Server LuaCsForBarotrauma
1 using System;
2 using System.Linq;
4 namespace Barotrauma
5 {
7  {
8  // Used for prisoner escorts to allow them to escape their binds
9  public override Identifier Identifier { get; set; } = "escape handcuffs".ToIdentifier();
10  public override bool AllowAutomaticItemUnequipping => true;
11  protected override bool AllowOutsideSubmarine => true;
12  protected override bool AllowInAnySub => true;
14  private int escapeProgress;
15  private bool isBeingWatched;
17  private readonly bool shouldSwitchTeams;
19  const string EscapeTeamChangeIdentifier = "escape";
21  public AIObjectiveEscapeHandcuffs(Character character, AIObjectiveManager objectiveManager, bool shouldSwitchTeams = true, bool beginInstantly = false, float priorityModifier = 1) : base(character, objectiveManager, priorityModifier)
22  {
23  this.shouldSwitchTeams = shouldSwitchTeams;
24  if (beginInstantly)
25  {
26  escapeTimer = EscapeIntervalTimer;
27  }
28  }
30  public override bool CanBeCompleted => true;
31  protected override bool CheckObjectiveState() => false;
33  // escape timer is set to 60 by default to allow players to locate prisoners in time
34  private float escapeTimer = 60f;
35  private const float EscapeIntervalTimer = 7.5f;
37  private float updateTimer;
38  private const float UpdateIntervalTimer = 4f;
40  protected override float GetPriority()
41  {
42  Priority = !isBeingWatched && character.LockHands ? AIObjectiveManager.LowestOrderPriority - 1 : 0;
43  return Priority;
44  }
46  public override void Update(float deltaTime)
47  {
48  updateTimer -= deltaTime;
49  if (updateTimer <= 0.0f)
50  {
51  if (shouldSwitchTeams)
52  {
53  if (!character.LockHands)
54  {
55  if (!character.HasTeamChange(EscapeTeamChangeIdentifier))
56  {
58  }
59  }
60  else
61  {
62  character.TryRemoveTeamChange(EscapeTeamChangeIdentifier);
63  }
64  }
66  isBeingWatched = false;
67  foreach (Character otherCharacter in Character.CharacterList)
68  {
69  if (HumanAIController.IsActive(otherCharacter) && otherCharacter.TeamID == CharacterTeamType.Team1 && HumanAIController.VisibleHulls.Contains(otherCharacter.CurrentHull)) // hasn't been tested yet
70  {
71  isBeingWatched = true; // act casual when player characters are around
72  escapeProgress = 0;
73  break;
74  }
75  }
76  updateTimer = UpdateIntervalTimer * Rand.Range(0.75f, 1.25f);
77  }
78  }
80  protected override void Act(float deltaTime)
81  {
84  escapeTimer -= deltaTime;
85  if (escapeTimer <= 0.0f)
86  {
87  escapeProgress += Rand.Range(2, 5);
88  if (escapeProgress > 15)
89  {
90  foreach (var it in character.HeldItems)
91  {
92  if (it.HasTag(Tags.HandLockerItem) && it.IsInteractable(character))
93  {
94  it.Drop(character);
95  }
96  }
97  }
98  escapeTimer = EscapeIntervalTimer * Rand.Range(0.75f, 1.25f);
99  }
100  }
101  public override void Reset()
102  {
103  base.Reset();
104  escapeProgress = 0;
105  }
106  }
107 }
IEnumerable< Hull > VisibleHulls
Returns hulls that are visible to the character, including the current hull. Note that this is not an...
AIObjectiveEscapeHandcuffs(Character character, AIObjectiveManager objectiveManager, bool shouldSwitchTeams=true, bool beginInstantly=false, float priorityModifier=1)
override bool CheckObjectiveState()
Should return whether the objective is completed or not.
float Priority
Final priority value after all calculations.
Definition: AIObjective.cs:84
readonly Character character
Definition: AIObjective.cs:112
readonly AIObjectiveManager objectiveManager
Definition: AIObjective.cs:113
const float LowestOrderPriority
Maximum priority of an order given to the character (rightmost order in the crew list)
bool TryAddNewTeamChange(string identifier, ActiveTeamChange newTeamChange)
IEnumerable< Item >?? HeldItems
Items the character has in their hand slots. Doesn't return nulls and only returns items held in both...
static bool IsActive(Character c)