Server LuaCsForBarotrauma
3 using Barotrauma.Steam;
4 using FarseerPhysics;
5 using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
6 using System;
7 using System.Collections.Generic;
8 using System.Collections.Immutable;
9 using System.Linq;
11 namespace Barotrauma
12 {
14  internal readonly record struct NetIncrementedStat(AchievementStat Stat, float Amount) : INetSerializableStruct;
16  static class AchievementManager
17  {
18  private const float UpdateInterval = 1.0f;
20  private static readonly HashSet<Identifier> unlockedAchievements = new HashSet<Identifier>();
22  public static bool CheatsEnabled = false;
24  private static float updateTimer;
29  private sealed class RoundData
30  {
31  public readonly List<Reactor> Reactors = new List<Reactor>();
33  public readonly HashSet<Character> EnteredCrushDepth = new HashSet<Character>();
34  public readonly HashSet<Character> ReactorMeltdown = new HashSet<Character>();
36  public bool SubWasDamaged;
37  }
39  private static RoundData roundData;
41  // Used for the Extravehicular Activity ("crewaway") achievement
42  private static PathFinder pathFinder;
43  private static readonly Dictionary<Character, CachedDistance> cachedDistances = new Dictionary<Character, CachedDistance>();
45  public static void OnStartRound(Biome biome = null)
46  {
47  roundData = new RoundData();
48  foreach (Item item in Item.ItemList)
49  {
50  if (item.Submarine == null || item.Submarine.Info.Type != SubmarineType.Player) { continue; }
51  Reactor reactor = item.GetComponent<Reactor>();
52  if (reactor != null && reactor.Item.Condition > 0.0f) { roundData.Reactors.Add(reactor); }
53  }
54  pathFinder = new PathFinder(WayPoint.WayPointList, false);
55  cachedDistances.Clear();
57 #if CLIENT
58  // If this is a multiplayer game, the client should let the server handle achievements
59  if (GameMain.Client != null) { return; }
60 #endif
62  if (biome != null && GameMain.GameSession?.GameMode is CampaignMode)
63  {
64  string shortBiomeIdentifier = biome.Identifier.Value.Replace(" ", "");
65  UnlockAchievement($"discover{shortBiomeIdentifier}".ToIdentifier(), unlockClients: true);
67  // Just got out of Cold Caverns
68  if (shortBiomeIdentifier == "europanridge".ToIdentifier() &&
69  GameMain.NetworkMember?.ServerSettings?.RespawnMode == RespawnMode.Permadeath)
70  {
71  UnlockAchievement("getoutalive".ToIdentifier(), unlockClients: true,
72  clientConditions: static client => GameMain.GameSession.PermadeathCountForAccount(client.AccountId) <= 0);
73  }
74  }
75  }
77  public static void Update(float deltaTime)
78  {
79  if (GameMain.GameSession == null) { return; }
80 #if CLIENT
81  // If this is a multiplayer game, the client should let the server handle achievements
82  if (GameMain.Client != null) { return; }
83 #endif
85  updateTimer -= deltaTime;
86  if (updateTimer > 0.0f) { return; }
87  updateTimer = UpdateInterval;
89  if (Level.Loaded != null && roundData != null && Screen.Selected == GameMain.GameScreen)
90  {
92  {
93  UnlockAchievement(
94  identifier: "maxintensity".ToIdentifier(),
95  unlockClients: true,
96  characterConditions: static c => c is { IsDead: false, IsUnconscious: false });
97  }
99  foreach (Character c in Character.CharacterList)
100  {
101  if (c.IsDead) { continue; }
102  //achievement for descending below crush depth and coming back
103  if (GameMain.GameSession.RoundDuration > 30.0f)
104  {
106  {
107  roundData.EnteredCrushDepth.Add(c);
108  }
110  {
111  //all characters that have entered crush depth and are still alive get an achievement
112  if (roundData.EnteredCrushDepth.Contains(c)) { UnlockAchievement(c, "survivecrushdepth".ToIdentifier()); }
113  }
114  }
115  }
117  foreach (Submarine sub in Submarine.Loaded)
118  {
119  foreach (Reactor reactor in roundData.Reactors)
120  {
121  if (reactor.Item.Condition <= 0.0f && reactor.Item.Submarine == sub)
122  {
123  //characters that were inside the sub during a reactor meltdown
124  //get an achievement if they're still alive at the end of the round
125  foreach (Character c in Character.CharacterList)
126  {
127  if (!c.IsDead && c.Submarine == sub) { roundData.ReactorMeltdown.Add(c); }
128  }
129  }
130  }
132  //convert submarine velocity to km/h
133  Vector2 submarineVel = Physics.DisplayToRealWorldRatio * ConvertUnits.ToDisplayUnits(sub.Velocity) * 3.6f;
134  //achievement for going > 100 km/h
135  if (Math.Abs(submarineVel.X) > 100.0f)
136  {
137  //all conscious characters inside the sub get an achievement
138  UnlockAchievement("subhighvelocity".ToIdentifier(), true, c => c != null && c.Submarine == sub && !c.IsDead && !c.IsUnconscious);
139  }
141  //achievement for descending ridiculously deep
142  float realWorldDepth = sub.RealWorldDepth;
143  if (realWorldDepth > 5000.0f && GameMain.GameSession.RoundDuration > 30.0f)
144  {
145  //all conscious characters inside the sub get an achievement
146  UnlockAchievement("subdeep".ToIdentifier(), true, c => c != null && c.Submarine == sub && !c.IsDead && !c.IsUnconscious);
147  }
148  }
150  if (!roundData.SubWasDamaged)
151  {
152  roundData.SubWasDamaged = SubWallsDamaged(Submarine.MainSub);
153  }
154  }
156  if (GameMain.GameSession != null)
157  {
158 #if CLIENT
160  {
161  CheckMidRoundAchievements(Character.Controlled);
162  }
163 #else
164  foreach (Client client in GameMain.Server.ConnectedClients)
165  {
166  if (client.Character != null)
167  {
168  CheckMidRoundAchievements(client.Character);
169  }
170  }
171 #endif
172  }
173  }
175  private static void CheckMidRoundAchievements(Character c)
176  {
177  if (c == null || c.Removed) { return; }
179  if (c.HasEquippedItem("clownmask".ToIdentifier()) &&
180  c.HasEquippedItem("clowncostume".ToIdentifier()))
181  {
182  UnlockAchievement(c, "clowncostume".ToIdentifier());
183  }
185  if (Submarine.MainSub != null && c.Submarine == null && c.SpeciesName == CharacterPrefab.HumanSpeciesName)
186  {
187  float requiredDist = 500 / Physics.DisplayToRealWorldRatio;
188  float distSquared = Vector2.DistanceSquared(c.WorldPosition, Submarine.MainSub.WorldPosition);
189  if (cachedDistances.TryGetValue(c, out var cachedDistance))
190  {
191  if (cachedDistance.ShouldUpdateDistance(c.WorldPosition, Submarine.MainSub.WorldPosition))
192  {
193  cachedDistances.Remove(c);
194  cachedDistance = CalculateNewCachedDistance(c);
195  if (cachedDistance != null)
196  {
197  cachedDistances.Add(c, cachedDistance);
198  }
199  }
200  }
201  else
202  {
203  cachedDistance = CalculateNewCachedDistance(c);
204  if (cachedDistance != null)
205  {
206  cachedDistances.Add(c, cachedDistance);
207  }
208  }
209  if (cachedDistance != null)
210  {
211  distSquared = Math.Max(distSquared, cachedDistance.Distance * cachedDistance.Distance);
212  }
213  if (distSquared > requiredDist * requiredDist)
214  {
215  UnlockAchievement(c, "crewaway".ToIdentifier());
216  }
218  static CachedDistance CalculateNewCachedDistance(Character c)
219  {
220  pathFinder ??= new PathFinder(WayPoint.WayPointList, false);
221  var path = pathFinder.FindPath(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(c.WorldPosition), ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(Submarine.MainSub.WorldPosition));
222  if (path.Unreachable) { return null; }
223  return new CachedDistance(c.WorldPosition, Submarine.MainSub.WorldPosition, path.TotalLength, Timing.TotalTime + Rand.Range(1.0f, 5.0f));
224  }
225  }
226  }
228  private static bool SubWallsDamaged(Submarine sub)
229  {
230  foreach (Structure structure in Structure.WallList)
231  {
232  if (structure.Submarine != sub || structure.HasBody) { continue; }
233  for (int i = 0; i < structure.SectionCount; i++)
234  {
235  if (structure.SectionIsLeaking(i))
236  {
237  return true;
238  }
239  }
240  }
241  return false;
242  }
244  public static void OnCampaignMetadataSet(Identifier identifier, object value, bool unlockClients = false)
245  {
246  if (identifier.IsEmpty || value is null) { return; }
247  UnlockAchievement($"campaignmetadata_{identifier}_{value}".ToIdentifier(), unlockClients);
248  }
250  public static void OnItemRepaired(Item item, Character fixer)
251  {
252 #if CLIENT
253  // If this is a multiplayer game, the client should let the server handle achievements
254  if (GameMain.Client != null) { return; }
255 #endif
256  if (fixer == null) { return; }
258  UnlockAchievement(fixer, "repairdevice".ToIdentifier());
259  UnlockAchievement(fixer, $"repair{item.Prefab.Identifier}".ToIdentifier());
260  }
262  public static void OnButtonTerminalSignal(Item item, Character user)
263  {
264  if (item == null || user == null) { return; }
266 #if CLIENT
267  // If this is a multiplayer game, the client should let the server handle achievements
268  if (GameMain.Client != null) { return; }
269 #endif
270  if ((item.Prefab.Identifier == "alienterminal" || item.Prefab.Identifier == "alienterminal_new") &&
271  item.Condition <= 0)
272  {
273  UnlockAchievement(user, "ancientnovelty".ToIdentifier());
274  }
275  }
277  public static void OnAfflictionReceived(Affliction affliction, Character character)
278  {
279  if (affliction.Prefab.AchievementOnReceived.IsEmpty) { return; }
280 #if CLIENT
281  // If this is a multiplayer game, the client should let the server handle achievements
282  if (GameMain.Client != null) { return; }
283 #endif
284  UnlockAchievement(character, affliction.Prefab.AchievementOnReceived);
285  }
287  public static void OnAfflictionRemoved(Affliction affliction, Character character)
288  {
289  if (affliction.Prefab.AchievementOnRemoved.IsEmpty) { return; }
291 #if CLIENT
292  // If this is a multiplayer game, the client should let the server handle achievements
293  if (GameMain.Client != null) { return; }
294 #endif
295  UnlockAchievement(character, affliction.Prefab.AchievementOnRemoved);
296  }
298  public static void OnCharacterRevived(Character character, Character reviver)
299  {
300 #if CLIENT
301  // If this is a multiplayer game, the client should let the server handle achievements
302  if (GameMain.Client != null) { return; }
303 #endif
304  if (reviver == null) { return; }
305  UnlockAchievement(reviver, "healcrit".ToIdentifier());
306  }
308  public static void OnCharacterKilled(Character character, CauseOfDeath causeOfDeath)
309  {
310 #if CLIENT
311  // If this is a multiplayer game, the client should let the server handle achievements
312  if (GameMain.Client != null || GameMain.GameSession == null) { return; }
314  if (character != Character.Controlled &&
315  causeOfDeath.Killer != null &&
316  causeOfDeath.Killer == Character.Controlled)
317  {
318  IncrementStat(causeOfDeath.Killer, character.IsHuman ? AchievementStat.HumansKilled : AchievementStat.MonstersKilled , 1);
319  }
320 #elif SERVER
321  if (character != causeOfDeath.Killer && causeOfDeath.Killer != null)
322  {
323  IncrementStat(causeOfDeath.Killer, character.IsHuman ? AchievementStat.HumansKilled : AchievementStat.MonstersKilled , 1);
324  }
325 #endif
327  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, $"kill{character.SpeciesName}".ToIdentifier());
328  if (character.CurrentHull != null)
329  {
330  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, $"kill{character.SpeciesName}indoors".ToIdentifier());
331  }
332  if (character.SpeciesName.EndsWith("boss"))
333  {
334  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, $"kill{character.SpeciesName.Replace("boss", "")}".ToIdentifier());
335  if (character.CurrentHull != null)
336  {
337  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, $"kill{character.SpeciesName.Replace("boss", "")}indoors".ToIdentifier());
338  }
339  }
340  if (character.SpeciesName.EndsWith("_m"))
341  {
342  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, $"kill{character.SpeciesName.Replace("_m", "")}".ToIdentifier());
343  if (character.CurrentHull != null)
344  {
345  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, $"kill{character.SpeciesName.Replace("_m", "")}indoors".ToIdentifier());
346  }
347  }
348 #if SERVER
349  if (character.SpeciesName == "Jove" &&
351  GameMain.Server?.ServerSettings is { IronmanModeActive: true })
352  {
353  UnlockAchievement(
354  identifier: "europasfinest".ToIdentifier(),
355  unlockClients: true,
356  characterConditions: static c => c is { IsDead: false });
357  }
358 #endif
360  if (character.HasEquippedItem("clownmask".ToIdentifier()) &&
361  character.HasEquippedItem("clowncostume".ToIdentifier()) &&
362  causeOfDeath.Killer != character)
363  {
364  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, "killclown".ToIdentifier());
365  }
367  if (character.CharacterHealth?.GetAffliction("psychoclown") != null &&
368  character.CurrentHull?.Submarine.Info is { Type: SubmarineType.BeaconStation })
369  {
370  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, "whatsmirksbelow".ToIdentifier());
371  }
373  // TODO: should we change this? Morbusine used to be the strongest poison. Now Cyanide is strongest.
374  if (character.CharacterHealth?.GetAffliction("morbusinepoisoning") != null)
375  {
376  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, "killpoison".ToIdentifier());
377  }
379  if (causeOfDeath.DamageSource is Item item)
380  {
381  if (item.HasTag(Tags.ToolItem))
382  {
383  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, "killtool".ToIdentifier());
384  }
385  else
386  {
387  // TODO: should we change this? Morbusine used to be the strongest poison. Now Cyanide is strongest.
388  if (item.Prefab.Identifier == "morbusine")
389  {
390  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, "killpoison".ToIdentifier());
391  }
392  else if (item.Prefab.Identifier == "nuclearshell" ||
393  item.Prefab.Identifier == "nucleardepthcharge")
394  {
395  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, "killnuke".ToIdentifier());
396  }
397  }
398  }
400 #if SERVER
401  if (GameMain.Server?.ServerSettings?.RespawnMode == RespawnMode.Permadeath)
402  {
403  UnlockAchievement(character, "abyssbeckons".ToIdentifier());
404  }
406  if (GameMain.Server?.TraitorManager != null)
407  {
408  if (GameMain.Server.TraitorManager.IsTraitor(character))
409  {
410  UnlockAchievement(causeOfDeath.Killer, "killtraitor".ToIdentifier());
411  }
412  }
413 #endif
414  }
416  public static void OnTraitorWin(Character character)
417  {
418 #if CLIENT
419  // If this is a multiplayer game, the client should let the server handle achievements
420  if (GameMain.Client != null || GameMain.GameSession == null) { return; }
421 #endif
422  UnlockAchievement(character, "traitorwin".ToIdentifier());
423  }
425  public static void OnRoundEnded(GameSession gameSession)
426  {
427  if (CheatsEnabled) { return; }
429  //made it to the destination
430  if (gameSession?.Submarine != null && Level.Loaded != null && gameSession.Submarine.AtEndExit)
431  {
432  float levelLengthMeters = Physics.DisplayToRealWorldRatio * Level.Loaded.Size.X;
433  float levelLengthKilometers = levelLengthMeters / 1000.0f;
434  //in multiplayer the client's/host's character must be inside the sub (or end outpost) and alive
435  if (GameMain.NetworkMember != null)
436  {
437 #if CLIENT
438  Character myCharacter = Character.Controlled;
439  if (myCharacter != null &&
440  !myCharacter.IsDead &&
441  (myCharacter.Submarine == gameSession.Submarine || (Level.Loaded?.EndOutpost != null && myCharacter.Submarine == Level.Loaded.EndOutpost)))
442  {
443  IncrementStat(AchievementStat.KMsTraveled, levelLengthKilometers);
444  }
445 #endif
446  }
447  else
448  {
449  //in sp making it to the end is enough
450  IncrementStat(AchievementStat.KMsTraveled, levelLengthKilometers);
451  }
452  }
454  //make sure changed stats (kill count, kms traveled) get stored
455  SteamManager.StoreStats();
457  if (GameMain.NetworkMember != null && GameMain.NetworkMember.IsClient) { return; }
459  foreach (Mission mission in gameSession.Missions)
460  {
461  // For PvP missions, all characters on the winning team that are still alive get achievements (if available)
462  if (mission is CombatMission && GameMain.GameSession.WinningTeam.HasValue)
463  {
464  // Attempt unlocking team-specific achievement (if one has been set in the achievement backend)
465  var achvIdentifier =
466  $"{mission.Prefab.AchievementIdentifier}{(int) GameMain.GameSession.WinningTeam}"
467  .ToIdentifier();
468  UnlockAchievement(achvIdentifier, true,
469  c => c != null && !c.IsDead && !c.IsUnconscious && CombatMission.IsInWinningTeam(c));
471  // Attempt unlocking mission-specific achievement (if one has been set in the achievement backend)
472  UnlockAchievement(mission.Prefab.AchievementIdentifier, true,
473  c => c != null && !c.IsDead && !c.IsUnconscious && CombatMission.IsInWinningTeam(c));
474  }
475  else if (mission is not CombatMission && mission.Completed)
476  {
477  //all characters get an achievement
478  if (GameMain.NetworkMember != null && GameMain.NetworkMember.IsServer)
479  {
480  UnlockAchievement(mission.Prefab.AchievementIdentifier, true, c => c != null);
481  }
482  else
483  {
484  UnlockAchievement(mission.Prefab.AchievementIdentifier);
485  }
486  }
487  }
489  //made it to the destination
490  if (gameSession.Submarine != null && gameSession.Submarine.AtEndExit)
491  {
492  bool noDamageRun = !roundData.SubWasDamaged && !gameSession.Casualties.Any();
494 #if SERVER
495  if (GameMain.Server != null)
496  {
497  //in MP all characters that were inside the sub during reactor meltdown and still alive at the end of the round get an achievement
498  UnlockAchievement("survivereactormeltdown".ToIdentifier(), true, c => c != null && !c.IsDead && roundData.ReactorMeltdown.Contains(c));
499  if (noDamageRun)
500  {
501  UnlockAchievement("nodamagerun".ToIdentifier(), true, c => c != null && !c.IsDead);
502  }
503  }
504 #endif
505 #if CLIENT
506  if (noDamageRun) { UnlockAchievement("nodamagerun".ToIdentifier()); }
507  if (roundData.ReactorMeltdown.Any()) //in SP getting to the destination after a meltdown is enough
508  {
509  UnlockAchievement("survivereactormeltdown".ToIdentifier());
510  }
511 #endif
512  var charactersInSub = Character.CharacterList.FindAll(c =>
513  !c.IsDead &&
514  c.TeamID != CharacterTeamType.FriendlyNPC &&
515  c.AIController is not EnemyAIController &&
516  (c.Submarine == gameSession.Submarine || gameSession.Submarine.GetConnectedSubs().Contains(c.Submarine) || (Level.Loaded?.EndOutpost != null && c.Submarine == Level.Loaded.EndOutpost)));
518  if (charactersInSub.Count == 1)
519  {
520  //there must be some casualties to get the last man standing achievement
521  if (gameSession.Casualties.Any())
522  {
523  UnlockAchievement(charactersInSub[0], "lastmanstanding".ToIdentifier());
524  }
525 #if CLIENT
526  else if (GameMain.GameSession.CrewManager.GetCharacters().Count() == 1)
527  {
528  UnlockAchievement(charactersInSub[0], "lonesailor".ToIdentifier());
529  }
530 #else
531  //lone sailor achievement if alone in the sub and there are no other characters with the same team ID
532  else if (!Character.CharacterList.Any(c =>
533  c != charactersInSub[0] &&
534  c.TeamID == charactersInSub[0].TeamID &&
536  {
537  UnlockAchievement(charactersInSub[0], "lonesailor".ToIdentifier());
538  }
539 #endif
541  }
542  foreach (Character character in charactersInSub)
543  {
544  if (roundData.EnteredCrushDepth.Contains(character))
545  {
546  UnlockAchievement(character, "survivecrushdepth".ToIdentifier());
547  }
548  if (character.Info.Job == null) { continue; }
549  UnlockAchievement(character, $"{character.Info.Job.Prefab.Identifier}round".ToIdentifier());
550  }
551  }
553  pathFinder = null;
554  roundData = null;
555  }
557  private static void UnlockAchievement(Character recipient, Identifier identifier)
558  {
559  if (CheatsEnabled || recipient == null) { return; }
560 #if CLIENT
561  if (recipient == Character.Controlled)
562  {
563  UnlockAchievement(identifier);
564  }
565 #elif SERVER
566  GameMain.Server?.GiveAchievement(recipient, identifier);
567 #endif
568  }
570  private static void IncrementStat(Character recipient, AchievementStat stat, int amount)
571  {
572  if (CheatsEnabled || recipient == null) { return; }
573 #if CLIENT
574  if (recipient == Character.Controlled)
575  {
576  IncrementStat(stat, amount);
577  }
578 #elif SERVER
579  GameMain.Server?.IncrementStat(recipient, stat, amount);
580 #endif
581  }
583  public static void UnlockAchievement(Identifier identifier, bool unlockClients = false, Func<Character, bool> characterConditions = null, Func<Client, bool> clientConditions = null)
584  {
585  if (CheatsEnabled) { return; }
586  if (Screen.Selected is { IsEditor: true }) { return; }
587 #if CLIENT
588  if (GameMain.GameSession?.GameMode is TestGameMode) { return; }
589 #endif
590 #if SERVER
591  if (unlockClients && GameMain.Server != null)
592  {
593  foreach (Client client in GameMain.Server.ConnectedClients)
594  {
595  if (clientConditions != null && !clientConditions(client)) { continue; }
596  if (characterConditions != null && !characterConditions(client.Character)) { continue; }
597  GameMain.Server.GiveAchievement(client, identifier);
598  }
599  }
600 #endif
602 #if CLIENT
603  if (characterConditions != null && !characterConditions(Character.Controlled)) { return; }
604 #endif
606  UnlockAchievementsOnPlatforms(identifier);
607  }
609  private static void UnlockAchievementsOnPlatforms(Identifier identifier)
610  {
611  if (unlockedAchievements.Contains(identifier)) { return; }
613  if (SteamManager.IsInitialized)
614  {
615  if (SteamManager.UnlockAchievement(identifier))
616  {
617  unlockedAchievements.Add(identifier);
618  }
619  }
621  if (EosInterface.Core.IsInitialized)
622  {
623  TaskPool.Add("Eos.UnlockAchievementsOnPlatforms", EosInterface.Achievements.UnlockAchievements(identifier), t =>
624  {
625  if (!t.TryGetResult(out Result<uint, EosInterface.AchievementUnlockError> result)) { return; }
626  if (result.IsSuccess) { unlockedAchievements.Add(identifier); }
627  });
628  }
629  }
631  public static void IncrementStat(AchievementStat stat, float amount)
632  {
633  if (CheatsEnabled) { return; }
635  IncrementStatOnPlatforms(stat, amount);
636  }
638  private static void IncrementStatOnPlatforms(AchievementStat stat, float amount)
639  {
640  if (SteamManager.IsInitialized)
641  {
642  SteamManager.IncrementStats(stat.ToSteam(amount));
643  }
645  if (EosInterface.Core.IsInitialized)
646  {
647  TaskPool.Add("Eos.IncrementStat", EosInterface.Achievements.IngestStats(stat.ToEos(amount)), TaskPool.IgnoredCallback);
648  }
649  }
651  public static void SyncBetweenPlatforms()
652  {
653  if (!SteamManager.IsInitialized || !EosInterface.Core.IsInitialized) { return; }
655  var steamStats = SteamManager.GetAllStats();
657  TaskPool.AddWithResult("Eos.SyncBetweenPlatforms.QueryStats", EosInterface.Achievements.QueryStats(AchievementStatExtension.EosStats), result =>
658  {
659  result.Match(
660  success: stats => SyncStats(stats, steamStats),
661  failure: static error => DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Failed to query stats from EOS: {error}"));
662  });
664  static void SyncStats(ImmutableDictionary<AchievementStat, int> eosStats,
665  ImmutableDictionary<AchievementStat, float> steamStats)
666  {
667  var steamStatsConverted = steamStats.Select(static s => s.Key.ToEos(s.Value)).ToImmutableDictionary(static s => s.Stat, static s => s.Value);
668  var eosStatsConverted = eosStats.Select(static s => s.Key.ToEos(s.Value)).ToImmutableDictionary(static s => s.Stat, static s => s.Value);
670  static int GetStatValue(AchievementStat stat, ImmutableDictionary<AchievementStat, int> stats) => stats.TryGetValue(stat, out int value) ? value : 0;
672  var highestStats = AchievementStatExtension.EosStats.ToDictionary(
673  static key => key,
674  value =>
675  Math.Max(
676  GetStatValue(value, steamStatsConverted),
677  GetStatValue(value, eosStatsConverted)));
679  List<(AchievementStat Stat, int Value)> eosStatsToIngest = new(),
680  steamStatsToIncrement = new();
682  foreach (var (stat, value) in highestStats)
683  {
684  int steamDiff = value - GetStatValue(stat, steamStatsConverted),
685  eosDiff = value - GetStatValue(stat, eosStatsConverted);
687  if (steamDiff > 0) { steamStatsToIncrement.Add((stat, steamDiff)); }
688  if (eosDiff > 0) { eosStatsToIngest.Add((stat, eosDiff)); }
689  }
691  if (steamStatsToIncrement.Any())
692  {
693  SteamManager.IncrementStats(steamStatsToIncrement.Select(static s => s.Stat.ToSteam(s.Value)).ToArray());
694  SteamManager.StoreStats();
695  }
697  if (eosStatsToIngest.Any())
698  {
699  TaskPool.Add("Eos.SyncBetweenPlatforms.IngestStats", EosInterface.Achievements.IngestStats(eosStatsToIngest.ToArray()), TaskPool.IgnoredCallback);
700  }
701  }
703  if (!SteamManager.TryGetUnlockedAchievements(out List<Steamworks.Data.Achievement> steamUnlockedAchievements))
704  {
705  DebugConsole.ThrowError("Failed to query unlocked achievements from Steam");
706  return;
707  }
709  TaskPool.AddWithResult("Eos.SyncBetweenPlatforms.QueryPlayerAchievements", EosInterface.Achievements.QueryPlayerAchievements(), t =>
710  {
711  t.Match(
712  success: eosAchievements => SyncAchievements(eosAchievements, steamUnlockedAchievements),
713  failure: static error => DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Failed to query achievements from EOS: {error}"));
714  });
716  static void SyncAchievements(
717  ImmutableDictionary<Identifier, double> eosAchievements,
718  List<Steamworks.Data.Achievement> steamUnlockedAchievements)
719  {
720  foreach (var (identifier, progress) in eosAchievements)
721  {
722  if (!IsUnlocked(progress)) { continue; }
724  if (steamUnlockedAchievements.Any(a => a.Identifier.ToIdentifier() == identifier)) { continue; }
726  SteamManager.UnlockAchievement(identifier);
727  }
729  List<Identifier> eosAchievementsToUnlock = new();
730  foreach (var achievement in steamUnlockedAchievements)
731  {
732  Identifier identifier = achievement.Identifier.ToIdentifier();
733  if (eosAchievements.TryGetValue(identifier, out double progress) && IsUnlocked(progress)) { continue; }
735  eosAchievementsToUnlock.Add(achievement.Identifier.ToIdentifier());
736  }
738  if (eosAchievementsToUnlock.Any())
739  {
740  TaskPool.Add("Eos.SyncBetweenPlatforms.UnlockAchievements", EosInterface.Achievements.UnlockAchievements(eosAchievementsToUnlock.ToArray()), TaskPool.IgnoredCallback);
741  }
743  static bool IsUnlocked(double progress) => progress >= 100.0d;
744  }
745  }
746  }
747 }
readonly AfflictionPrefab Prefab
Definition: Affliction.cs:12
readonly Identifier AchievementOnReceived
readonly Identifier AchievementOnRemoved
Steam achievement given when the affliction is removed from the controlled character.
readonly Character Killer
Definition: CauseOfDeath.cs:14
readonly Entity DamageSource
Definition: CauseOfDeath.cs:15
Affliction GetAffliction(string identifier, bool allowLimbAfflictions=true)
bool HasEquippedItem(Item item, InvSlotType? slotType=null, Func< InvSlotType, bool > predicate=null)
static readonly Identifier HumanSpeciesName
virtual Vector2 WorldPosition
Definition: Entity.cs:49
Submarine Submarine
Definition: Entity.cs:53
static GameScreen GameScreen
Definition: GameMain.cs:56
static GameServer Server
Definition: GameMain.cs:39
static NetworkMember NetworkMember
Definition: GameMain.cs:41
static GameSession GameSession
Definition: GameMain.cs:45
CharacterTeamType? WinningTeam
Definition: GameSession.cs:105
IEnumerable< Mission > Missions
Definition: GameSession.cs:85
CampaignMode? Campaign
Definition: GameSession.cs:128
int PermadeathCountForAccount(Option< AccountId > accountId)
Definition: GameSession.cs:100
IEnumerable< Character > Casualties
Definition: GameSession.cs:88
readonly EventManager EventManager
Definition: GameSession.cs:69
CrewManager? CrewManager
Definition: GameSession.cs:75
static readonly List< Item > ItemList
float GetRealWorldDepth(float worldPositionY)
Calculate the "real" depth in meters from the surface of Europa (the value you see on the nav termina...
float RealWorldCrushDepth
The crush depth of a non-upgraded submarine in "real world units" (meters from the surface of Europa)...
readonly Identifier AchievementIdentifier
Marks fields and properties as to be serialized and deserialized by INetSerializableStruct....
void GiveAchievement(Character character, Identifier achievementIdentifier)
Definition: GameServer.cs:4124
override IReadOnlyList< Client > ConnectedClients
Definition: GameServer.cs:117
void IncrementStat(Character character, AchievementStat stat, int amount)
Definition: GameServer.cs:4136
SteeringPath FindPath(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Submarine hostSub=null, string errorMsgStr=null, float minGapSize=0, Func< PathNode, bool > startNodeFilter=null, Func< PathNode, bool > endNodeFilter=null, Func< PathNode, bool > nodeFilter=null, bool checkVisibility=true)
Definition: PathFinder.cs:173
readonly Identifier Identifier
Definition: Prefab.cs:34
static Screen Selected
Definition: Screen.cs:5
bool SectionIsLeaking(int sectionIndex)
Sections that are leaking have a gap placed on them
static Submarine MainSub
Note that this can be null in some situations, e.g. editors and missions that don't load a submarine.
IEnumerable< Submarine > GetConnectedSubs()
Returns a list of all submarines that are connected to this one via docking ports,...
float? RealWorldDepth
How deep down the sub is from the surface of Europa in meters (affected by level type,...
static List< WayPoint > WayPointList
Definition: WayPoint.cs:18