprites are drawn. If not set, the original depth of the item sprites is used. More...
string UILabel [get, set]
GUIComponentStyle IndicatorStyle [get, set]
string ContainedStateIndicatorStyle [get, set]
int ContainedStateIndicatorSlot [get, set]
bool ShowContainedStateIndicator [get, set]
bool ShowConditionInContainedStateIndicator [get, set]
bool ShowTotalStackCapacityInContainedStateIndicator [get, set]
bool KeepOpenWhenEquipped [get, set]
bool MovableFrame [get, set]
Vector2 DrawSize [get]
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent
ItemComponent Parent [get, set]
bool InheritParentIsActive [get, set]
virtual bool DontTransferInventoryBetweenSubs [get]
 If enabled, the contents of the item are not transferred when the player transfers items between subs. Use this if this component uses item containers in a way where removing the item from the container via external means would cause problems. More...
virtual bool DisallowSellingItemsFromContainer [get]
 If enabled, the items inside any of the item containers on this item cannot be sold at an outpost. Use in similar cases as DontTransferInventoryBetweenSubs. More...
float PickingTime [get, set]
string PickingMsg [get, set]
Dictionary< Identifier, SerializablePropertySerializableProperties [get, protected set]
virtual bool? IsActive [get, set]
PropertyConditional.LogicalOperatorType IsActiveConditionalComparison [get, set]
bool Drawable [get, set]
bool CanBePicked [get, set]
bool DrawHudWhenEquipped [get, protected set]
bool LockGuiFramePosition [get, set]
Point GuiFrameOffset [get, set]
bool CanBeSelected [get, set]
bool CanBeCombined [get, set]
bool RemoveOnCombined [get, set]
bool CharacterUsable [get, set]
bool AllowInGameEditing [get, set]
InputType PickKey [get, protected set]
InputType SelectKey [get, protected set]
bool DeleteOnUse [get, set]
Item Item [get]
string Name [get]
string Msg [get, set]
LocalizedString DisplayMsg [get, set]
float CombatPriority [get]
int ManuallySelectedSound [get]
 Which sound should be played when manual sound selection type is selected? Not [Editable] because we don't want this visible in the editor for every component. More...
float Speed [get]
 Can be used by status effects or conditionals to the speed of the item More...
virtual bool UpdateWhenInactive [get]
bool HasSounds [get]
bool[] HasSoundsOfType [get]
virtual bool RecreateGUIOnResolutionChange [get]
GUILayoutSettings DefaultLayout [get, protected set]
GUILayoutSettings AlternativeLayout [get, protected set]
GUIFrame GuiFrame [get, set]
bool AllowUIOverlap [get, set]
string LinkUIToComponent [get, set]
int HudPriority [get]
int HudLayer [get]
bool?? UseAlternativeLayout [get, set]
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.ISerializableEntity
string Name [get]
Dictionary< Identifier, SerializablePropertySerializableProperties [get]
- Properties inherited from Barotrauma.Items.Components.IDrawableComponent
Vector2 DrawSize [get]
 The extents of the sprites or other graphics this component needs to draw. Used to determine which items are visible on the screen. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent
static ItemComponent Load (ContentXElement element, Item item, bool errorMessages=true)
- Protected Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent
Item item
string name
bool characterUsable
bool canBePicked
bool canBeSelected
bool canBeCombined
bool removeOnCombined
CoroutineHandle delayedCorrectionCoroutine
float aiUpdateTimer
float correctionTimer
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent
const float CorrectionDelay = 1.0f
const float AIUpdateInterval = 0.2f

Detailed Description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ItemContainer()

Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ItemContainer ( Item  item,
ContentXElement  element 

Member Function Documentation

◆ CanBeContained() [1/4]

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.CanBeContained ( Item  item)

◆ CanBeContained() [2/4]

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.CanBeContained ( Item  item,
int  index 

◆ CanBeContained() [3/4]

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.CanBeContained ( ItemPrefab  itemPrefab)

◆ CanBeContained() [4/4]

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.CanBeContained ( ItemPrefab  itemPrefab,
int  index 

◆ Combine()

override bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Combine ( Item  item,
Character  user 

◆ ContainsItemsWithSameIdentifier()

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainsItemsWithSameIdentifier ( Item  item)

◆ CreateGUI()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.CreateGUI ( )

Overload this method and implement. The method is automatically called when the resolution changes.

Reimplemented from Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent.

Definition at line 190 of file BarotraumaClient/ClientSource/Items/Components/ItemContainer.cs.

◆ Draw()

void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Draw ( SpriteBatch  spriteBatch,
bool  editing = false,
float  itemDepth = -1,
Color?  overrideColor = null 

◆ DrawContainedItems()

void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.DrawContainedItems ( SpriteBatch  spriteBatch,
float  itemDepth,
Color?  overrideColor = null 

◆ Drop()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Drop ( Character  dropper,
bool  setTransform = true 

◆ Equip()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Equip ( Character  character)

◆ FindSuitableSubContainerIndex()

int? Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.FindSuitableSubContainerIndex ( Identifier  itemTagOrIdentifier)

Returns the index of the first slot whose restrictions match the specified tag or identifier

Definition at line 808 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Items/Components/ItemContainer.cs.

◆ FlipX()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.FlipX ( bool  relativeToSub)

◆ GetContainedIndicatorState()

float Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.GetContainedIndicatorState ( )

◆ GetMaxStackSize()

int Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.GetMaxStackSize ( int  slotIndex)

◆ GetSlotIcon()

Sprite Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.GetSlotIcon ( int  slotIndex)

◆ GetUILabel()

LocalizedString Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.GetUILabel ( )

◆ HasRequiredItems()

override bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.HasRequiredItems ( Character  character,
bool  addMessage,
LocalizedString  msg = null 

◆ KeepOpenWhenEquippedBy()

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.KeepOpenWhenEquippedBy ( Character  character)

◆ Load()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Load ( ContentXElement  componentElement,
bool  usePrefabValues,
IdRemap  idRemap 

◆ Move()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Move ( Vector2  amount,
bool  ignoreContacts = false 

◆ OnItemContained()

void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.OnItemContained ( Item  containedItem)

◆ OnItemLoaded()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.OnItemLoaded ( )

Called when all the components of the item have been loaded. Use to initialize connections between components and such.

Reimplemented from Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent.

Definition at line 986 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Items/Components/ItemContainer.cs.

◆ OnItemRemoved()

void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.OnItemRemoved ( Item  containedItem)

◆ OnMapLoaded()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.OnMapLoaded ( )

Called when all items have been loaded. Use to initialize connections between items.

Reimplemented from Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemComponent.

Definition at line 996 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Items/Components/ItemContainer.cs.

◆ Pick()

override bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Pick ( Character  picker)

◆ ReceiveSignal()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ReceiveSignal ( Signal  signal,
Connection  connection 

◆ ReloadContainableRestrictions()

void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ReloadContainableRestrictions ( ContentXElement  element)

◆ RemoveComponentSpecific()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.RemoveComponentSpecific ( )

◆ Save()

override XElement Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Save ( XElement  parentElement)

◆ Select()

override bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Select ( Character  character)

◆ SetContainedItemPositions()

void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.SetContainedItemPositions ( )

◆ ShallowRemoveComponentSpecific()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ShallowRemoveComponentSpecific ( )

◆ ShouldBeContained() [1/2]

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ShouldBeContained ( Item  item,
out bool  isRestrictionsDefined 

◆ ShouldBeContained() [2/2]

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ShouldBeContained ( string[]  identifiersOrTags,
out bool  isRestrictionsDefined 

◆ Update()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Update ( float  deltaTime,
Camera  cam 

◆ UpdateBroken()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.UpdateBroken ( float  deltaTime,
Camera  cam 

◆ UpdateHUDComponentSpecific()

override void Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.UpdateHUDComponentSpecific ( Character  character,
float  deltaTime,
Camera  cam 

Member Data Documentation

◆ HasSubContainers

readonly bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.HasSubContainers

◆ Inventory

readonly ItemInventory Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Inventory

◆ OnContainedItemsChanged

readonly NamedEvent<ItemContainer> Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.OnContainedItemsChanged = new NamedEvent<ItemContainer>()

Property Documentation

◆ AccessOnlyWhenBroken

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.AccessOnlyWhenBroken

◆ AllowAccess

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.AllowAccess

◆ AllowAccessWhenDropped

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.AllowAccessWhenDropped

◆ AllowDragAndDrop

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.AllowDragAndDrop

◆ AllowSwappingContainedItems

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.AllowSwappingContainedItems

◆ AllSubContainableItems

List<RelatedItem> Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.AllSubContainableItems

◆ AutoFill

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.AutoFill

◆ AutoInject

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.AutoInject

◆ AutoInjectThreshold

float Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.AutoInjectThreshold

◆ AutoInteractWithContained

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.AutoInteractWithContained

◆ Capacity

int Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Capacity

◆ ContainableItemIdentifiers

ImmutableHashSet<Identifier> Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainableItemIdentifiers

◆ ContainableItems

List<RelatedItem> Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainableItems

◆ ContainableRestrictions

string Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainableRestrictions

◆ ContainedItemCount

int Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainedItemCount

Can be used by status effects

Definition at line 226 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Items/Components/ItemContainer.cs.

◆ ContainedNonBrokenItemCount

int Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainedNonBrokenItemCount

Can be used by status effects

Definition at line 234 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Items/Components/ItemContainer.cs.

◆ ContainedSpriteDepth

float Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainedSpriteDepth

Depth at which the contained sprites are drawn. If not set, the original depth of the item sprites is used.

Definition at line 56 of file BarotraumaClient/ClientSource/Items/Components/ItemContainer.cs.

◆ ContainedStateIndicator

Sprite Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainedStateIndicator

◆ ContainedStateIndicatorEmpty

Sprite Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainedStateIndicatorEmpty

◆ ContainedStateIndicatorSlot

int Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainedStateIndicatorSlot

◆ ContainedStateIndicatorStyle

string Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ContainedStateIndicatorStyle

◆ DrawInventory

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.DrawInventory

◆ DrawSize

Vector2 Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.DrawSize

◆ ExtraStackSize

int Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ExtraStackSize

◆ HideItems

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.HideItems

◆ IndicatorStyle

GUIComponentStyle Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.IndicatorStyle

◆ InventoryBackSprite

Sprite Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.InventoryBackSprite

◆ InventoryBottomSprite

Sprite Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.InventoryBottomSprite

◆ InventoryTopSprite

Sprite Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.InventoryTopSprite

◆ ItemInterval

Vector2 Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ItemInterval

◆ ItemPos

Vector2 Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ItemPos

◆ ItemRotation

float Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ItemRotation

◆ ItemsPerRow

int Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ItemsPerRow

◆ KeepOpenWhenEquipped

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.KeepOpenWhenEquipped

◆ Locked

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.Locked

Can be used by status effects to lock the inventory

Definition at line 217 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Items/Components/ItemContainer.cs.

◆ MainContainerCapacity

int Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.MainContainerCapacity

The capacity of the main container without taking the sub containers into account. Only differs when there's a sub container defined for the component.

Definition at line 77 of file BarotraumaShared/SharedSource/Items/Components/ItemContainer.cs.

◆ MaxStackSize

int Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.MaxStackSize

◆ MovableFrame

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.MovableFrame

◆ QuickUseMovesItemsInside

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.QuickUseMovesItemsInside

◆ RecreateGUIOnResolutionChange

override bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.RecreateGUIOnResolutionChange

◆ RemoveContainedItemsOnDeconstruct

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.RemoveContainedItemsOnDeconstruct

◆ ShowConditionInContainedStateIndicator

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ShowConditionInContainedStateIndicator

◆ ShowContainedStateIndicator

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ShowContainedStateIndicator

◆ ShowTotalStackCapacityInContainedStateIndicator

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.ShowTotalStackCapacityInContainedStateIndicator

◆ SlotsPerRow

int Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.SlotsPerRow

◆ SpawnWithId

string Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.SpawnWithId

◆ SpawnWithIdWhenBroken

bool Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.SpawnWithIdWhenBroken

◆ UILabel

string Barotrauma.Items.Components.ItemContainer.UILabel